Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 960

"Hahaha, just because you want to keep me? It\'s a fool\'s dream"!

Lin Feng laughed. He rose to the sky and flew away to the distance.

The three masters were killed, and their strength was terrible, but now they want to form a siege around Lin Feng, which is as difficult as heaven.

Lin Feng ejected from his body and rushed out of the siege of these people in an instant. Then he offered his golden body and wings.

As soon as the golden wings vibrated in the void, Lin Feng had turned into a golden lightning and rushed out for several kilometers. The speed surprised Li Xiangyang and the demon leader of the purgatory demon sect. It seemed that he didn\'t expect Lin Feng to have such a fast speed.

"The boy has been playing with us?"

Nowadays, the most angry friars are the friars of Wan Daojian sect. They have the most contact with Lin Feng. Lin Feng has always instructed Lin Feng to explore dangerous places before. Lin Feng has never refused. Such a submissive person thinks that the other party is just a mole of ants, but they have never thought that they should show such terrible and powerful strength.


Li Xiangyang and the leader of the evil way roared angrily and quickly chased Lin Feng.

The ancient stone demon king also roared the world and chased away quickly.

But who can do what if the hidden dragon goes out of the abyss and the goshawk goes into the sky?

Lin Feng quickly came to the place where shuilingyu hid.

"Younger martial sister Shui, where are you?". Lin Feng asked.


A figure came out of a hidden cave. It was shuilingyu who hugged Lin Feng.

Suddenly, Lin Feng felt the two waves against his chest.

Lin Feng sighed that shuilingyu\'s figure really didn\'t have to be said.

"Elder martial brother, I\'m so worried about you. Thank God you\'re all right.". Shui Lingyu said with a red face.

"It\'s not suitable to stay here for a long time. Let\'s go.". Lin Feng grabbed shuilingyu\'s hand and said.

Shuilingyu nodded and left quickly with Lin Feng.

Running hundreds of miles, Lin Feng felt that he had completely thrown Li Xiangyang and the demon master away, which was a little relieved.

Li Xiangyang has mastered the high-level Taoist weapons. The demon master is afraid to master the treasure of the same level. If he is right, he must be in great danger.

A cave was opened in the mountains and forests, and then a Dharma array was arranged to cover the cave. Lin Feng and shuilingyu entered the cave.

"This is the stone magic fruit! Sister sailor, you refined it"! Lin Feng took out a stone magic fruit and gave it to shuilingyu.

"Ah? Elder martial brother really got the stone magic fruit"! Shuilingyu was obviously surprised that so many strong people robbed the stone magic fruit. How did Lin Feng, a monk in the realm of yin and Yang, rob the stone magic fruit in the hands of a group of strong people?

This made her feel very curious.

"Good luck". Lin Feng smiled.

This time, he was really lucky. If Li Xiangyang and the demon leader of purgatory demon clan hadn\'t dragged the ancient stone demon king, he wouldn\'t get the stone demon fruit at all.

"Elder martial brother, you should keep refining to improve your strength," Shui Lingyu said.

Lin Feng said, "I still have here. You don\'t have to worry.".

Shuilingyu took over the stone magic fruit, blushed and said, "elder martial brother, you are very kind to me. I will take good care of elder martial brother in the future.".

After saying this, it was already Xiafei\'s temples. He didn\'t dare to look up at Lin Feng anymore.

Lin Feng was stunned and said, "serve yourself?".

He has a big head. Does this water Lingyu want to entrust her to himself?

But now Lin Feng doesn\'t have time to think so much, because he plans to refine the stone magic fruit quickly to improve his strength.

Lin Feng and shuilingyu began to close.

This kind of stone magic fruit can only play a miraculous effect when refining the first one. If it is refined again, the effect will be greatly reduced.

Refining the first stone magic fruit can increase the purity of mana ten times.

If refining the second one, it is estimated that it can only be increased by three or four times.

Refine the third one, and the effect will be worse.

Many Tiancai and Dibao are like this.

Lin Feng is not surprised.

He took out a stone magic fruit and began to refine it.

Soon, the stone magic fruit was swallowed by Lin Feng and turned into the purest energy into the body.

After the energy of stone magic fruit is integrated with the body, Lin Feng begins to improve the purity of his mana.

Sure enough, after the first stone magic fruit was refined, Lin Feng\'s mana purity increased by ten times.

Lin Feng felt that he had finally reached the edge of breaking through.

There are several steps to break through the realm of nature.

The first step is to transform the golden elixir in the body into a "holy fetus".

The second step is to condense the "law".

The third step is "crossing the robbery".

Only when all three steps are achieved can you be regarded as a monk in the realm of creation.

not a single one can be omitted.

Now Lin Feng began to condense his holy embryo.

He ate the demon fruit he had previously obtained in the death swamp.

Stone magic fruit can increase the purity of monk\'s mana essence ten times.

The effect of Tianmo fruit is even more amazing.

Can condense "emperor tire"!

When a friar breaks through the realm of nature and promotes the golden pill into a holy embryo.

The holy embryo is divided into many kinds, naturally strong and weak.

But "emperor embryo" is definitely the most powerful of all "holy embryos".

Can press all kinds of holy foetus.

Originally, the two men\'s accomplishments were equal.

When breaking through the realm of creation, one person condenses the ordinary "holy embryo".

Another person is the condensation of the "emperor fetus".

So after a breakthrough year, the friars who condense the emperor embryo can even kill the friars who condense the ordinary holy embryo.

This is the difference between the emperor fetus and the holy fetus.

It will bring different combat effectiveness to the friars.

In the forest Maple elixir field, the golden elixir began to absorb the energy of "original magic liquid", "the origin of God" and "the best spirit stone".

The condensation of emperor fetus will consume huge energy.

Now, Lin Feng integrates the original magic liquid and the origin of God into the golden elixir to improve the quality of the golden elixir.

Then there are more top-grade spirit stones needed to condense the emperor\'s fetus.

The mountain of top-grade spirit stones are refined and integrated into the golden elixir to help the golden elixir transform.


The golden elixir is broken.

Into source energy.

In the original energy, you can vaguely see a figure sitting cross legged.

The body image is like a baby.

This is the emperor fetus.

Emperor fetus will continue to breed, grow and become stronger.

The stronger the emperor\'s fetus is, the stronger the mana promoted for the friar will be.

There are even Dharma formulas or magical powers for the cultivation of emperor\'s fetus in the world, but they are too rare to find.

A terrible threat came out of Lin Feng\'s Dantian.

Obviously, Lin Feng not only created the most powerful "emperor embryo" among the holy embryo types!

Moreover, the "emperor fetus" he created is still the most powerful emperor fetus.

Because Lin Feng\'s savings in the ten days of Yin-Yang realm were too strong.

It is not the law of later refining, but the mana of the same level.

Lin Feng\'s savings are about 300 times that of friars of the same level.

Well, when he gathered the emperor\'s fetus, the strength of the emperor\'s fetus was at least 300 times that of the friars of the same level.

The key is that Lin Feng refined three thousand rules before making a breakthrough. Now all these three thousand rules are integrated into the emperor\'s fetus. Then Lin Feng doesn\'t know how strong the emperor\'s fetus is, even if Lin Feng doesn\'t know it.

The emperor\'s fetus in Lin Feng\'s Dantian is surrounded by the Qi of origin.

Shua Shua!

Emperor Tai suddenly opened his eyes.

Two dazzling eyes shot out.

When the emperor opened his eyes, the void trembled.