Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 971

The black feather eagle king flies carefully, because it is too dangerous here. If he is a little careless, he may die.

"Master, this place has the strength of some creatures. I\'m afraid it can kill me.".

The black feather eagle king explained.

Lin Feng was surprised. If he could kill the black feather eagle king, the fierce beasts here would be too powerful.


Suddenly, the earth cracked and a mass of black fog surged out. In the black fog, a huge tentacle appeared, and the tentacle pulled towards the black feather eagle king.

"Master, close your breath quickly. This is the king of thousands of chapters of poison. His whole body is extremely poisonous. It\'s a near death when he meets it"!

The black feather eagle king cried in horror.

It suddenly flapped its wings and soared into the sky, narrowly avoiding the attack of the tentacle.

But at this time, the tentacles continued to extend that day, and the poisonous fog surged out. The general poisonous fog covered Lin Feng and the black feather eagle king cage.

These poisonous fog are very terrible. Even without breathing, the poisonous fog can penetrate into the body through the skin.

The black feather eagle king\'s whole body twitched and his body was shaky.

"Eat it", Lin Feng quickly threw the antidote pill refined in the death swamp to the black feather eagle king.

Although the black feather eagle king was much better after eating, he still felt weak. The antidote pill could not completely remove the strong poison from the thousand chapter poison King\'s body.

In the depth of the poisonous fog, you can see a huge shadow, which should be the king of thousands of chapters.

At this moment, the thousand chapter poison King released more violent poison, and there were poison laws in the void.

These highly toxic laws, once touched, will corrode the flesh, which is very terrible.


Lin Feng rushed towards the thousand chapter poison king.

The poison is so terrible that the king of thousand chapters hides in the depths of the poison and attacks him and the king of black feather eagle.

Lin Feng knows that it\'s absolutely impossible to be beaten passively.

If you keep being passive like this, you will be poisoned sooner or later.

Lin Feng is surrounded by two kinds of sky fires.

The sound of hissing came out, and the sky fire continued to burn the highly toxic gushing into his body.

Although it is impossible to completely resist the strong poison, it can still resist most of the strong poison.

This is enough. Lin Feng holds the black dragon sword. Now Lin Feng\'s combat power is comparable to the eternal giant in the realm of life and death, and the power of the black dragon sword can be really activated.

Powerful mana poured into the black dragon sword. The spirit of the black dragon sword is recovering.

"Great dark dragon, swallow the blood of the evil spirit.". The spirit of black dragon sword made a deep roar.

A huge black dragon appeared.

Lin Feng, holding the black dragon sword, cut and killed the thousand chapter poison king in the depths of the poison fog.

At this time, Lin Feng finally saw the appearance of the thousand chapter poison king. He saw that the thousand chapter poison king was like a big octopus, but his body was as dark as ink, and he had 81 eyes, each of which glittered with a dark awn.

When Lin Feng killed the thousand chapter poison king with his sword, the thousand chapter poison King screamed.

"Human humble mole ants dare to intrude into Shenwu mountain without permission. They simply don\'t know whether to live or die.".

The voice fell, and more than a dozen thick tentacles of the thousand chapter poison King smoked towards Lin Feng.


Eighty one dark awns shot from the eighty-one eyes of the thousand chapter poison king. Each awn has the power to penetrate the void.

Then the thousand chapter poison King opened his mouth.

Hoo Hoo

More violent poison gas spewed out, and terrible things happened. The poison fog spewed out by the thousand chapter poison king even corroded the void.

I saw that there were lacquer black cracks in the void. Those cracks were void cracks.

It can be seen how terrible the poison of Qianzhang poison king is.


Facing the attack of Qianzhang poison king, Lin Feng sneered.

The fighting method of monks depends not only on their strength.

It depends on the magic weapon in your hand.

Because the magic weapon itself is a part of strength.

The thousand chapter poison king is really terrible.


The thousand chapter poison king has no magic weapon. Lin Feng has all kinds of powerful magic weapons.

Facing the attack of Qianzhang poison king, Lin Feng first offered up the heaven swallowing pot.

The sky swallowing jar emits strong suction.

The poisonous gas surging in the void was swallowed up by the heaven swallowing jar in an instant.

Then Lin Feng offered up the seven treasures glass pagoda, a medium-level defense device to protect his body.

When the cold light from the 81 eyes of the thousand chapter poison king came, he was immediately resisted by the seven treasure glass tower.

Lin Feng\'s sword has been killed.


The black dragon sword directly cut off a tentacle, and the thousand chapter poison King roared in pain.

The remaining tentacles of Qianzhang poison King wound around Lin Feng.

Lin Feng is about to retreat and avoid the attack of the tentacle of the thousand chapter poison king.

Because he plans to fight the thousand chapter poison king.

As long as the tentacles of the thousand chapter poison king are cut off, the thousand chapter poison king is like a cultivator whose arms are cut off. His strength will definitely plummet. It will be much easier to kill the thousand chapter poison king at that time.

But just as he was about to step back, something moved Lin Feng appeared.

The runes on the black dragon sword flickered.


Then the black dragon sword trembled violently.

A powerful force suddenly shook from the black dragon sword.

The force made Lin Feng\'s arm numb.

The black dragon sword came out.


The black light flashed suddenly, and the sound of dragon singing came from the black dragon sword.

With a puff, the black dragon sword pierced the head of the thousand chapter poison king.

The thousand chapter poison king made a painful roar. This statue was extremely powerful, so the head was pierced, but it was only injured and would not die. The tentacle of the thousand chapter poison King wrapped around the handle of the black dragon sword and wanted to pull the black dragon sword out of the head.

But it was too late. The black dragon sword devoured the flesh and blood spirit of the thousand chapter poison king.

It was only a dozen breaths. The body shape was 100 meters. Like a meat mountain, the Qianzhang poison king was completely swallowed up by the black dragon sword.

There is only a layer of skin left.

The smell of black dragon sword became more and more terrible.

This treasure is really strange. It is worthy of being an artifact.

"However, the second seal is still very powerful. The black dragon beat the second seal one claw after another, but it still failed to destroy the second seal.

"Let me give you a hand"! Lin Feng directly put some of the origin of God into the black dragon sword.

The spirit black dragon devoured the origin of God, and its strength suddenly increased and continued to claw three times.

Click, click.

The second seal of the black dragon sword was torn by the black dragon.

Lin Feng grabbed the black dragon sword, gave a cold drink and split it out.


The void was split by Lin Feng\'s sword.

The terrible time-space countercurrent gushed out of the split place, and a large number of flowers, trees, mountains and rocks flew to the void crack.

There was a loud bang.

A ten thousand meter mountain in the distance was also sucked by the split void, and was swallowed up by the split void in an instant.