Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 963

Shuilingyu looks pale. She knows that with the strength of her and Lin Feng, these people of shenaxe sect are doomed to death. Shuilingyu will not blame Lin Feng for offending these people of Tianzhou shenaxe sect.

Because in her opinion, without Lin Feng, she would have died.

Shuilingyu made up his mind that if he was really captured by these people, he would rather bite his tongue and kill himself than be humiliated.

Shuilingyu bit his lips and gathered a palm. He was about to slap the double heavenly friar towards the realm of creation.



The sound of tearing suddenly came out.

Shuilingyu\'s eyes widened, because the monk in front of her, who was in the realm of double heaven of creation, directly split his body and died miserably on the spot.

She doesn\'t even know what happened.

And the friar who died together, and the one who attacked Lin Feng, the one heaven friar of the realm of creation.

"Do you dare to provoke me like an ant?".

Until Lin Feng\'s voice came out.

Shuilingyu just came back, surrounded by stunned expressions.

Everyone looked at Lin Feng in disbelief.

Seeing people\'s eyes, an idea suddenly flashed through shuilingyu\'s heart.

Did Lin Feng kill these two people?

This idea seems crazy, because Lin Feng is just a cultivation in the realm of yin and Yang.

And the two monks who died.

But the monk of the realm of creation.

How can Lin Feng kill two monks in the realm of creation?

Shuilingyu didn\'t see who shot, so she couldn\'t be sure whether it was Lin Feng or not.

However, the eyes in the eyes of the monks around seemed to tell shuilingyu.

Just now, Lin Feng killed two people.

How did he do it?

Shuilingyu was confused.


"Second kill?".

A monk exclaimed.

Shuilingyu didn\'t see the situation just now, but they saw it.

Lin Feng exhaled like a sword.

Two monks in the realm of creation were killed in an instant.

Not even the power to resist!

How strong is the young friar that can kill two friars in the realm of creation in an instant?

"The young monk must have hidden his accomplishments?".

"It should be like this. If you can kill the two people of the divine axe sect, your strength is at least the cultivation of five or six heaven in the realm of creation?".

"Now there is a good play. The strength of both sides is so strong that it must be a battle between dragons and tigers.".

Many monks whispered.

Many people are very excited.

Monks like to watch all kinds of fights or life and death fights.

Because many people can understand what is useful to themselves in the battle of others.

"Boy, do you dare to kill the people of shenaxe sect? You\'re looking for death"!

Luo Hong immediately roared.

Who dares to offend the famous top sect like shenaxe sect?

But now Lin Feng not only dares to offend shenaxe sect, but also dares to kill the monks of shenaxe sect.

Luo Hong wants to tear Lin Feng up.

"Give it to me, I want this boy\'s life"!

Luo Hong waved his hand and shouted coldly.


More than a dozen experts of shenaxe sect came to kill Lin Feng.

These people are the "elite" of shenaxe sect and the "cornerstone" of this archaic force.

Their strength, naturally strong, is the strength of the realm of creation.

Now more than a dozen strong men from the realm of creation are besieged together with great momentum.

"Can the young friar resist it?". Many people looked at the duel excitedly.

And shuilingyu is a very worried expression.

After all, Lin Feng is now besieged by more than a dozen masters of the realm of creation. If he is careless, he may die.


Lin Feng raised his right hand and waved to the front.

It\'s made of a blade. It can tear the void and cut the world. It\'s powerful and makes the mountains and rivers change color.


The sound of tearing came out one after another.

The first five or six monks in the realm of creation were cut off by the sword in an instant.

When the seven or eight people behind saw this scene, they were scared to split their liver and gall and retreated in panic.

Strong! It\'s so strong!

No one thought that Lin Feng was so strong.

"Can you get out?".

Lin Feng looked indifferent and stepped forward. He used his palm as a knife and killed it with another knife.

"Sacrifice magic weapons together and kill him".

These monks of the divine axe sect have fierce eyes, and their eyes are full of murderous intent.

Shua Shua

With a flash of cold light, all kinds of magic weapons were sacrificed, all of which went towards Lin Feng.

But it\'s no use at all. Lin Feng\'s strength is too strong.

Before condensing the emperor\'s fetus, Lin Feng can press his ancestors.

Not to mention now?

I\'m afraid I\'ve reached an unpredictable level.


Every magic weapon was destroyed by Lin Feng\'s blow.

Then Lin Feng\'s attack tore the bodies of these monks of shenaxe sect.

Seven or eight monks in the realm of creation were killed by Lin Feng again.

"Elder martial brother Lin is so powerful......". Shuilingyu looked at Lin Feng in shock.

She stayed with Lin Feng for so long, but she didn\'t know that Lin Feng was so terrible.

At this moment, Shui Lingyu is also very excited. Since she knew that Lin Feng looked at her body and even touched her pure body, Shui Lingyu, who is very conservative, regarded Lin Feng as her own man, so Lin Feng asked her to leave before. She just didn\'t leave and secretly followed behind Lin Feng. Now she knows that "her own man" is so powerful and naturally happy.

Which woman doesn\'t want her man to be young, handsome and powerful?

"Boy, die"!

A roar came out, and everyone saw that Luo Hong was holding a huge axe, like Pangu\'s pioneering work, and killed Lin Feng with an axe.

"Medium level Taoist instrument: Mountain axe!".

Someone exclaimed.

The medium level Taoist weapon can easily tear the world apart.

Now Luo Hong urges such a terrible baby to deal with Lin Feng.

Lin Feng\'s flesh and blood, how to resist?

"Senior brother, hurry to avoid......". Shuilingyu exclaimed with a pale face.

"Hide? Where to hide? It\'s too late to hide now"!

Luo Hong smiled grimly, and his mana surged up and urged the mountain axe.

The power of this axe was raised to the extreme by Luo Hong.

Luo Hong was obviously very confident in his axe.

"Who said to hide?".

Lin Feng sneered.

Without fear, he stepped forward and faced Luo Hong\'s attack with his bare hands.

"My God, is that boy crazy? He wants to shake the Taoist instrument with his palm? It\'s just looking for death.".

Many people exclaimed and didn\'t understand why Lin Feng did this. In their opinion, what\'s the difference between this and death?


But the next moment, the whole trading area became silent, because everyone saw that Lin Feng\'s two fingers in his right hand directly clamped the mountain axe, a medium-level Taoist instrument. No matter how hard Luo Hong urged, the mountain axe didn\'t move.