Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 949

In the mountains and forests outside the holy stone city, Lin Feng looked at the holy stone city in the distance. The animal tide has completely submerged the holy stone city. I don\'t know how many innocent people will die in the holy stone city.

Who could have thought that there would be a terrible stone man under the holy stone city? Totally unexpected.

This has led to today\'s tragedy.

Only in this large-scale battle can we deeply realize how fragile life is.

"Unexpectedly, you have grown to this point.". Lin Feng took back his eyes and looked at the man in black.

The man in black really surprised Lin Feng. He was Emperor Shi Xuan!

In Beiman mining area, Lin Feng saved emperor Shixuan and his sister, Emperor shiyu\'er.

Lin Feng will never forget the scene when he first saw emperor Shi Xuan.

Emperor Shixuan without any accomplishments.

The body even emits "potential".

He stunned all the powerful beasts that killed him.

A man born with "potential".

Lin Feng saw such a person as emperor Shixuan for the first time.

Lin Feng once wanted to subdue emperor Shixuan. Emperor Shixuan promised to work for Lin Feng for 15 years.

However, it has been five years since emperor Shixuan and Emperor shiyu\'er left the ancient man mining area.

Lin Feng didn\'t expect to see emperor Shi Xuan here.

Emperor Shixuan didn\'t speak. He looked cold and cool. He came from a mysterious race. Even Lin Feng didn\'t know which race he was, because emperor Shixuan never said it.

Seeing the silent emperor Shixuan, Lin Feng naturally had many words to ask emperor Shixuan, but it was obviously not the time to ask these questions. He and Emperor Shixuan left the land of right and wrong.

They traveled thousands of miles and came to a small town where many monks who escaped from the holy stone city rested.

They booked a room. Lin Feng washed it and changed into clean clothes. He asked emperor Shixuan to sit down.

Emperor Shi Xuan said, "how can a slave surpass his master?".

Lin Feng said with a wry smile, "I haven\'t seen you for so many years. Your temper is still so stubborn. Didn\'t you say you\'re not my servant and I\'m not your master? We can have a superior subordinate relationship or a friend relationship.".

Emperor Shi Xuan said, "within 15 years, there is only one relationship between me and the childe, that is, the relationship between the slave and the master."

Lin Feng said helplessly, "well, since you insist like this, I won\'t say much. Where have you been with Xiaoyu these years? What have you experienced? Where is Xiaoyu now? How did you come here?".

Emperor Shi Xuan said, "the little fish was sent to a safe place by me. I went to a place of inheritance. After coming out, I looked for my master all the way by virtue of the induction between blood vows".

Emperor Shixuan made a blood oath of allegiance to Lin Feng. This blood oath was inherited by the emperor Shixuan family. Lin Feng felt that this blood oath was very strange at that time, but obviously, the strangeness of this blood oath may be far beyond Lin Feng\'s imagination.

Across the infinite distance, Emperor Shi Xuan seemed to be able to sense his position. How could Lin Feng not be shocked?

Lin Feng said, "now that you have found me, it\'s good. The star trial practice is about to begin. Then go to the star trial practice with me to increase your strength.".

Emperor Shixuan nodded.


The birth of the stone man king caused an uproar. The top forces such as Tianzhou and Xianzhou were shocked.

The strength of the stone man king is too strong. Now there are creatures among the nine ancient gods around him, and there is an alliance with the overlord level in the depths of the fallen immortal ancient forest. His strength is extremely strong.

All the major forces in the eighteen states of the fallen immortal ancient forest have strong hands. The Alliance forces of the eighteen states unite to surround the holy stone city, but the Alliance forces of the eighteen States did not attack the holy stone city immediately, because the strength of the stone man king is too strong.

"This city is occupied by the king".

After the appearance of the stone man king, his voice was like thunder, strong and domineering. Even the giants of all ages were shocked pale. It is difficult to imagine how strong this stone man king is.

The Alliance Army of eighteen states retreated and temporarily arranged a friar army to monitor every move in the holy stone city.

If the stone man king does not move, it is obvious that the Alliance Army of the eighteen states dare not take the initiative, because the stone man king is too scary.


In the holy stone city.

The nine ancient sacred stones are suspended in the air, emitting amazing fluctuations. The nine Holy Spirits in them have been bred since the ancient times. No one knows how strong they are now. Of course, the strength of the stone man king is even stronger.

"Lord, where are we going now? Are we going to kill back?". Asked an archaic Holy Spirit.

"Yes, let\'s kill back. Lord, we are not afraid now.". Another archaic Holy Spirit said.

These nine archaic Holy Spirits are very excited.

The stone man king looked up at the sky, sighed and said, "even if it recovers, it takes time to recover".

"On this day, there were countless creatures in tianwu continent. The Lord devoured tianwu continent directly. Can\'t his strength recover quickly?". Said an archaic Holy Spirit.

The stone man said, "how can tianwu be swallowed up? Do you know why I came to tianwu and buried myself here at the end of the archaic era?".

The ninth archaic Holy Spirit shook his head and said, "I don\'t know, is there any special reason?".

"That\'s because... Tianwu continent is very special!"

The stone Man Wang narrowed his eyes and said, "the ancient race that smashed through the undead world and buried jiuchongtian is the race that came out of tianwu continent".


There was a sound of cold breath.


As time goes by, the stone man king in the holy stone city has never taken any action, which seems to reassure many great forces in the eighteen states of the fallen immortal ancient forest.

With the strength of the stone man king, if you really want to start a war, most of the eighteen states in the ancient forest will fall.

This is naturally the last result that the major forces want to see.

During this time, the ancient road of the starry sky is still under repair.

More and more people are talking about the ancient star road.

A month later, there was exciting news that the restoration of the ancient XingKong road was completed.

In another half a month, the ancient road of starry sky will open.

There will be 36 places in tianwu mainland that can enter the ancient XingKong road.

Tianzhou Dongxu ancient city is an entrance to XingKong ancient road.

When Lin Feng and Emperor Shixuan arrived, he paid two meteorites in exchange for two places.

"When you are about to enter the star domain, there will be a strong time-space countercurrent, so it is recommended that you enter by spaceship. Everyone in the spaceship needs to pay 500000 top-grade spirit stones.".

Said a big man in charge of XingKong ancient road.

The price is outrageous, which is not affordable for ordinary people. However, Lin Feng still has millions of top-grade spiritual stones, but he is not short of these one million top-grade spiritual stones. He paid another one million top-grade spiritual stones. The big man handed Lin Feng two tokens and said, "go aboard with the token in the transmission square three days later".

Lin Feng nodded and left with emperor Shixuan. Three days later, they came to the transmission square and entered the spacecraft with a token.

After waiting for about a day, the spacecraft started and entered a transmission array. The transmission array opened and sent the spacecraft to the ancient road in the starry sky.