Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 966

There are more than 20 monks, male and female. The first one is a female monk. Looking at her in her mid-20s, she outlined her perfect figure in a tight black robe, matched with her cold face.

It has attracted the attention of many people.

"What\'s up?" Lin Feng frowned slightly and looked at the group.

The woman in black didn\'t seem to hear Lin Feng\'s words.

Her eyes turned to shuilingyu hiding behind Lin Feng.

"Lingyu, don\'t come out soon.". The woman in black had a cold voice.

Lin Feng was surprised. He didn\'t expect that these people actually knew shuilingyu. It seems that they are probably the same door of shuilingyu.

"Sister......". Shuiling Yuqiao has a weak voice.

The woman in black is shuilingyu\'s sister.

This is something Lin Feng didn\'t think of.

"Now that the Navy sister has found her people, let\'s say goodbye here.". Lin Feng said.

"No"! Hearing that Lin Feng was leaving, Shuiling was worried when it rained.


One eye looked at shuilingyu.

Obviously, the woman in black and others know the character of shuilingyu very well.

Shui Lingyu is a shy person. He won\'t contact male Xiu on weekdays. Now, Lin Feng says he wants to leave. Is Shui Lingyu such a big reaction?

Many people murmured.

Could it be that some "special things" happened between Lin Feng and shuilingyu that made shuilingyu so dependent on Lin Feng? Reluctant to leave Lin Feng.

Many people looked at Lin Feng with envy, because many of shuilingyu\'s classmates had pursued shuilingyu, but shuilingyu turned a blind eye.

But now the beautiful flower of shuilingyu seems to have a heart. How can they not be jealous?

Shuilingyu blushed. She also knew that when she just shouted those words, others would guess the relationship between her and Lin Feng.

But shuilingyu doesn\'t want to refute anything.

Although Lin Feng didn\'t do anything "too much" to her during this period of time.

However, the conservative shuilingyu has long been secretly promised.

Shuilingyu has courage to face his feelings.

"Younger martial sister Shui is the safest to stay with her people.". Lin Feng Road.

Shuilingyu is a little sad.

But she also knows Lin Feng\'s character.

Since Lin Feng has planned to leave, Shui Lingyu knows that he can\'t keep Lin Feng.

"You come with me, I have something to tell you," Shui Lingyu said, biting his lips.

Lin Feng nodded. He thought of the woman in black and others, hugged them, and then left with shuilingyu.

"Younger martial sister Shui, you......". Lin Feng is going to ask what shuilingyu wants to say.

The pink lips of shuilingyu have been printed.

Lin Feng\'s eyes widened.

He did not expect that shuilingyu, such a shy woman, could do such a special thing, which was completely beyond Lin Feng\'s expectation.

After shuilingyu and Lin Feng separated her lips, she had a pretty pink face and Xiafei\'s temples. Although she was shy, she still firmly raised her head, looked at Lin Feng and said softly, "senior brother, don\'t forget Lingyu".

Then he ran away.

Looking at the back of shuilingyu leaving, Lin Feng sighed slightly.

I didn\'t want to provoke shuilingyu.

However, the water spirit rain is like a moth to the fire.

Men are too attractive.

Sometimes it\'s a mistake.


After seeing shuilingyu coming back, shuilingbing didn\'t ask much. She left with shuilingyu, but shuilingyu\'s spirit was in a trance all the way.

Shui lingbing asked, "where are the martial brothers and sisters with you?".

Shuilingyu\'s tears suddenly fell down and said, "I died miserably under the claws of the fierce beast. I was saved by senior brother Lin before I could survive.".

It is said that the rest of his classmates have died, and Shui lingbing and others can\'t help showing their sadness.

They have seen too many deaths. Now, the only thing to be thankful for is that shuilingyu is still alive.

"I didn\'t expect that the man was still your life-saving benefactor. I forgot to thank him. I lost some courtesy, but the man\'s cultivation was not very high. He was lucky to save you in danger.". Shui lingbing said.

Shuilingyu immediately said, "elder sister, elder martial brother Lin is very powerful"!

Shui lingbing and others shook their heads slightly and didn\'t say anything more. They didn\'t think so. How many accomplishments can a young monk who hasn\'t even broken through the realm of creation?

In a hidden valley, large arrays interweave and completely hide it.

In the cave, there are mountain like top-grade spiritual stones stacked.

A young friar sat cross legged and was absorbing the energy of these spirit stones.

This monk is Lin Feng.

A lot of energy is absorbed by Lin Feng. In Lin Feng\'s body, the law begins to condense.

It is intertwined by root rules.

Ordinary friars break through the realm of nature, but only condense a law.

And Lin Feng, unexpectedly condensed out 300 rules.

This is because Lin Feng\'s savings are too strong, so the laws condensed from the same level are far more than other monks.

After condensing 300 rules, the number of rules in Lin Feng\'s body reached 3300.

Lin Feng\'s immortal blood has also been further transformed.

16% from recovery.

To 20 percent recovery.

This is a major transformation.

Recover 20% of the undead blood, Lin Feng will awaken new "abilities". You should know that Lin Feng\'s undead blood contains nine abilities, and now he has awakened the "nine steps of death". With the gradual recovery of blood, the rest of his abilities will gradually awaken.

At the center of Lin Feng\'s eyebrows, a robbery light was formed.

Above the sky, there are dark clouds and thunder is coming.

Lin Feng directly removed the big array. He rose to the sky to resist the thunder robbery.


The first thunder hit down, like an immortal ancient mountain range, endless, heavy and oppressive.

This is "Shenshan robbery".

Is an extremely rare fate.

It is said that the ancient sage emperor "Yu" in the archaic era once passed the "holy mountain robbery".


Shenshan robbery was really terrible. It came from repression and swept Lin Feng out.

Click, click.

The flesh as strong as Lin Feng was unbearable and began to crumble.

This kind of doom is much stronger than when Lin Feng broke through the eight fold heaven of yin and Yang.

Shenshan suppressed again and wanted to erase Lin Feng.

Lin Feng looked indifferent and rose to the sky, waving his right fist.

Thirty six punches in a row.


The huge mountain formed by thunder robbery was smashed by Lin Feng\'s fist.

At this time, the second thunder robbery was brewing in the sky.

It was a demon snake with cold eyes sweeping towards Lin Feng in the void.