Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 965

"Hurry up...". Many monks roared and couldn\'t bear the terrible pressure emanating from the young monk\'s body, so they had to retreat quickly.

Even though shuilingyu\'s pretty face was a little pale, it was obvious that she was also greatly affected. Lin Feng\'s body sent out a strong breath to cover shuilingyu.

Shuilingyu felt much more comfortable.

"Thank you, senior brother"! Shuilingyu said with a crimson face.

You can see the truth in detail.

Shuilingyu can always feel Lin Feng\'s subtle care.

Lin Feng nodded slightly, and his eyes looked at the monk in the distance.

The monk was so terrible that Lin Feng felt a mountain like depression.

Obviously, it is definitely a top-level pride.

"If the gods are traveling, is he the first emperor of the temple of gods?".

Someone exclaimed.

The temple of heaven, one of the most powerful archaic forces in 3000 States, has the most powerful inheritance. It is said that the number of this force is very small, and there are only a few dozen heirs, but each heiress has amazing magic powers.

When Lin Feng went to the God ruins, he saw two experts from the God Temple.

The temple of Heavenly God can\'t want to subdue the female emperor in the sea and let the female emperor be his concubine.

But the female emperor cut off one arm and ran away in a panic.

It\'s not that the sky is not strong, but the female emperor, as the nine pirate kings, is too powerful.

Later, martial uncle "Taixu Dao" tried to avenge heaven, but he couldn\'t subdue the female emperor.


Now, Lin Feng saw the descendant of the temple of God again.

Obviously, the descendant of the temple of heaven, called "emperor Shengtian", is more extraordinary. He is the first young generation of the temple of heaven.

In the past years, this man had fought with top experts such as Huangfu Qingtian, situ demon Yue and so on.

But none of them can help anyone?

The last big scuffle in the final stage of the Tianjiao war was the duel between these top Tianjiao, but everyone had unparalleled means, and finally the war could not really go on.

It was at that time that Zhuge ye and Emperor Shengtian became enemies.

The specific reason is unknown.

Emperor Shengtian seems to have known the news of Zhuge Ye\'s birth, so he came to find Zhuge Ye.

This person is really too powerful. He is worthy of being the top existence and intimidates the world.

Such existence, cultivation has long surpassed countless older generation strong people, and even can compete with eternal giants.

Endless flames burn heaven and earth.

The emperor and the holy heaven were like a God who came into the world, but all the weaker monks could not bear it. They knelt on the ground and worshipped him.

This is emperor Shengtian.

It is said that he is "the reincarnation of God".

But whether it is true is unknown.


"ZHUGE ye once appeared and then contacted the boy. Maybe you can ask him.".

Someone whispered to the emperor and pointed to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng has long been remembered by many people after he revealed that he has a sky fire.

Many people want to secretly calculate Lin Feng.

If Lin Feng dies, Tianhuo will become an ownerless thing, and everyone can compete for it.

Lin Feng had expected this.

But he doesn\'t care.

Lin Feng cultivates the supreme way.

Three thousand Avenue, I am supreme.

Lin Feng wants to compete with all kinds of powerful monks to sharpen his accomplishments.

Emperor Shengtian looked at Lin Feng, stepped forward, looked down at Lin Feng like a high God, and asked, "where is Zhuge ye?".

This person is really too strong, which makes Lin Feng feel the pressure.

Lin Feng guessed that emperor Shengtian is the same type of person as him. At a low level, he can cross many levels and challenge.

What\'s more, the realm of emperor Shengtian has already been promoted, so how powerful he is is is unknown.

What if the emperor is strong?

Lin Feng was very upset about his superior attitude. He said faintly, "do I have the obligation to tell you?".

"Boy, what are you talking about?" emperor Shengtian\'s voice suddenly cooled down, with endless killing intention.

It was the first time that emperor Shengtian saw such a situation. Naturally, he was furious.

The monks around were also very surprised. Obviously, they didn\'t expect Lin Feng to be so strong.

Lin Feng\'s strength is very strong, but in the face of the extreme existence of emperor Shengtian, no one thinks Lin Feng is the opponent of emperor Shengtian.

"This boy is too big to dare to be so disrespectful to Emperor Shengtian". Someone sneered.

I think Lin Feng is looking for his own death.

In this world, the younger generation has monks who can compete with the emperor and the holy heaven, but Lin Feng is definitely not among these people. This is the same idea of the monks around.

Lin Feng said faintly, "can\'t you understand people?".

"How dare you talk to me like that?". In the eyes of the emperor and the saint, there is a great desire to kill.

Lin Feng sneered and said, "it\'s ridiculous. Who do you think you are? Can you look down on others? Do you really think you are the reincarnation of God? Since you can look down on others, why can\'t I ignore you?".

"OK! OK! OK!".

Emperor Shengtian\'s voice was indifferent. He said with a gloomy face, "no one dared to be unreasonable to me for a long time. Three moves! Within the three moves, I will defeat you. Don\'t worry, I won\'t kill you. I will let you kneel in front of me and repent for your stupid remarks.".


The body of emperor Shengtian radiated a destructive force, and the void around him was distorted.

The scorching sun that enveloped the emperor and Saint became hotter and hotter.

Emperor Shengtian\'s terrible breath shrouded Lin Feng. He wanted to fight Lin Feng.

"Emperor Shengtian! Your opponent is me. Why bother others". In the distance, Zhuge Ye appeared with a cold voice.

"Well, you haven\'t been a shrinking turtle." emperor Shengtian burst out endless killing intention in his eyes when he saw Zhuge Ye.

These two people don\'t know what conflict there is, and even let the emperor Shengtian\'s killing intention be like the sea.

"If you can keep up with me, you are qualified to fight with me"! Zhuge Ye flew away into the distance.

"Good luck...".

Emperor Shengtian scornfully glanced at Lin Feng.

Then he rose to the sky and chased Zhuge Ye.

"ZHUGE ye, I\'ve been waiting for nearly six years today. My God and gun have long wanted to drink blood.".

Emperor Shengtian\'s voice is indifferent.

"My butcher\'s sword is waiting to drink your blood.". Zhuge Ye looked indifferent.

The two men were so fast that they blinked and disappeared.

Many monks went to chase and wanted to watch the war, but they were soon abandoned by Zhuge ye and Emperor Shengtian.

"Emperor Shengtian!"

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes slightly. This person is really terrible.

Lin Feng felt that he might be able to hone his accomplishments.

There are many people around who are unkind to Lin Feng. Lin Feng can naturally feel it. He sneered and didn\'t care about the monks.

A real expert is either arrogant and arrogant, like an emperor.

Or be good at hiding yourself.

As before, the old devil who hated Shanglin Feng without getting the three color God stone.

And the monks who had evil intentions towards him in front of them would only secretly use Yin moves, just a mob.

Lin Feng and shuilingyu flew away in the distance.

At this time, more than twenty monks flew in the face.