Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 950

The ancient road in the starry sky is filled with the power of time and space, and the spacecraft is passing through it quickly.

This ancient road, protected by a huge light mask, runs through different parallel worlds. It is said that it was built by giant gods in the ancient times.

Even after many wars, it has not been destroyed. It can be seen how extraordinary the ancient road in the starry sky is.

Not counting the crew on the spacecraft, there were about 12000 monks on this voyage, and this was the first batch of monks in the ancient city of Dongxu in Tianzhou to enter the ancient road of the stars.

The spaceship is not very large, because if it is too large, it is likely to be destroyed if it encounters space-time countercurrent and space-time storm.

The spaceship is 50 meters long and 30 meters high. It is divided into nine floors. The first floor is the trading area, where you can carry out various transactions and buy various necessities, such as some runes, pills, weapons, vests, etc. after all, many things will be used in the star trial practice.

Can be purchased in the trading area.

The second to sixth floors are ordinary cabins.

The seventh floor is an ordinary box.

The eighth floor is the VIP box.

The ninth floor is the upper floor of the spacecraft, where the staff rest.

The VIP box on the eighth floor can\'t be booked by ordinary people. A total of 20 boxes have long been booked.

Moreover, the price of the VIP box on the eighth floor is also extremely high, reaching one million top-grade spirit stones.

There are 200 ordinary boxes on the seventh floor. Each box is about four or five square meters in size. There is not much room for a bed.

Such a box is worth 100000 top-grade spirit stones.

Lin Feng rented two ordinary boxes, and Emperor Shi Xuan each had an ordinary box.

The spacecraft is flying in the ancient path of the starry sky. It takes about three months to reach the star region.

This is already an extremely fast time. After all, it is flying to the extraterritorial starry world. If it is not for entering the ancient road of starry sky, it will not fly for even a hundred years.

A month later, two other spaceships appeared in the ancient XingKong Road, which should be the spaceships of other ancient cities entering the ancient XingKong road.

Three spaceships roared past the ancient road in the starry sky one after another.

Lin Feng spends most of his time practicing in the room or studying the Taoist tradition of the Heavenly Master.

Occasionally I will go out for a walk. It is naturally a depressing thing to always stay in an extremely narrow space.

You need to relax properly.

In the past half a month, fog began to appear in the ancient road of the starry sky, and the two spaceships in front loomed.

During this time, many people in the spacecraft are talking about the "unreal land".

Lin Feng heard the name for the first time. He asked some questions before he knew what the illusory realm was.

It turns out that there is a space-time node somewhere on the XingKong ancient road.

If you are lucky, you can meet this space-time node, and then enter a mysterious world from the space-time node.

This world is called the realm of illusion.

There is a kind of treasure in the illusory territory, which is called "illusory stone".

Unreal stone, this is a treasure.

It has many functions. For example, if it is integrated into the magic weapon, it can greatly improve the quality and attack power of the magic weapon.

For example, you can peddle.

You can also add unreal stone when refining some high-grade pills, which can greatly improve the pill forming rate and effect of pills.

And the unreal stone can also prevent friars from becoming possessed.

It can even cure monks who have been possessed by demons.

Of course, the most important role of the unreal stone is to help monks enter the state of "Epiphany".

Epiphany is extremely difficult.

Every time a monk has an epiphany, his accomplishments can often be greatly improved.

This is a state of cultivation that everyone dreams of, but where is the Epiphany so easy?

Many friars may not have an epiphany once in their life.

But if you get the unreal stone, it will be different.

The possibility of entering epiphany during cultivation will be greatly improved.


It is said that when there is a vast white fog in the starry sky and ancient road, it is the most likely time for the illusory realm to appear.

Of course, it takes luck whether you can encounter an illusory situation.

Even the owner of the spaceship came out in person. He was a strong man at the level of an eternal giant. He looked very dignified in his forties.

His name is mo Leng.

His identity is mysterious, but his strength is unfathomable.

Mo Leng said in a deep voice, "You must have heard about the unreal realm. If we are lucky to encounter the unreal realm this time, we will stop and enter the unreal realm. But you should remember that the unreal realm only opens for three hours. Therefore, after entering the unreal realm, you must leave the unreal realm within three hours. If the three hours have passed, you haven\'t If you leave the illusory realm, the order and law of the illusory realm will kill you, and the illusory realm is your place of death ".

Everyone nodded and there was nothing to worry about.

If the unreal realm appears, you only need to grasp the time, there will be no danger, but you can get the treasure of unreal stone.

Lin Feng frowned slightly. He felt that the illusory realm was definitely not such a simple place.

I\'m afraid there will be a lot of danger.

The white fog became more and more intense, and the two spaceships that had been faintly visible in front had disappeared.

Soon after, a mysterious world appeared in front of us.

The world is shrouded in white fog.

partly hidden and partly visible.

"Unreal land"!

Many people exclaimed that the world appearing in the ancient star road seemed to be connected with the ancient star road through space-time nodes.

Is it as like as two peas of illusion?

"Speed up and get close to the unreal world". The captain of the ship, Mo Leng, gave an order.

The spaceship sped up and flew towards the unreal land.

It\'s just that this illusory realm is really too weird.

No matter how close the spaceship is, it seems that it can\'t come to the illusory land.

Moon in well, flower in water.

You can see, but you can\'t touch.

"Is the legend of the unreal land true? How does it feel like a mirage?". Lin Feng muttered.

Many people have the idea of Lin Feng.

Everything in the illusory realm comes from "legend".

After all, no one has experienced it personally.

It has been chasing for ten days. Finally, on this day, the spacecraft seems to be really close to the illusory world.

Because the illusory world no longer flies away, it seems to be in place.

"The unreal realm really exists"!

Many people exclaimed.

"Ha ha, the emperor has lived up to his heart. We finally catch up with the illusory realm, but you should remember that there are only three hours. After three hours, you must return.".

Mo Leng said loudly.

Finally, the spacecraft docked outside the space node of the unreal realm.

The friars on the spaceship went out one after another and rushed into the illusory realm.