Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 930

"Magic fist! This is a kind of ancient magic power! Su Ling really deserves to be a generation of Tianjiao. She even knows ancient magic power"!

"Even the Taigu magic power has been displayed. Su Ling obviously wants to kill with one blow"!

"The boy was lucky to avoid Su Ling\'s blow just now, but now Su Ling has shown his magic fist. Can\'t he escape?".

Many people talked about it.

Everyone looked at Su Ling with a dignified expression.

The breath of Su Ling\'s move is really too strong.

Let everyone have a feeling of fear.

They are just onlookers, and the magic fist is not aimed at them. Even so, the magic fist makes them feel so strong pressure.

What terrible pressure will Lin Feng bear now that he is attacked by God devil fist?

This kind of pressure, I\'m afraid, is unimaginable?


"Can Lin Feng resist Su Ling\'s attack?". Liu Huaxian\'s beautiful eyes fixed on Lin Feng.

Now Liu Huaxian has doubts about Lin Feng.

She felt that Lin Feng should be very scary, but he had been pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

No mountain, no dew.

However, if you really think he is easy to bully.

That would be a big mistake.

If Su Ling can\'t beat Lin Feng this time after she shows her magic fist.

Then, Liu Huaxian can be sure that Lin Feng has been hiding his strength.


This move of magic fist, carrying endless arrogance, killed Lin Feng.

"What a powerful Taigu magic"!

Lin Feng, who felt the power of the magic fist, was also surprised.

If Su Ling\'s internal law is equal to his own, he may even threaten himself by using this magic fist.

This shows how powerful this magic fist is?

But now, Su Ling\'s realm of creation is four heavens, and there are only twenty-seven laws in his body.

Compared with Lin Feng, it\'s eighteen thousand miles worse.

Facing Su Ling\'s blow, Lin Feng didn\'t even need to use magic powers. He raised his right hand and slapped Su Ling.

"You think you are superior. You think your strength can make you arrogant. I have to say that you are really just a frog at the bottom of a well.".

The voice fell.

Lin Feng\'s palm has been photographed.

Like Mount Tai!!

The fist power emitted by Su Ling\'s magic fist was shattered by Lin Feng\'s palm in an instant.

Then Lin Feng killed Su Ling\'s chest with this blow.

Su Lingru was struck by lightning and flew out by Lin Feng.


In the middle of the air, he vomited blood and his face was as white as paper!

Su Ling suffered a heavy blow and fell to the ground with her body twitching.

The whole street was silent.

All the monks who watched the excitement were stunned at what was happening in front of them.

It was completely like seeing a fierce ghost running to the holy stone city during the day. It was a look that I couldn\'t believe what I saw and heard.

"I was really hiding my accomplishments before...".

Liu Huaxian\'s beautiful eyes lit up slightly, just like the excited eyes of a navigator who found the new world.

Lin Feng walked over and stepped on Su Ling\'s chest.

"Asshole, you dare step on me and let me go"! Su Ling\'s face twisted and roared angrily.

How could he have been so humiliated that he hated it!

"It\'s light to step on you. Now I\'m thinking whether to waste your limbs first or your Dantian first.".

Lin Feng looked down at Su Ling, and a cold look came up at the corners of his mouth.

Su Ling\'s face suddenly showed a creepy color, because he could feel that Lin Feng was not joking at all.

He really wants to get rid of himself!

Liu Huaxian said, "childe Lin, everything today is a misunderstanding. There\'s no need to make it so hard?".

Lin Feng looked at Liu Huaxian with a smile.

Now he suddenly felt that he seemed to underestimate Liu Huaxian and thought that Liu Huaxian was too simple and simple. In fact, how could a woman like Liu Huaxian be simple?

After touching Lin Feng\'s eyes, Liu Huaxian suddenly felt his heart beat faster.

It was a sense of panic after the secret deliberately hidden in the heart was found.

Liu Huaxian slightly dodged Lin Feng\'s eyes.

"OK, today I will give the fairy this face"!

Lin Feng then looked down at Su Ling. He said, "Liu Xianzi pleads for you. Today I\'ll give you a chance to see if you can seize this opportunity."

After hearing Lin Feng\'s words, Su Ling, who was still very worried, could finally breathe out.

As long as we talk about conditions, if we meet Lin Feng\'s conditions, we will be safe.

But at the next moment, Lin Feng\'s words made Su Ling\'s face extremely ugly again.

"Your ancient magic fist is good. I like it. Give me the cultivation script," Lin Feng said with a smile.

"You\'re asking too much.". Su Ling said with a gloomy look.

"You can choose not to agree, but I can also choose to abolish you"! Lin Feng said faintly.

"You\'re a robber. You\'re taking advantage of people\'s danger. You\'re taking advantage of the fire. You\'re too despicable.". Su Ling roared angrily.

Originally wanted to scold a few dirty words, but fortunately, there were some rationality and didn\'t scold them.

Lin Feng said faintly, "I\'m too lazy to talk too much nonsense with you. I\'ll ask you again for the last time. Will you give me the cultivation script of Shenmo boxing?".

Although Su Ling was very unwilling, at this moment, he had no way back.

"Take it"!

Su Ling gritted her teeth, took out a pair of scrolls and threw them to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng opened the scroll and looked at it carefully. There was no problem with the contents recorded in the scroll. Su Ling didn\'t play any tricks, so he put away the cultivation scroll of Shenmo boxing.

The monks around were stunned.

This guy!

Dare to be so brazen and steal other people\'s ancient supernatural powers.

That\'s an ancient magic power.

Any ancient supernatural power is extremely precious and its value is unimaginable.

In order to get an archaic magic power, countless monks may not be able to get an archaic magic power in order to enter the daze, break into the demon abyss, fight evil animals, fight evil spirits and live a narrow life.

Lin Feng, however, easily took advantage of the fire to rob Su Ling\'s ancient magic power.

And it worked.

Many people look at Lin Feng with envy, jealousy and hatred.

How they wanted to immediately take away the cultivation scroll of the Taigu magic power magic fist. Just thinking of Lin Feng\'s terrible strength, this crazy idea was quickly curbed.

"Go away...". Lin Feng kicked Su Ling out for more than ten meters.

Su Ling got up from the ground and left with the help of two guards.

"Boy, wait, this thing won\'t be so finished.". Su Ling roared hysterically.