Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 967

Demon snake robbery.

This is another kind of thunder robbery with amazing power.

The demon snake spits out the snake core and kills Lin Feng.

A destructive force surges up in the void, which is the destructive force contained in thunder robbery.

The demon snake fell from the sky and pulled its huge tail towards Lin Feng.

Lin Feng didn\'t keep it. He ran the supreme reincarnation fist and killed the demon snake.

Now, it is the best opportunity to hone the supreme reincarnation boxing.

Lin Feng\'s fist shook the void.

A punch is more violent than a punch.

Nine fists in a row, the demon snake broke.

Lin Feng stood in the void with a slightly dignified look, because the thunder robbery was too terrible this time.

"If the way of heaven wants to erase me, I will break the way of heaven!"

Lin Feng roared, and his fighting spirit became higher and higher.

Lin Feng has always been this unyielding character.

He is determined to fight! Fighting potential! White tiger kill!

These are the three "potentials" mastered by Lin Feng.

Now the three "potentials" are superimposed together.

Lin Feng\'s momentum has been elevated to a peak level.

The third thunderstorm came down. This one was a stone knife.

Stone tools are synonymous with power. Stone knives cut down and broke the world.


Lin Feng roared and rushed to the stone knife.

The supreme reincarnation fist swept out again.

Bang bang!

Three punches down and the stone knife breaks.

This third thunder robbery is obviously much more powerful than the second thunder robbery.

Facing the more powerful thunder robbery, Lin Feng broke it with three fists.

This is naturally because the three "potentials" have added strong combat effectiveness to Lin Feng.


Boom, boom!

One thunderstorm after another came down.

Lin Feng successfully resisted nine thunder robberies in a row.

Originally, Lin Feng thought he had succeeded in the robbery, but what Lin Feng didn\'t expect was.

Above the sky, a more terrible thunderstorm came out.

There was a loud bang.

A big river composed of thunder flows out. The big river suddenly rises in tide and suddenly floods break out.

"Flood robbery".

Once a monk is involved in the flood, it is like ordinary people being swept away by the flood.

In this case, it\'s a close call.

"Shit! The tenth thunder robbery!"


Lin Feng was speechless. He once saw shuilingyu crossing the realm of fortune. He only crossed nine thunder robberies. Shuilingyu successfully crossed the realm of fortune.

And now I have to cross the tenth thunder robbery.

Lin Feng is quite depressed.

The fate of heaven and earth is generally "nine ways".

However, between heaven and earth, there are always some demons.

Even the "heavenly way" does not allow people like them to appear.

A more powerful thunderstorm will come.

There will be more thunderstorms.

Lin Feng is one of the demons.

Therefore, he robbed more than nine times.

It\'s not particularly incredible.


The waves that destroyed the sky and the earth shook in the void, and the flood swept through and drowned Lin Feng.

The flood is formed by the power of thunder, which constantly destroys Lin Feng\'s body.

I cut the flood with a knife.

Lin Feng roared, and he tried his best to urge crack sky.

Three "potentials" plus "crack the sky".

At that moment.

Lin Fenghua for a knife light.


The flood was chopped up by Lin Feng.


Boom, boom!

At this time, a new thunder disaster came down.

The eleventh thunder robbery condensed into a heavenly demon.

This is a demon robbery.

Jie Jie Jie!

The devil sent out a sound of Yin pity and came towards Lin Feng.

"Don\'t say that the devil robbed me, even if the young emperor was killed.".

Lin Feng sneered and rose into the sky.

After the Tianmo robbery, there were all kinds of thunder robbers.

Twenty seven thunderstorms in a row.

Lin Feng\'s body is torn apart. Now he can\'t bear the state after the three "potentials" are opened at the same time.

But the smell of thunder in the sky is getting stronger and stronger.

Obviously, the thunder robbery has not dispersed.

"How many thunder robbers are we going to cross?".

Lin Feng smiled bitterly. He had never heard of such a thunder robbery. Now, it makes Lin Feng miserable.

In the mountains and forests not far away, there are more than a dozen monks hidden.

These friars are the strong ones who have an eye on Lin Feng.

"How many thunder robbers does this guy have to cross?".

The strong men looked at each other and were completely shocked.

"No matter how many thunder robbers, the boy will die today.". The faces of these people were grimacing.

Kill and loot!

They took a fancy to the sky fire on Lin Feng.

And obviously, Lin Feng has more than sky fire. In their opinion, Lin Feng even took out the three color divine stone to exchange for the best spiritual stone.

Well, Lin Feng is probably not a three color God stone.

In the eyes of these monks, Lin Feng is just a lamb to be slaughtered.



The roar shook the sky.

It is made of white tiger.

This is the white tiger robbery.

The "white tiger", one of the five sacred beasts, is the master of killing.


Lin Feng drank coldly, rose into the sky and killed the white tiger.

The two sides fought together.

Lin Feng\'s left arm was almost torn off by the white tiger.

But in the end, the white tiger was killed by Lin Feng.

Forty nine thunder robbers came down.

Several thunder robberies behind almost completely destroyed Lin Feng.

His body was blown open, white bones.

This is an almost fatal injury. If someone else had been replaced, he would have died miserably.

But Lin Feng survived hard with the immortal body.

But even so, his injury was too serious, his mana had dried up, and an unprecedented sense of weakness swept through.

After the 49th thunderstorm came down, the thunder sea in the sky began to dissipate.

Lin Feng was finally able to breathe. Now he is extremely weak and the immortal god body can\'t work.

If a few more thunder robbers come down.

Well, Lin Feng knows he has only one way to die.


"It\'s not suitable to stay here for a long time".

Lin Feng took a deep breath and tried to take a breath.

He turned and flew away.

But at this time, shadows came from a distance.

Each breath is strong.

They are all monks in the realm of creation.

"Boy, it\'s really awesome. It\'s an eye opener for us to survive 49 thunder robberies.".

A monk sneered.

Lin Feng raised his eyelids and said, "you\'re welcome. I don\'t know what advice you have come here?"

The leading friar laughed, "give us your storage ring, and then hand over the sky fire. How about we spare you from death?".

Lin Feng sneered and said, "just because you want to touch my baby?".

"Boy, if you were in your heyday, we might be afraid of one or two, but now that you have just passed the robbery and your mana has dried up, I can kill you thousands of times.".

As the voice fell, a friar in blue came to Lin Feng. He was a five Heaven cultivation in the realm of creation. He blew away at Lin Feng with one palm.


Lin fengleng shouted and leaned out his right hand. The terrible suction surged out of his palm.

The monk of the five Heaven realm of creation flew to Lin Feng uncontrollably.

The next moment, he came to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng grabbed his head.

The powerful power of swallowing surged out and enveloped the friar.


The Friar\'s body exploded directly, leaving only the original energy.

All the original energy was swallowed up by Lin Feng.

The mana that had dried up in Lin Feng\'s body quickly recovered.

"You are the devil...". The faces of the other dozen monks suddenly changed.

Only magic repair can engulf the essence of others\' lives to restore or enhance their cultivation.

And Lin Feng\'s ability seems to be much more terrible than many demon cultivation.

This made a group of monks look extremely gloomy.

But they were not afraid, for there were many people on their side.

Lin Feng is still very weak. This is the best chance to kill Lin Feng.

The leading friar waved his hand, and more than a dozen friars scattered.

These people opened the distance from Lin Feng and wanted to besiege Lin Feng from a long distance.


The light flickered, all kinds of magic weapons flew out and suspended in the air, and each magic weapon sent out violent fluctuations.

"Boy, look how you die.". The leading friar smiled grimly, and more than a dozen experts offered powerful magic weapons to deal with Lin Feng. They believed that Lin Feng, who was almost exhausted, would die.