Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 953

Many people are talking about the constant death of monks. The spacecraft is stepping up the investigation of this matter, but there is no clue. The atmosphere of panic is getting heavier and heavier. Many people are very worried that they will become the next target, and as time goes by, there are dead monks every day.

Spaceship is buying unreal stone. Originally, no one sold unreal stone, but now, friars have begun to sell unreal stone.

Because some people found that the dead friars were all friars who got the unreal stone. Although many friars did not expose their unreal stone, they were still detected by others. How they detected it was unknown.

Although the unreal stone is precious, it also needs to be used for life. Staying around is really a great curse.

But many friars selling unreal stones are complaining.

Because the price of unreal stone is not ideal.

"The spacecraft is deliberately pushing down the price". Lin Feng thought.

He frowned slightly. The current situation was enough to explain many problems. Lin Feng had doubts about the spacecraft.

Because the people who want to find out who got the unreal stone are the people who control the ship.

For example, in the previous investigation of the first dead, it is possible that all the friars who got the unreal stone were tight lipped during the investigation.

For another example, if there are some inductive spirit arrays or monitoring spirit arrays on the spaceship, some friars who have obtained the unreal stone may be detected by quietly observing the unreal stone they have obtained.

Of course, even if you doubt it again, you can\'t say it, because the controller of the spacecraft is an eternal giant. It\'s too powerful. It\'s invincible. If anyone dares to expose this matter, Lin Feng can guarantee that he will die miserably.

He is still very low-key. He doesn\'t ask about anything that happens outside. Emperor Shi Xuan is more low-key than Lin Feng. That\'s his character. He doesn\'t say a word for a few days.

But this day, Emperor Shixuan was attacked. He went to buy some drinking water. When he came back, he was attacked by others. Fortunately, Emperor Shixuan reacted quickly enough, but was slightly injured.

Emperor Shi Xuan was the first friar who was attacked without death.

Lin Feng hurried to the cabin after hearing the news, but emperor Shixuan had been taken away by the high-level of the spacecraft to ask questions. When Emperor Shixuan came back, Lin Feng and Emperor Shixuan came to talk outside the cabin, because it was really unsafe inside the cabin.

"What\'s the matter? Can you see who attacked you?" Lin Feng frowned and felt that it was not easy.

Emperor Shi Xuan said, "the speed is too fast. I haven\'t seen it clearly. The convenience has disappeared.".

"You have...". Lin Feng didn\'t go on, but he believed that emperor Shixuan must know what he meant.

"No"! Emperor Shixuan shook his head.

"I melted it long ago when I was in the illusory realm, and then it was absorbed by my body.". He added.

Emperor Shixuan did get the unreal stone in the unreal realm, but the unreal stone has been used by him. Therefore, he has no unreal stone now. However, since there is no unreal stone, why has emperor Shixuan been attacked?

Is the other party trying to confuse the public?

Or is it because the mysterious black hand is not looking for the unreal stone?

Lin Feng thinks things are getting more and more complicated.

He returned to the cabin with emperor Shixuan. Several monks chased and made trouble in the cabin. A 17-year-old girl bumped into Lin Feng\'s arms in the chase.

The girl suddenly got angry and looked at Lin Feng angrily, "are you blind? Don\'t you know how to hide?".

Lin Feng immediately felt inexplicable. You hit me and asked me if I was blind?

The girl is very beautiful, even if she is angry, she is tall and has a fine face the size of a palm, but there is a proud expression between her eyebrows.

"Boy, why don\'t you apologize to miss Fanzhen soon?". Several young childe brothers looked at Lin Feng coldly.

"It\'s forbidden to make trouble in the cabin. You hit others and asked others to apologize?" Lin Feng sneered.

"It\'s not clean up, is it?". Several childe brothers felt ashamed and sneered one by one. They seemed to want to do it.


Emperor Shi Xuan pulled out his sword. The bloody long sword in his hand exuded bleeding light and cold.

Feeling the terrible killing intention in emperor Shi Xuan\'s body, these people\'s faces changed slightly.

"Hum, Miss Ben won\'t let you go.". The girl glared at Lin Feng fiercely and left with a pair of big long legs.

Lin Feng shook his head reluctantly, but he didn\'t care about a group of people like these second ancestors. He left with emperor Shixuan.

It wasn\'t long back in the room.


The door of the room was smashed.

A beautiful woman stood outside the room.

Seeing this beautiful woman made Lin Feng feel very amazing.

Eternal beauty! Pleasing to the eye is a beauty! Beautiful country and city! Surprised people all over the world!

Seeing the beautiful woman\'s peerless posture, Lin Feng immediately jumped out of his mind a poem. The beautiful woman can be said to be a peerless beauty. Although her eyes are cold, it does not affect her peerless elegance.

"Mom, he bullied me..."

The girl pointed to Lin Feng and said gnashing her teeth.

Girls are also very beautiful, but compared with beautiful women, they are much worse. This gap is not a gap in appearance, but a gap in physical and temperament. After all, the girl\'s body has not completed its growth, and there is no seductive and charming temperament between beautiful women.

"Boy, even my daughter, concubine Mulan, dare to bully. Don\'t you want to live?".

The beautiful woman\'s voice fell, and she slapped Lin Feng.


Lin Feng slapped the beautiful woman.

Lin Feng was a little stunned, and then he hit the beautiful woman with another palm. They hit the outside of the room from the inside of the room.

Emperor Shixuan was also startled. He quickly came out, drew his sword and cut at the beautiful woman. The two sides fought fiercely. At this time, the spacecraft had entered the turbulent flow of time and space, and the spacecraft vibrated violently.

"Now that the spaceship has entered the chaos of time and space, you are still fighting privately in the spaceship. It is unreasonable. You are openly violating the rules set by the spaceship that private fighting is not allowed.".

An elder arrived with gloomy eyes.

The two sides of the fight stopped.

The beautiful woman said, "it\'s this boy who dares to bully my daughter of concubine Mulan. He doesn\'t know whether to live or die.".

The girl named "Fanzhen" also said quickly, "yes, he bullied me.".

"Concubine Mulan? Are you from the holy Mu family?". The Deacon asked.

Many people take a breath. Although there are many ancient forces in 3000 States, the top ancient forces are few, and the holy Mu family is one of them.

Mu Lanfei nodded.

"Ha ha, the flood really washed the Dragon King temple. Our family and an ancestor of Mu family are old friends.". The elder smiled and said.

He immediately turned to look at Lin Feng and Emperor Shixuan, revealing a gloomy and terrible expression.

"If you dare to make trouble on the ship, according to the regulations of the ship, you are expelled from the ship. Now you two hurry down.". The elder said sadly.

There is a violent time-space countercurrent outside. If it goes on, it will be a near death.