Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 964

Unarmed adapter!

It\'s too scary to believe.

"Is it possible that the young friar has achieved ten Heaven accomplishments in the realm of creation?".

"Who is he? Have you ever known him?".

"I don\'t know. Is it just the rising Tianjiao?".

Many people look at each other.

Stars trial practice, 3000 state experts gather.

What a vast place in three thousand states?

So it\'s normal that these people don\'t know Lin Feng.

Only the friars who made great achievements in the Tianjiao war in 3000 states can be known to all.

"You, you, you... Who is it?".

Luo Hong trembled with fear.

"The man who killed you".

Lin Feng looked indifferent, stretched out his right hand and grabbed Luo Hong.

"I\'m the nephew of the master of the divine axe sect. If you dare to kill me, you will definitely be chased by the divine axe sect...".


Just haven\'t waited until he finished.

Lin Feng has taken off Luo Hong\'s head.

A splash.

Headless bodies were planted on the ground.

Lin Feng offered more than a dozen flames to burn the bodies of more than a dozen shenaxe sect disciples such as Luo Hong.

The others were stunned. No one thought that the result should be like this.

Lin Feng is too strong.

The nephew of the Lord of the divine axe sect is completely reckless and bold.

"Elder martial brother, shall we leave here temporarily?". Shuilingyu whispered that she was worried that the monks of shenaxe sect would come to seek revenge.

"No harm"! Lin Feng sat cross legged and closed his eyes.

In front of him, there are still three color God stones.

In the distance, someone came walking in a tiger\'s stride.

This is a very rough and crazy young man, even if he has a beard on his face.

However, a careful induction can still sense his young life.

But the young man was very strong. Standing there, he didn\'t emit any breath of oppression, but many people felt that they were about to suffocate and had to step back and stay away from the friar.

"ZHUGE Ye! Is that him?".

Someone whispered, not sure. There was a tremor in his voice.

This is a shocking name.

In the last Tianjiao war, Zhuge ye, who was only 20 years old, was brilliant, swept the same level and never lost.

Now many years later, no one can imagine how strong Zhuge Ye\'s strength is.

"Yes, it\'s Zhuge Ye. It\'s said that he entered the nine Yin Jedi for experience. It seems that he came out of that place.".

Some people say that they are extremely shocked in their hearts.

Because the nine Yin Jedi are full of dangers, it is said that some descendants of fierce animals in the ancient times live there. If they are careless, they will die.

"How do you sell tricolor stone?". Zhuge ye asked.

"Four million best spirit stones". Lin Feng raised his eyelids.


Zhuge ye took out a storage ring and gave it to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng checked it and found that there were one million more top-grade spirit stones.

"What does this extra one million mean?" Lin Feng asked.

"Borrow your sky fire to melt the three color divine stone"! Zhuge Yedao.

"What? Sky? Sky fire?". Many people stared wide, and then, in their eyes, there was deep greed.

Every friar has heard of sky fire.

No friar knows the importance of sky fire.

For the herbalist, the effect of heavenly fire is the greatest.

But in fact, for ordinary monks, sky fire also plays an extremely important role, because sky fire itself is the supreme in the flame, has strong attack power, and can refine all kinds of substances.

This is the monk\'s dream treasure.

But sky fire is too rare.

Since the founding of the world, there are only 72 kinds of sky fires. Up to now, it is difficult for all heaven and earth to find sky fires.

Is it true that Lin Feng has sky fire?

Everyone was not sure whether the flame just offered by Lin Feng was sky fire. Everyone looked at Lin Feng.



Lin Feng nodded.

Many people took a breath, which Lin Feng obviously admitted.

In front of so many people, he didn\'t deny it.

It was a big admission.

Own the sky fire!

The news is really earth shattering.

Some friars have a dark intention of killing in their hearts.


Come with me.

Zhuge ye walked away.

Lin Feng and Shui Lingyu followed Zhuge Ye.

They left the trading area and looked for a quiet place to quench the three color divine stone.

"Boy, it was you who robbed my ancestor\'s three color God stone"! A cold eye looked at Lin Feng leaving, killing him.

It was not long after Lin Feng and Shui Lingyu left the pool that the old devil appeared in front of the pool.


In the cave.

The purple flame is burning and burning the three color God stone.

Shuilingyu sat not far away and looked at Lin Feng in a daze.

The man she identified.

The more contact with Lin Feng, shuilingyu found that Lin Feng was so incredible and unfathomable.

Strong enough to be unbelievable, even the legendary flame of sky fire now has.

Besides, he is so confident.

Everything on Lin Feng seemed like poison, attracting shuilingyu and making her sink deeper and deeper.


It\'s quite troublesome to refine the three color divine stone.

But fortunately, the power of sky fire is strong enough.

After three days of repeated calcination, the three color God stone finally began to melt.

The three color divine stone began to turn into divine liquid under the burning of sky fire.

About two more days have passed.

The three color divine stone finally completely melted into a liquid state.

Zhuge Ye collected the "divine liquid" melted by the three color divine stone, and then laughed, "thank you, brother Lin, we\'ll see you later.".

Zhuge Ye was also a resolute man. He said he would go without any hesitation.

Lin Feng takes a rest and leaves with shuilingyu. He plans to find a quiet place to break through the realm of nature.

A day later, on the horizon in the distance, a hot sun was suspended in mid air.

The threat of terror filled the air.

"What\'s that?". Many monks were surprised. When they looked at the hot sun, they felt their eyes hurt by the light.

Such visions of heaven and earth have naturally attracted the attention of many people.

More and more monks gathered.

The scorching sun in the sky is flying in this direction.

Lin Feng looked at it and suddenly showed a surprised expression.

In the hot sun, he saw a man.

It was a young as like as two peas, a God\'s robe, walking in the void, just like the scene of the God\'s parade.

"ZHUGE ye, where are you? Come out and see me quickly. My God and gun can\'t wait to drink your blood.".

The monk shouted loudly, like the God roaring heaven and earth.


Many people couldn\'t bear the pressure from the young monk\'s body, and were shocked to vomit blood.