Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 929

"Mr. Su, is this the end of today\'s business?". Liu Huaxian said aloud.

"This son hurt my guard, no one can save him"! Su Ling\'s eyes were cold.

"What if I insist on protecting childe Lin?". Liu Huaxian stopped in front of Lin Feng, and his body exuded a strong breath.

This is Liu Huaxian, the goddess of heaven.

She is also the strength of the realm of creation.

"Is that woman Liu Huaxian? The first beauty in Lingyun Prefecture, why did she protect the boy?".

Suddenly, a monk asked in amazement.

Because the things in front of us do not seem to be a simple conflict.

There seems to be something else involved.

"It is said that Su Ling is pursuing Liu Huaxian. Is it because Liu Huaxian is in love with the young monk, so Su Ling has a grudge and wants to revenge each other?".

A monk said so.

This explanation satisfied the gossip of many people. Many people nodded and thought it was probably the reason.

Seeing that Liu Huaxian was so protective of Lin Feng, Su Ling was on the verge of violence. He looked at Lin Feng coldly and said, "boy, do you know that you hide behind women? You\'re really a coward.".

"You want to hide, but Liu Xianzi is afraid to ignore you," Lin Feng said faintly.

Su Ling almost vomited blood by Lin Feng\'s provocative words. His eyes were gloomy and glittering with cold killing intention.

"You are such an unruly character. I can crush you with one hand. You have only this ability. If you want to hide, hide. I don\'t believe you can hide all the time. You soft egg, pray not to see me. Otherwise, I will crush you like an ant.".

Su Ling said fiercely, all kinds of contempt and satire, and didn\'t pay attention to Lin Feng at all.

"Young master Lin, ignore this man and I\'ll send you away"! Liu Huaxian said.

Lin Feng\'s impression of Liu Huaxian has changed. He thinks that Liu Huaxian is pretty good.

She doesn\'t hesitate to tear her face with Su Ling and protect herself. She is still very kind-hearted.

Lin Feng said, "thank you for your kindness, but someone wants to crush me. Now I want to see if this person really has the ability to crush me, or boast there.".

The voice fell, and Lin Feng stepped out.

Seeing that Lin Feng was going to match Su Ling, Liu Huaxian was a little worried.

Although Lin Feng is unique in the art of debating stones, Lin Feng\'s cultivation is much worse than Su Ling.

Lin Feng is just a realm of yin and Yang.

Su Ling is the cultivation of the four heavens of the realm of creation.

The strength of the two is just one sky and one underground.

The difference between heaven and earth, clouds and mud.

It\'s about Su Ling and Lin Feng.

Lin Feng rushed up so rashly, didn\'t he want to die?

However, Lin Feng is so determined and firm that Liu Huaxian doesn\'t know how to dissuade Lin Feng.

So Liu Huaxian can only worry.

Many onlookers were excited when they saw that Lin Feng was going to face Su Ling.

"Does that boy want to show himself well in front of Liu Huaxian? That\'s why he fought with Su Ling? But he\'s so far from Su Ling, isn\'t he trying to kill himself? Shouldn\'t that boy be so stupid?".

Some monks muttered that they felt something strange about it.


"Well come"!

Seeing Lin Feng coming out, Su Ling suddenly felt proud and smiled grimly in her heart.

If Lin Feng doesn\'t come out, he can\'t help it.

But now Lin Feng is out.

Su Ling has absolute confidence in herself.

Su Ling thinks she has a thousand ways to kill Lin Feng.


Su Ling slapped Lin Feng.

Su Ling wants to beat Lin Feng half to death first, and then torture Lin Feng severely.

Although the holy stone city stipulates that no one can kill.

But I didn\'t say that you can\'t humiliate or torture people.

I will severely humiliate the boy, torture the boy and make him lose face.

Let him fear every time he sees himself.

Su Ling fangruo has seen Lin Feng kneeling to beg for mercy.


At the next moment, Su Ling suddenly felt that his body seemed to have been hit by an ancient mountain.

Su Ling came back to her senses. It turned out that her palm had failed, and she was hit in the abdomen by the boy\'s palm.

At this time, Su Ling felt an unimaginable sharp pain sweeping through her body.


Su Ling flew out upside down, directly ejected a mouthful of blood, fell to the ground, and her body twitched violently.

"What\'s going on?".

All the onlookers were completely stupid. Just now they thought Lin Feng was going to be beaten half dead by Su Ling.

But facing Su Ling\'s attack, Lin Feng easily avoided it.


One punch hit Su Ling hard.

Instead, he beat Su Ling half to death.

How did the boy avoid kaisuling\'s attack?

This is where everyone doubts.

Su Ling is a four heaven cultivation in the realm of creation. He locked the boy when he shot. It\'s reasonable to say that he, a monk in the realm of yin and Yang, can\'t avoid Su Ling\'s blow, but the fact is that he successfully avoided it.

Is it luck?

Many people think it is possible.

Even, it can only be explained in this way.

They don\'t believe that Lin Feng\'s cultivation in the realm of yin and yang can defeat Su Ling in the realm of creation.

There may be Yin and Yang cultivation in this world that can defeat Su Ling\'s demons, but such demons must have been famous in 3000 states.

But who knows Lin Feng?


Even Liu Huaxian was surprised.

Is it luck? Or strength?

Liu Huaxian stared at Lin Feng with beautiful eyes. She was puzzled.

In Liu Huaxian\'s view, Lin Feng was shrouded in a mysterious aura.

That mystery made Liu Huaxian want to get close to Lin Feng and dig out his secret bit by bit.



Su Ling roared and he got up from the ground.

At this moment, Su Ling is dishevelled, with blood stagnation on her clothes and dirt on her body, which is in sharp contrast to her previous handsome image.

Su Ling\'s original handsome face was twisted.

burning shame and humiliation!!

What a shame!

Their own generation of Tianjiao!

He was punched by an unworthy monk and vomited blood.

Su Ling can\'t wait to tear Lin Feng up now.

"Boy, I\'ll trample you under my feet. I\'ll humiliate you severely.".

Su Ling roared and rushed directly at Lin Feng.

He has only one idea now, that is to revenge Lin Feng.


A hundred times revenge!

Only in this way can we calm down the anger in our hearts and wash away the endless shame Lin Feng brought to us.

"Magic fist"!

Su Ling roared. He rushed to Lin Feng. The light on the left soared to the sky and the magic spirit on the right rolled.

Su Ling was like a devil and a God. He punched Lin Feng and killed him. This move of God and devil fist unexpectedly showed the virtual shadow of God and devil.

If this punch blows Lin Feng\'s body, even his body quenched by ether ancient dragon formula will be seriously injured.