Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 952

Lin Feng originally wanted to sort out the unreal stones he got, but he finally gave up his idea because Lin Feng felt that the spacecraft was not safe.

When he left, he vaguely heard an angry roar from the depths of the unreal land.

Obviously, after he left, someone entered the prohibition, but the man found that the nine color unreal stones in the prohibition and a large number of unreal stones of other colors had been taken away, so he was angry.

Even though he was far away, Lin Feng also felt that man\'s strength was extremely strong. Although he didn\'t know who the other party was, he still had to be careful.

The monks who entered the unreal land returned one after another. Some people looked excited. It was obvious that they had obtained the unreal stone. Some people were dejected. These people should have no harvest.

The more than 12000 monks who entered the illusory realm this time only returned about 10000 people. More than 2000 monks did not return, and the illusory realm disappeared.

Obviously, those people will never come back and will die in the realm of illusion.

Some of the friars\' companions did not come back, and they burst into tears.

This is the cruel cultivator world.

"It seems that he has fallen into a dreamland or been killed.". Lin Feng pondered.

He seldom went out with emperor Shixuan and spent most of his time practicing.

But three days later, a bloody death occurred in a box.

It was one night when the interior of the spacecraft was dark and everyone had rested.

Then a box was broken open and the monks inside died miserably.

This is the first murder in the spaceship.

"It\'s him...".

Lin Feng frowned slightly. He saw the monk. A group of people competed for five four-color unreal stones before. He was also present at that time. Now he was killed.

It seems that he should have got the unreal stone.

Kill and seize treasure.

And in the ship.

It\'s terrible.

An elder in the ship personally appeared to deal with the matter.

"After investigation, we must find out the murderer, no matter who it is. After finding it, we will kill him.".

The high level of the spacecraft was extremely angry at the murder and began to send people to investigate.

Many people were asked individually what happened that day.

Lin Feng never went out. At this time, a beautiful woman knocked on Lin Feng\'s door. Lin Feng let the beautiful woman in. This is a staff member on the spacecraft.

The beautiful woman observed Lin Feng\'s box and asked, "did you hear anything that day?".

In fact, Lin Feng didn\'t hear anything at the beginning of the day.

It was not until the door was damaged that we heard the movement. At that time, many people in the seventh floor box rushed out together, but after rushing out, the monk was dead.

From breaking the box to killing each other and then leaving, it takes more than 30 seconds.

It\'s a little too fast.

This is what Lin Feng suspected.

He thought it should be an acquaintance.

Acquaintances enter the box and kill the people in the box while they are unprepared.

So there was no movement.

Then when he left, he destroyed the door of the box and alerted the others.

He also has time to evacuate.

Of course, this is just Lin Feng\'s speculation. Lin Feng doesn\'t know the specific reason.

Lin Feng naturally won\'t tell the people on the ship what he speculates, because there is no proof, and it will cause him a lot of trouble.

Lin Feng doesn\'t want to be noticed. Now he just wants to safely reach the star domain to participate in the trial practice.

"At that time, I was resting. After being disturbed, when I went out, many people had rushed out, so I didn\'t find anything special.". Lin Feng said.

The beautiful woman nodded, and then asked casually, "young master, should you have a good harvest in the illusory realm?".

After asking, the beautiful woman licked her sexy red lips, looking charming and seductive.

If others saw the beautiful woman showing such a charming and attractive appearance, they would have been fascinated by the beautiful woman and blurted out.

But Lin Feng has always been on guard, so he is more cautious when he hears the beautiful woman asking about the illusory state. Of course, he doesn\'t show any abnormality. Instead, he looks like an ordinary man looking at the waves of the beautiful woman after seeing the beautiful woman.

The beautiful woman also shook deliberately.

Lin Feng looked seduced.

The eyes seemed to be unable to move away.

The beautiful woman felt a little disdain, but she still had a smile on her face. She smiled and said, "did you get something? If you got something, you only need an illusory stone. I\'ll be the son tonight.".

Lin Feng reached out and hugged the beautiful woman\'s snake waist.

The beautiful woman easily dodged. She smiled and said, "Why are you so anxious? You need an illusory stone to enjoy others.".

The voice fell and lowered slightly, revealing a large area of snow-white scenery.

Lin Feng sighed and said, "I really want to take out the unreal stone to go to Wushan with the beauty, but how can I be powerless? Otherwise, use the spirit stone? You say how many spirit stones can enjoy your attractive little baby.".

The beautiful woman brushed her lips and said, "do you want to touch my mother without an illusory stone? Dream...".

Then the beautiful woman twisted the snake\'s waist and left.

Lin Feng closed the door, took out the ancient bronze books and continued to study the inheritance of the Heavenly Master.

Soon after, the voice of emperor Shixuan came out.

"Get out...".

The voice is cold and heartless.

"Ouch..." then came the beautiful woman\'s painful voice and curse.

Lin Feng\'s mouth aroused a faint smile. The beautiful woman only wanted to seduce emperor Shixuan like herself, and then wanted to set up emperor Shixuan\'s words.

But he was driven out directly by Emperor Shixuan.

In the evening, there was another death of monks. This time, in the six story cabin, several monks who went out to breathe were killed.

A full five people died this time. They didn\'t even make any noise when they died. Their bodies were found by other monks.

"It\'s them, the five heroes of Langshan, who are very famous in Yuezhou. The strength of these five people is the realm of creation. They were killed silently. Who did it?".

"Can\'t it be revenge?".

"Their storage ring is missing. The five heroes of Langshan have obtained several unreal stones before. It seems that they have also been robbed.".


Many people are talking about it.

Lin Feng frowned slightly. He felt that something seemed wrong.

Because of the monk who died before.

And now the five heroes of Langshan who died have all received the "unreal stone".

"Did someone target the friars who got the unreal stone? So they started with them?".

Lin Feng couldn\'t help thinking of a possibility.

The next day, an elder in the spaceship appeared. He issued an order from the top of the spaceship.

The unreal stone purchased by the spacecraft at a high price.

But the unreal stone is so precious that no one sells it at all.

That night, three more monks died miserably, and the escort in charge of the ship\'s safety was also in a mess. They had investigated for a long time, but they had not investigated the suspect. Moreover, more and more people died miserably, and the whole ship was filled with a feeling of panic.