Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 961

Condensing the emperor\'s fetus makes Lin Feng very happy, but the only pity is that the best spirit stone on Lin Feng has been almost consumed.

The best spirit stone consumed by Emperor tire condensation has far exceeded Lin Feng\'s imagination.

Of course, the main reason is that Lin Feng\'s own savings are too strong, which consumes millions of top spiritual stones.

"There is a lack of spirit stones. Now we need to find a way to get enough spirit stones.". Lin Feng frowned slightly.

Lin Feng estimates that about two million spirit stones will be needed next.

But for safety\'s sake.

Lin Feng must at least prepare "four million top-grade spirit stones" to deal with various situations.

If the spirit stone is not enough at the time of breakthrough, isn\'t it sad?

"Boom, boom...".

At this time, the body of shuilingyu sends out amazing fluctuations.

Like a mighty river.

This is the sound produced by the operation of mana in the body.

Shuilingyu\'s breakthrough is much simpler. After all, she can\'t save so terrible as Lin Feng. It is estimated that Lin Feng is the only one in the world. Before breaking through the realm of creation, she already has 3000 rules in her body, right?

The light of robbery condensed from the center of shuilingyu\'s eyebrows. Obviously, she was going to cross the robbery. Lin Feng removed the prohibition. Shuilingyu opened his eyes and didn\'t hesitate to fly out.

Lin Feng also came outside to watch Shuiling rain crossing robbery.

It seems that it is because of the refining stone magic fruit, so Shuiling rain crossing robbery is not particularly difficult. Nine thunder robbers came down and were resisted by her one by one.

When the thunder disappeared, the water rain fell down, panting slightly, but she looked happy, because she had broken through the realm of creation.

"Elder martial brother, I broke through". Shui Lingyu said excitedly.

"Congratulations, younger martial sister Shui!" Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Thank you, senior brother". Shuilingyu said happily.

After a pause, he asked, "elder martial brother, where are we going next?".

"So many monks enter the stars to participate in the trial practice, it must form a trading area. Now I plan to go to the trading area to exchange some top-grade spirit stones".

Lin Feng said.

"Senior brother, if you need the best spirit stone, I still have tens of thousands of pieces.". Shuiling rain path.

Lin Feng smiled and said, "you also need spirit stones for cultivation, so keep these spirit stones yourself.".

Shuilingyu has been with Lin Feng for some time, and has gradually understood Lin Feng\'s character.

Lin Feng always said the same thing, so shuilingyu had to nod.

In fact, shuilingyu doesn\'t know that her Lingshi is just a drop in the bucket for Lin Feng.


After they left, they saved to search for Tiancai and Dibao while looking for the friar trading area.

In this star, the ability of dragon and rabbit can be brought into full play.

The little guy runs wildly in the mountains and forests, constantly enters all kinds of dangerous places, takes out the Tiancai and Dibao and gives it to Lin Feng.

Every time I see the dragon and rabbit, shuilingyu is obviously attracted by the little guy.

But the Dragon rabbit has a cautious expression. Except Lin Feng, the Dragon rabbit has such an expression for anyone who wants to contact it.

This made shuilingyu smile bitterly. Lin Feng comforted the Dragon rabbit, and the little guy let shuilingyu hold him in his arms.

The Dragon rabbit has found many treasures for Lin Feng, which makes Lin Feng\'s harvest huge. Many natural and earth treasures are rare in the outside world, but there are many in this star, perhaps because there are no monks entering the star all the year round.

Many natural and earth treasures are not mined, so the whole star is a treasure house, which is very easy to understand.

"Squeaky...". The dragon and rabbit waved their little claws and jumped and jumped.

"You mean you found a mysterious ore?". Lin Feng asked in surprise.

The Dragon rabbit nodded. Under its leadership, Lin Feng and shuilingyu came to a pool. The Dragon rabbit pointed to the bottom of the pool.

Lin Feng let shuilingyu wait outside for a while. He dived into the bottom of the pool to look for the ore said by the dragon and rabbit.

At the bottom of the pool, there is a strange beast more than ten meters long, shaped like a fish, but covered with barbs, which can spray a strong current to attack others.

In a fierce fight, Lin Feng cut off the fierce beast in the water.

At the bottom of the pool, Lin Feng found some ores, which are divided into three colors: gold, purple and blue.

This is actually a tricolor divine stone, which is a material for forging divine soldiers. Slapping a tricolor divine stone can make a sky high price, not to mention many tricolor divine stones scattered at the bottom of the pool.

He collected all the three color divine stones at the bottom of the pool, and then left with shuilingyu. After Lin Feng left, a mass of magic gas flew from a distance and came down, and finally turned into an old man in black.

The old man was like a fierce ghost, with dark and terrible eyes.

When he entered the pool, he saw only the beheaded beasts, but he didn\'t see any tricolor God stones.

The old man roared angrily, "who took the three color God stone first?".

Lao Tzu\'s eyes are full of murderous intent.

Three days later, Lin Feng and Shui Lingyu found a friar trading area.

More than a dozen big forces maintain this trading area.

If you want to set up a stall in the friar trading area, you need to pay a large amount of the best spirit stone.

The friar trading area is very busy. Many practitioners who enter the stars get good things. Some practitioners will trade what they don\'t need.

Therefore, most of this place is a trading mode of "goods for goods".

Lin Feng also set up a stall after paying 500 top-grade spirit stones.

Lin Feng now needs a lot of spirit stones. He has a lot of treasures.

However, Lin Feng only took out the three color divine stone, because many monks may have gained something in this period of time.

But Lin Feng is the only one who gets the three color divine stone.

Moreover, the three color divine stone is the material for making artifacts.

Such precious materials will naturally attract many monks.

Sure enough, when Lin Feng took out the three color God stone, many people were attracted.