Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 931

"Young master Lin, how about we talk somewhere?". Liu Huaxian asked.

This time Lin Feng didn\'t refuse. He nodded and left with Liu Huaxian.

"What a wonderful love battle. No wonder Liu Huaxian will get on well with the boy. The boy is too powerful. Su Ling is a fart in front of him?".

"Yes, Su Ling thought he was going to eat the boy. Who knows that the other party dressed up as a pig and ate a tiger and beat him half to death?".

"You can write a novel and let the storyteller in the teahouse tell the story. It will certainly attract a lot of customers.".


Seeing Lin Fengliu\'s painting fairy leave, many people talked one after another, and these people began to make up many plots.

Moreover, this gossip spread quickly. Soon after, there was a storyteller talking about it in restaurants and teahouses.

Of course, this is all later.

Lin Feng and Liu Huaxian came to an elegant teahouse. After they sat down, Lin Feng looked at Liu Huaxian with a smile and said, "I really didn\'t see it. The fairy is also a person with deep thoughts".

Liu Huaxian blushed and apologized.

She got up, saluted Lin Feng and said, "xian\'er is really entangled by Su Ling. There\'s no way. I hope you can forgive xian\'er\'s behavior today.".

Liu Huaxian said, but she wanted to cry.

Lin Feng doesn\'t believe that Liu Huaxian will shed "real tears".

The woman is very dark.

Lin Feng knew that Su Ling pursued Liu Huaxian before, and the relationship between Liu Huaxian and Su Ling seemed to be good. Although he didn\'t promise Su Ling, he didn\'t refuse Su Ling.

Lin Feng carefully stroked what happened today and found something wrong.

The reason seems to be that he refused to see the stones for Liu Huaxian.

Su Ling took the lead for Liu Huaxian.

Moreover, the two sides have become more and more serious, directly to the point of hands-on.

When Su Ling wanted to deal with herself, Liu Huaxian stood up in favor of herself.

She even said to Su Ling mercilessly, "this matter has nothing to do with Su Ling. Let Su Ling not interfere.".

Lin Feng originally thought Liu Huaxian was good. He didn\'t hesitate to tear his face with Su Ling to protect himself, but then he thought something was wrong.

It is reasonable to say that the relationship between Liu Huaxian and Su Ling is far more than that between her and herself.

If there is a conflict.

Liu Huaxian\'s standing on Su Ling\'s side is a high probability event.

But Liu Huaxian stood on his side.

Of course, it does not rule out that Liu Huaxian is indeed a woman with an explosion of sense of justice, but this assumption is not tenable.

Even though Liu Huaxian\'s sense of justice is bursting, in terms of Liu Huaxian\'s wisdom, the best way is to say some "gentle and gentle" words to persuade Su Ling, but it\'s not cold scolding Su Ling. It looks like if you dare to move Lin Feng, we\'ll be cut off.

Su Ling is a jealous person. How can she stand Liu Huaxian\'s maintenance of Lin Feng? All reason is gone in an instant.

So Lin Feng later felt that Liu Huaxian was intentional!

She is deliberately angering Su Ling and deepening the contradiction between Su Ling and herself.

This is not abdominal black. What is it?

If Lin Feng hadn\'t been used to cheating, he didn\'t even know that he had been put forward by Liu Huaxian.


Seeing that Lin Feng just smiled but didn\'t speak, Liu Huaxian said with rain, "xian\'er\'s family is only an ancient aristocratic family. Su Ling has been tangled since seeing xian\'er. His family has huge power, and his mother\'s family is Taigu power. How dare we offend a small family like us?".

"If Su Ling is a good person, xian\'er will commit himself to him, but Su Ling is vicious, jealous and cruel. People with this character may still be able to hold xian\'er in their hands when they pursue xian\'er. If they get it, they will abandon it, because xian\'er sees too many people like him and can guess what kind of tragic end they will have with him in the future.".

"Seeing that the childe\'s God came down to earth, xian\'er knew that the childe must be able to help xian\'er get rid of this person\'s entanglement, so he carefully designed it. However, he never thought that the childe\'s eyes were like a torch, and he immediately saw through xian\'er\'s thoughts. Now xian\'er only asks the childe to forgive xian\'er. As long as the childe forgives xian\'er, xian\'er can promise him anything.".

Speaking of this, the pink face blushed, which seemed to suggest something to Lin Feng.

People live in the world.

I can\'t help it a lot.

We don\'t live for ourselves, but also for our relatives and lovers.

Such as Liu Huaxian, if it\'s for himself, he can turn against Su Ling.

But what about her people?

"Do you know what is the most precious thing for women?". Lin Feng got up and looked at Liu Huaxian.

Liu Huaxian immediately blushed.

It\'s hard for her to say anything.

Lin Feng saw Liu Huaxian\'s expression and knew that she had guessed wrong.

Lin Feng shook his head helplessly, and then said, "it\'s tears...".

"Women\'s tears are the most painful and precious thing. I won\'t blame you for today\'s affairs, because I\'ve long seen Su Ling unhappy. It\'s also a matter of time to clean him up. Let\'s say goodbye here.".

Lin Feng hugged his fist.

Liu Huaxian said, "young master, can you help xian\'er look at the stone?".

Lin Feng said faintly, "of course you can look at the stone, but no matter what is cut out of the stone, there must be half of me.".

After hearing Lin Feng\'s words, Liu Huaxian was like a cat with its tail stepped on. He bit his silver teeth, crossed his small waist with both hands and said, "why don\'t you grab it?".

Now this fierce look is very different from the previous poetic and picturesque image.

But a little more playful and lovely.

Lin Feng smiled and said, "if you don\'t want to promise, maybe you can come and sleep with me for ten days. How about I help you see the stone?".

With that, Lin Feng looked at some sensitive places on Liu Huaxian.

Liu Huaxian felt as if she had a pair of big hands touching her body, making her sensitive body tremble slightly.

She blushed and shouted angrily, "smelly hooligan, believe it or not, I\'ll dig out your eyes.".

The voice fell and quickly blocked the rough waves with both hands.

Lin Feng smiled and said, "I just joked with you. There\'s no need to be so fierce. Let\'s get back to business. If I guessed correctly, does your stone have something to do with shadow Warcraft?".

"How do you know?". Liu Huaxian\'s face changed slightly.

Then she said in surprise, "did the shadow Warcraft really catch up that night? Did you scare the shadow Warcraft away?".

Lin Feng nodded and said, "the more precious the stones are, the more you can\'t cut them randomly. If you don\'t cut things out, it\'s just fine. But if you cut something that shouldn\'t be cut out, it\'s terrible. I don\'t know how much killing it will cause. Think about it carefully. Ask me for help. If you want to understand, you can go to the Qilian family to find me.".

Lin Feng left and went to the Qilian family. The Qilian family residence is thousands of mu, extremely huge, and countless Menke people.

Of course, this is not the ancestral land of the Qilian family. Where the real core ancestral land is unknown.

However, the Qilian family in Shengshi city is also a master, and even the eternal giant Qilian Xun is personally in charge.

Lin Feng came to the Qilian family. He was intercepted.

"Boy? The Qilian family can\'t break in without permission. Get back quickly.". The guard said in a deep voice.

Lin Feng was about to say what he wanted.

Suddenly there was a roar of animals in the distance. More than a dozen strange animals ran over the sky. On top of the strange animals, more than a dozen young CHILDES jumped down.

"It\'s the prince of the yuhuaxian Dynasty", many guards exclaimed and hurriedly went to the deacon to receive him.