Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 962

"This is the three color divine stone...". Many monks cried out in surprise. They were shocked. The tricolor divine stone is very precious. They have heard of it, but they have never seen it. Now it is the first time they have seen this kind of material that can make artifact with their own eyes.

This is naturally shocking and moving, because most people who get such a treasure will never sell it, but keep it to create a treasure.

"What does the three color divine stone want to trade?". Asked the friar.

"The best spirit stone"! Lin Feng said.

This is even more surprising to everyone. Babies like tricolor can trade many precious treasures. The trading area is generally a barter trading mode, and few people exchange precious treasures for spirit stones.

A spirit stone is easy to get, but a treasure is hard to find.

An old monk asked, "how many spirit stones are you going to sell?".

"Buy it now, four million top-grade spirit stones". Lin Feng said.

"Hiss"! Many people take a breath. This is a huge number. It\'s not easy to gather up four million top-grade spirit stones.

"It\'s too expensive. Can you make it cheaper?". Asked the old man.

Lin Feng said: "this price is already very reasonable. If you get it to the auction house for auction, you may get a price of six or seven million.".

The old man said, "but this is not an auction house. Even if you have the best spiritual stones on hand, the quantity is limited. You can\'t collect spiritual stones from other places like in tianwu mainland. I see that you are so anxious to get rid of them. Should you be anxious to ask for spiritual stones? Each step back, how about 3 million?".

Lin Feng shook his head and said, "the price gap is too big. If it is less than 4 million, I won\'t sell it.".

The old man had no choice but to quit.

One after another, people came to inquire about the price, but few people can come up with the price of 4 million top-grade spirit stones.

However, more and more people are watching the excitement, because the three color God stone is too extraordinary.

At this time, a group of people came this way.

The leading friar is tall and burly, with a face full of flesh, giving people a very fierce and terrible feeling.

"Brother, there are people selling tricolor stones over there.". A friar pointed in the direction of Lin Feng.

The fleshy monk\'s eyes suddenly brightened, "good baby, this is the material for forging artifact. If it is integrated into my mountain axe, can\'t my mountain axe power be greatly improved?".

A group of people came towards Lin Feng quickly.

"Go away, don\'t you see our big brother coming?".

"Are you blind? Why don\'t you get out of the way?".

These friars are very arrogant, but any friars who give way slowly are kicked to the ground by them.

Someone looked angry and wanted to refute.

But they were all held by their companions.

"These people are from Tianzhou shenaxe sect. If you offend them, do you want to die?"


After hearing the identity of these people, many people\'s faces suddenly changed.

Lin Feng, the sect of Tianzhou shenaxe sect, had been in contact with it.

In the death swamp, the five archaic forces in Tianzhou united together and offered the emperor soldier years sword to rob the "Tianmo fruit" of the remnant of Tianmo.

Among these five forces is Tianzhou shenaxe sect.

Tianzhou shenaxe sect is a sect that is both righteous and evil. It has many experts and extremely overbearing style.

Someone is outside to help justice and kill demons.

There are also people who act recklessly and kill people like hemp.

Because of this, Tianzhou shenaxe sect has received a lot of criticism.


"Boy, how do you sell these three color divine stones?". Asked the fleshy monk.

Someone recognized the identity of this friar. His name was Luo Hong. If he knew the power of Tianzhou shenaxe sect, he would be very shocked.

Because the Lord of Tianzhou shenaxe sect was named Luo.

Obviously, the friar with a fierce face is the one in the line of the patriarch.

"Four million best spirit stones"! Lin Feng said.

"Pay.". Luo Hong waved his hand.

Immediately, a monk of the divine axe sect came out and threw a storage ring to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng sensed for a moment, and his face suddenly sank, "there are only 400000 low spirit stones in this storage ring. What do you mean?".

"I think this three color divine stone is worth 400000 yuan at most. Do you have any objection?". Luo Hong said faintly, in an indisputable tone.

"Does Luo Hong want to buy and sell?".

"The young friar met a devil like Luo Hong, who has suffered blood misfortune for eight generations. I heard that Luo Hong is the nephew of the Lord of the divine axe sect. Even the treasures of the disciples of the divine axe sect dare to seize them, not to mention the treasures of friars of other forces? After all, the young friar is only the realm of yin and Yang. Luo Hong is greedy because of his humble cultivation, and the young friar can only Eat a mute ".

Some monks talked and looked at Lin Feng with pity.

It\'s not easy to get such a three color God stone. It\'s estimated that it\'s not warm yet. It\'s about to be robbed.

No matter who this kind of thing happens to, it will be extremely depressed.

"Get out...".

Facing Luo Hong\'s question, Lin Feng was overbearing and strong.

Everyone around is stupid. A monk in the realm of yin and Yang dares to let Luo Hong roll?

Many people think they heard wrong.

"How dare you let me go? Don\'t want to live?".

Luo Hong\'s face suddenly showed a dark expression. In the world of the law of the jungle, Luo Hong, a cruel man, naturally had no scruples, especially for a young monk like Shanglin Feng, Luo Hong had only contempt and disdain.

Suddenly, Luo Hong saw the water and rain around Lin Feng. His eyes suddenly brightened and said, "the little girl around you is good. I like it.".

Shuilingyu\'s pretty face suddenly became pale and her body trembled. She naturally heard the comments of those around her and knew Luo Hong\'s identity. In her opinion, such a person is not something she and Lin Feng can offend. Now Luo Hong wants to deal with her and Lin Feng.

How could they resist?

"Luo Hong is really a scum. Such a beautiful girl will be ruined.".

Many people immediately regretted.

In the view of these monks, since Luo Hong is interested in shuilingyu.

Shuilingyu is doomed.

"What are you waiting for? Catch the boy and the beautiful girl.".

Luo Hong laughed.

"Whoosh...". After receiving Luo Hong\'s order, two monks immediately took action.

Both of them are the realm of creation. One is the dual heaven of the realm of creation, and the other is the dual heaven of the realm of creation.

The monk of the double heaven of the realm of fortune struck a palm and suppressed the water spirit rain.

However, the monk with the highest heaven in the realm of creation killed Lin Feng with one palm, and wanted to abolish Lin Feng directly.

Facing the attack of the double heaven friar of the realm of creation, Shuiling, who had just broken through the realm of creation, felt the endless pressure sweeping through her. Her face became pale and her heart was very desperate.