Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 951


Lin Feng and Emperor Shi Xuan also rushed into the realm of illusion. Suddenly, Lin Feng felt shrouded by a strange force, and then he was moved to a white foggy world. It was very quiet around, without the sound of wind, insects and birds, even trees, mountains and rivers, and nothing.


Lin Feng looked at the world suspiciously. He had long felt that the illusory realm was definitely not such a simple world. Now it seems that as he guessed, many people thought that there must be no danger in the illusory realm before. Will those people be completely stupid after entering the illusory realm?

Lin Feng takes a deep breath. He carefully looks at the illusory realm. Since there is an organic edge in the illusory realm, Lin Feng believes that this rumor must not be false. The organic edge in the illusory territory is also dangerous, so he needs to be careful.

He flew quickly towards the deep. Soon after, Lin Feng saw a flying stone.

That stone is a three color God stone.

"Unreal stone?". Lin Feng was surprised. He quickly caught up and wanted to catch the unreal stone.

But suddenly, Lin Feng found himself in a sea of corpses.

The sky was full of wars and falling bodies everywhere.

Countless people died miserably. It\'s too bloody. Such a scene can make people sick and unbearable at a glance, and their spirit will collapse.

"Fantasy?". Lin Feng was surprised. It was a terrible illusion. He was lost in the sea of corpses and blood.

Lin Feng quickly opened the sky demon snake eye.



The illusion dispersed.



Lin Feng took a deep breath. The dreamland just now was really terrible, which made him feel frightened.

If you change to an ordinary monk, I\'m afraid you\'ll be swallowed up by the dreamland and can\'t extricate yourself.

Lin Feng took back his mind and rushed up quickly, collecting the three color unreal stone.

He continued to look for the unreal stone in the unreal realm, but Lin Feng found that the unreal stone is very rare, and it is difficult to find the unreal stone after a long way.

It takes luck to see the unreal stone.

Moreover, Lin Feng estimated that many people might fall into the illusion created by the unreal stone when they see the unreal stone.

At that time, I\'m afraid that I can\'t leave because of the time, and finally die in the territory of illusion.

Lin Feng shows the Dragon searching formula, fixes the immortal pulse and finds the treasure... Under the induction of the Dragon searching formula, Lin Feng quickly flies towards the next target. When he comes here, he finds five four-color unreal stones suspended in the distant void, but there are hundreds of monks fighting around.

Lin Feng didn\'t want to, so he turned and left.

Time is limited.

Fight with those people to fight for several unreal stones. It\'s better to find the next target when you have this time.

Soon, Lin Feng found the unreal stone. There are twelve unreal stones here, and they are all five-color unreal stones.

Obviously, the more colors of these illusory stones, the greater the value.

Lin Feng continued to go deep. Soon he was stopped and there was a strong prohibition blockade. Lin Feng tried to break the array but failed. He summoned the Dragon rabbit and asked the little guy to take himself through the prohibition.

Under the leadership of dragon rabbit, Lin Feng entered the depths of prohibition.

The unreal stone in the prohibition is far more than the outside.

At least the unreal stones here are unreal stones of more than five colors. There are a lot of unreal stones. Lin Feng quickly collected these unreal stones.

Although these unreal stones can create a dreamland and make monks lose themselves.

But now Lin Feng opened his eyes and saw through all vanity.

So no fantasy can trap Lin Feng.

Soon, Lin Feng collected hundreds of unreal stones.

He continued to go deep into the prohibition.

Seven color illusory stone and eight color illusory stone also appeared one after another.

Lin Feng was overjoyed because he was the only one in this place and no one else came in.

After all, the prohibition outside is too strong.

It\'s also very troublesome to break the array as Lin Fengtian level spirit array master. If the Dragon rabbit hadn\'t brought him in, he would still break the array outside.

There are few high-level spiritual array masters in the world. There are many strong monks in the spaceship, but there are absolutely few high-level spiritual array masters.

Lin Feng wantonly collected all kinds of unreal stones. Finally, he came to the deepest position of prohibition.


Lin Feng was surprised and saw an altar in the deepest place of the prohibition.

There are about thirty nine colored unreal stones stacked on the altar.


This is the number of poles.

There are nine kinds of unreal stones at most.

That is, the nine color unreal stone in front of us.

Lin Feng rushed over quickly, but more than 30 nine color unreal stones sent out a terrible wave.

Lin Feng will be pulled into the dreamland.

The boundless purgatory devours Lin Feng.

Even if he opened the sky demon snake eye, he was almost lost.

More than thirty nine color unreal stones work together to produce a dreamland, which is really too terrible.

But fortunately, Lin Feng\'s willpower was strong enough. Before being swallowed up by purgatory, he tried his best to run the sky demon snake eye.

The sky demon snake\'s eyes shot out a miserable green evil eye light, which pierced the illusion in front of him.

"Hoo Hoo...". Lin Feng gasped violently. At this time, he found that his whole body had been wet with cold sweat.

Almost completely lost in it.

It\'s dangerous.

But fortunately, it broke the illusion in time.

Lin Feng hurried to collect all the nine color unreal stones.

He felt that more than two hours had passed since the three hours. Lin Feng no longer stayed. Under the leadership of dragon rabbit, he quickly left the deep prohibition, and then flew towards a dazzling light outside the sky.

The location of that dazzling light is the location of the time node.

Lin Feng had just left more than thirty miles. In another direction, a presence shrouded in the black fog tore the prohibition with a powerful treasure, and then rushed into the prohibition. He went straight to the position of the deepest altar, but after he came to the altar.

But found that the nine color unreal stones piled up on the altar had disappeared.

"Not only the nine color unreal stones, but also the other unreal stones were taken away. Who took the first step? Who took these unreal stones?".

The existence shrouded in the black fog made an angry roar. His body sent out waves like destroying the sky and the earth. It was too terrible. The existence was definitely a strong man at the level of an eternal giant.

At this time, Lin Feng has successfully returned to the ship. Emperor Shixuan came back almost at the same time with him. Lin Feng didn\'t say much. He quickly returned to his room. He should be more low-key in the next period of time, because he got too many unreal stones. If it leaked, he was afraid of killing himself.