Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 968

More than a dozen magic weapons came towards Lin Feng, and the leading friar offered a middle-level Taoist instrument cold iron ruler.

The attacks of these people were fierce and violent, and the void trembled slightly.

Their wishful thinking is extremely good, because Lin Feng\'s state is really too bad now. Even if he devours the origin of a monk, he is still far from recovery.

If it were someone else, they might be killed by a group of people with magic weapons.

However, it is not feasible to deal with Lin Feng in this way.

Because Lin Feng has a tin of swallowing heaven.


Lin Feng waved his right hand.

The heaven swallowing jar was sacrificed by Lin Feng. The power of swallowing roared out, and more than a dozen powerful magic weapons were rolled up in an instant.

These magic weapons were originally used to kill Lin Feng, but now they all turned around and flew towards the sky swallowing pot.

"What magic weapon is this? It\'s so weird?".

A series of incredible exclamations came out. Everyone was shocked. It was too strange that there were magic weapons that could forcibly devour other magic weapons.

"It\'s really a demon cultivation. Even the magic weapon is so strange. We take back the magic weapon and use magic power to deal with him.".

The leading friar shouted in a deep voice.

Although everyone in tianwu mainland shouted at the devil friar.

However, the devil friars are feared by countless people.

Because the means of the devil friar are too strange and terrible.

These people wanted to recall their magic weapons, but Lin Feng said with a sneer, "don\'t you think it\'s too late to recall now?".

Lin Feng knew that his mana was limited, so he didn\'t hesitate to put all his mana into the heaven swallowing pot.


The sky swallowing jar erupted into a powerful swallowing force. More than a dozen magic weapons, including the Taoist instrument, flew towards the sky swallowing jar.

More than a dozen monks\' faces changed again and again. They tried to manipulate their magic weapon to get rid of the swallowing of heaven swallowing cans, but they couldn\'t do it at all.

First of all, more than a dozen peak treasure vessels or semi-finished Taoist vessels were swallowed by heaven swallowing cans.

Then came the cold iron ruler.


The magic weapons of more than a dozen monks were forcibly plundered, and one by one they were eaten back, spitting out a mouthful of blood, and their faces were as white as paper.

"You robbed our magic weapon. You deserve to die. Everyone, try your best to kill him. I don\'t know how many of the various treasures on this boy are. As long as you can kill him, it\'s worth the price.".

The leading friar shouted in a deep voice.

His remarks were quickly echoed by the rest of the people.

The rest of the friars also had fierce eyes, and their eyes twinkled with a sense of killing. More than a dozen people urged their magic powers to attack Lin Feng.

"Flame God wave palm".

"Burning anger".

"Fist shock all sides".

"The river turns upside down".

"Stars fall".


All kinds of powerful attacks came out and smashed at Lin Feng.


Lin Feng was immediately drowned by these magical powers. His body fell down. His whole body was dripping with blood and fell to the ground.


A friar whispered.

Go and have a look.

The leading friar said that he was very cautious. Instead of sending someone alone, he acted together. If there was a danger.

They can handle it, too.


Lin Feng coughed violently.

The monks were surprised.

Just now, Lin Feng has been attacked by more than a dozen people. He is almost in the state that the oil is exhausted and the lamp is dry. He hasn\'t died yet?

How powerful is the flesh? To withstand such a powerful attack without dying?

Everyone was shocked, but it also strengthened their determination to kill Lin Feng.


These friars gathered their magical powers in the air again and killed Lin Feng who had just climbed up from the ground.

"Golden body and wings: shrink to an inch!"

Lin Feng whispered, stepped out in one step, and rushed out in an instant.

The attack of more than a dozen experts killed Lin Feng where he stood.

But Lin Feng has left early.


The earth collapsed under their attack.

Lin Feng rushed into the crowd.

"Boy, how dare you eat sheep into a tiger? There\'s a hole in your head?".

Seeing that Lin Feng rushed into the crowd on his own initiative, a monk immediately showed a grim smile.

He is about to gather magic power to deal with Lin Feng.

But Lin Feng moved sideways in the void, showed the means of "shrinking the ground into an inch" again, and came to him.

Shrinking to inches is a secret skill recorded in the separation of the ancient holy emperor golden winged Mirs king. This is the power of pure flesh. It moves quickly and will not consume mana.

Of course, this means has great requirements for the flesh.

If the physical body is not strong enough and is forced to display, the physical body is likely to disintegrate in mid air, and it will die miserably at that time.

However, Lin Feng\'s flesh surpasses the gods and demons. Naturally, there is no problem.

Lin Feng, who had shrunk to an inch, was so fast that the friar didn\'t react at all. Lin Feng had grabbed his head and made a sudden effort.

Lin Fengchun has no problem fighting dragons with his physical strength.

The Friar\'s body exploded, and all his original strength was swallowed up by Lin Feng in an instant.

"Boy, die.".

Behind him came the sound of cold drinking. A monk behind Lin Feng launched a sneak attack on Lin Feng.

But his attack had not killed Lin Feng. Suddenly, he was shocked to find that his body was imprisoned in the air.

I can\'t move.

After Lin Feng swallowed the source of the friar just now, his mana recovered a little. He used the magnetic field to imprison the friar behind him. Then Lin Feng turned around and killed the friar behind him with a punch.


The friar was killed by Lin Feng.

The body exploded, leaving only the source suspended in mid air.

Lin Feng\'s movement devoured the soul of Wu and instantly devoured its origin.

After swallowing the source of the two monks, Lin Feng felt that his body\'s mana had recovered a lot.

"Kill him".

The rest of the monks roared angrily, and all kinds of magical powers blasted Lin Feng.


Lin Feng moved the five devouring martial spirits.

Devour the ultimate form of martial soul.

The five devouring martial spirits are one.


With the earth shaking sound.

The five martial spirits appeared and became one in an instant.

All the magical attacks were devoured by the five devouring spirits offered by Lin Feng.


The swallowing black hole formed by the swallowing Wu soul after unity is getting bigger and bigger.

A monk was shrouded.

These friars simply can\'t bear the terrible pressure produced by the five ultimate states that devour the unity of martial spirits.

Bang Bang

The sound of flesh exploding came out.

Their bodies have only a lot of original power left.

"No, don\'t kill me. I\'m from the sunset sword sect... If you kill me, my sect won\'t let you go.".

The leading friar cried in horror, and his body was imprisoned and unable to move.

Lin Feng looked indifferent and walked towards him step by step.


He killed the friar with one blow and devoured his origin.

After swallowing the source of more than a dozen monks, Lin Feng\'s body recovered about 20% after the lamp dried up.

"唳"! Lin Feng is about to leave.

Suddenly, a shrill cry came from the sky. A black feather eagle with wings spread for 100 meters fell from the sky and grabbed Lin Feng with sharp claws.

The sharp claw is like a sword, and the sharp Eagle Claw will pierce Lin Feng\'s chest.