Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 970

"Master, sit down. I\'m taking off.". The black feather eagle king roared.


The next moment, it turned into a golden lightning and rushed to the distance. In the blink of an eye, it had rushed into the clouds.

After Lin Feng and the black feather eagle king left.

In the forest, a monk flew out.

These friars are also those who have an eye on Lin Feng and have bad intentions for Lin Feng.

But these people didn\'t do it immediately. They wanted to wait until Lin Feng and the sunset sword sect killed each other and hurt both sides.

This kind of thing happens every day after the mantis catches the cicada and the Yellow finch.

But they didn\'t expect that Lin Feng would be so terrible. He was almost in the state of dry oil and lamp. He also killed more than a dozen experts of sunset sword sect.

This is not the most terrible.

The most frightening thing is that in such a bad state, he subdued the black feather eagle king, which is a monk equivalent to the ancient giant level of the Terran.

The black feather eagle\'s nest is located on the top of a ten thousand meter mountain.

It\'s snowy and cold here.

Lin Feng sat cross legged, recovering his mana.

A day later, Lin Feng adjusted his state to the best.

"Breaking through the realm of nature, my combat power has improved by leaps and bounds. I just don\'t know how many days I can fight with the monks in the realm of life and death?".

Lin Feng raised his eyebrows slightly.

The only thing Lin Feng can confirm now is that the friars at the early stage of the realm of life and death (one, two, three days) should be difficult to be their own opponents.

As for the middle-level friars in the realm of life and death, they should have a lot of trouble to deal with.

Of course, this is just Lin Feng\'s speculation. We still need to wait until we fight to know which level of the eternal giants we can compete with.

"Black feather eagle king! You have strength now, but your combat power is much worse than that of the human giants of the same level. This is because you have not cultivated a powerful magic power. Today I will teach you a magic power to improve your strength.".

Lin Feng looked at the black feather eagle king lying not far away.

Kuroha Takao raised his head and spit out his words. "Master, I am a fierce bird, and I have opened my mind by accident, and gradually learned how to absorb the essence of sun and moon. Although my intelligence has been the same as that of normal human beings, my understanding is very poor. Even though my master has taught me magic, it is hard for me to practice success."

Lin Feng said, "before you practice, you have already quit. It is naturally difficult to succeed in practice. You should have confidence in yourself. Look at those demon friars who are stronger than human friars in strength and understanding.".

The black feather Eagle said, "master, I\'m not backing out. We fierce birds and beasts are different from the demon family. After countless years of inheritance, many demon families have been very similar to humans, and even the development of the brain is very similar, so the understanding of the demon family is very high, and the brain structure of our fierce birds and beasts is very different from that of the demon family, and the understanding is very poor".

"Poor savvy doesn\'t mean no savvy. Now I teach you an ancient magic power, feifeng claw. You\'re good at studying. If I see you slack, I\'ll smoke your centenary yuan. If I dare to save slack again, I\'ll smoke your centenary yuan. If I see you slack for the third time, I\'ll take your life, because I don\'t need a mount that doesn\'t want to make progress".

Lin Feng said faintly.

"Master, calm down. I will understand the flying phoenix claw well"! The black feather eagle king immediately shouted, full of begging expression.

This guy doesn\'t go to the house for three days.

If you don\'t force it to practice.

The black feather eagle king will not practice honestly.

This flying phoenix claw was found by Lin Feng from a storage ring. Lin Feng doesn\'t know whose storage ring it is.

Because he has killed many strong people and collected many storage rings, it is naturally impossible to remember who owns these storage rings together?

Among these storage rings, Lin Feng collected all kinds of magical powers, but Lin Feng seldom practiced other magical powers except ancient ones.

Feifeng claw is an ancient supernatural power level. The black feather eagle king has general understanding.

So it\'s hard to understand the ancient magic power.

If you give it ancient supernatural powers, ancient supernatural powers are not appropriate. After all, the black feather eagle king is already a realm of life and death.

Ancient supernatural powers and ancient supernatural powers can not show the strength of black feather eagle.

Therefore, the ancient magic power is the most suitable. Lin Feng personally demonstrated the cultivation method of flying phoenix claw for the black feather eagle king.

Then Lin Feng branded these cultivation images in the mind of the black feather eagle king.

At the same time, tell the black feather eagle king that whenever he meets a place that he doesn\'t understand in practice, he will carefully watch the magic image in his mind.

No pressure, no power.

The black feather eagle king hung a sword on his head, and his cultivation speed was almost rapid.

In ten days, you have become a flying phoenix claw.

The black feather eagle king couldn\'t believe that he could cultivate other powers than life.

And it took only ten days.

After the breakthrough, the black feather eagle king can be said to be in high spirits.

It continuously looked for powerful fierce beasts to challenge, and defeated several fierce beasts with higher cultivation than it, which made the black feather eagle king very excited.

Lin Feng was also not idle.

He also constantly challenged powerful beasts to sharpen his cultivation.

After fighting for life and death again and again, Lin Feng\'s cultivation has made great progress.

However, in the process of fighting the fierce * * hand, Lin Feng saw a towering mountain in the depths of the jungle.

That day, he asked the black feather eagle king about the mysterious mountain, "big black, where is the mountain in the depths of the jungle?".

The black feather eagle king said, "it\'s Shenwu mountain. It\'s shrouded in fog for dozens of miles around. It doesn\'t disperse all year round. That place is very dangerous. Even the most powerful fierce birds and beasts won\'t get involved easily.".

Lin Feng said, "is the Shenwu mountain so strange?".

"Yes, in those years, a king of fierce animals entered it, but outside, we only heard the scream of the king, and then the voice disappeared. We should die in it. You know, the king of fierce animals was more than dozens of times stronger than me now.".

The black feather eagle king said solemnly.

"Let\'s go to Shenwu mountain.". Lin Feng said.

"Master, you can\'t go there. There are many powerful beasts around Shenwu mountain. We won\'t let us pass. Even if we can enter Shenwu mountain through the territory of those beasts, we will die.". The black feather eagle king said in a trembling voice.

Shenwu mountain is obviously a taboo existence in the heart of the black feather eagle king.

Lin Feng said, "I feel very extraordinary about Shenwu mountain. Maybe there will be some unimaginable things in Shenwu mountain.".

Lin Feng jumped on the back of the black feather eagle king and sat cross legged.

The black feather eagle king did not dare to disobey Lin Feng\'s words, rose into the sky and flew in the direction of Shenwu mountain.

"What a powerful blood. Who entered the range of Shenwu mountain?". When the black feather eagle king carried Lin Feng into the deep area of the jungle, a terrible creature opened his eyes and a breath of ancient times filled out.