Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 928

Liu Huaxian is as beautiful as ever, just like a unique fairy from the painting. She is as beautiful as poetry and painting.

No man seems to be able to refuse her look of expectation with a trace of pity.

Lin Feng said, "the fairy is too high. I don\'t know much about stones. I\'m afraid I\'ll miss the fairy event.".

Lin Feng never stopped and left with Wang Chaozong and others.

Liu Huaxian\'s face, which was declined by Lin Feng, was full of consternation, then turned a little red and left quickly.

She has never been rejected. Now she is rejected by Lin Feng in front of so many people, which makes Liu Huaxian feel ashamed.

Seeing Liu Huaxian leave, Su Ling hurried to catch up.


Back at his residence, the emperor said, "brother, thanks to you today, you can cut out these things. The three treasures in the stone are three and seven of me.".

Lin Feng smiled and said, "this is what belongs to you. Take it.".

Seeing Lin Feng\'s insistence, Wang Chaozong had to nod, and then the emperor said, "is there a more precious treasure in the third stone, so you stopped me from cutting it?".

Lin Fengdao, "I don\'t know if it\'s more precious, but I realize that many people have the nature of greed. The third thing should not be cut out in front of so many people. The magic bone can understand the magic power of these things you get. After understanding, you can take them to the auction house with the other two things. It\'s a blessing or a curse to stay in your hand, and then you can rest Let the elders of your family pick you up.

Wang Chaozong naturally knew the meaning of Lin Feng\'s words. Now these things on him are too precious and will attract a lot of people\'s peep.

"Well, I\'ll send a letter of adjournment in the evening." imperial patriarch.

Lin Feng nodded and then said, "I have something else here. Let\'s say goodbye and get together again in the future"!

When they heard that Lin Feng was leaving, Yuan Hua and others were very reluctant. They also hoped that Lin Feng would help them choose some precious stones.

But now that Lin Feng is leaving, their wishes have come to naught.

They sent Lin Feng outside, and Lin Feng walked towards the "Qilian family" of Shengshi city.

At the beginning, Lin Feng once helped Xun cut stones in Qilian. A large number of older generation strongmen such as Xun in Qilian also invited Lin Feng to argue about the ancient god stones in the holy stone city.

Now Lin Feng plans to directly take a look at the ancient stone. If possible, cut some ancient stones to see if they can cut out powerful treasures or amazing things.

On the way, Lin Feng saw Liu Huaxian and Su Ling.

After seeing Lin Feng, Liu Huaxian bit his red lip, hesitated, came up again and said, "if childe Lin helps me see the stone, I\'m willing to pay 100000 top-grade spirit stones.".

In Liu Huaxian\'s opinion, 100000 top-grade spirit stones are already a huge wealth. Even if the descendants of the ancient forces want to take out 100000 top-grade spirit stones, it is not easy.

Facing such a huge temptation, Lin Feng won\'t refuse? What\'s more, he just takes a look at the stones and can end soon.

But Liu Huaxian obviously did not understand Lin Feng\'s character.

Lin Feng said faintly, "100000 top-grade spirit stones are not a small number. Liu fairy can find the stone king xuanyuanlong, and my ability is limited. The fairy has found the wrong person".

The voice fell and walked away.

Watching Lin Feng leave, Liu Huaxian bit her red lips. The man refused her twice in a row, which hit Liu Huaxian.

"Boy, stop......" suddenly, Su lingleng drank.

Shua Shua!

Su Ling\'s two guards stopped Lin Feng like ghosts.

Lin Feng said faintly, "what\'s up?".

Su Ling looked down at Lin Feng and said, "a friar of cultivation like you doesn\'t even have the qualification to talk to xian\'er. Now you dare to refuse xian\'er\'s request. Do you want to be shameless?".

Lin Feng immediately narrowed his eyes, and a cold idea flashed in his eyes.

Liu Huaxian is not a domineering person. Hearing Su Ling\'s words, he felt a lot of disgust at Su Ling\'s lack of origin.

Because Su Ling\'s words are too arrogant, it is likely to make Lin Feng hate himself.

But Liu Huaxian didn\'t want to be evil with Lin Feng.

Su Ling seems to stand out for herself.

But Liu Huaxian couldn\'t understand that Su Ling was intentional.

But any man who has contact with Su Ling will be cold eyed. This person has a strong desire for possession. If he hadn\'t taken into account Su Ling\'s family, he would have turned against him. Because Su Ling, how many friends have he lost over the years?

But now Liu Huaxian has reached the point where he can\'t bear it.

Liu Huaxian said, "Mr. Su, this is my business. It has nothing to do with you, so please don\'t interfere.".

Hearing Liu Huaxian\'s words, Su Ling\'s face suddenly became gloomy. He defended Liu Huaxian, but Liu Huaxian didn\'t appreciate it. Didn\'t he hit him in the face?

"Didn\'t you hear what Liu Xianzi said? Why don\'t you get away quickly?". Lin Feng looked coldly at the two monks who stopped beside him.

Su Ling said with a sneer, "boy, what are you? Dare you let my childe\'s guard go away? Teach him a lesson and let him know that there are days outside the world and people outside the people"!

"Young master Su, you\'ve gone too far.". Liu Huaxian said coldly.

Su Ling saw that Liu Huaxian was still maintaining Lin Feng and immediately envied the fire.

He said, "xian\'er, this is my business with the boy, not yours.".

Then Su Ling shouted in a deep voice, "what are you two still doing? Don\'t you start quickly?".

"Yes, childe"!

Su Ling\'s two guards answered, and then punched Lin Feng left and right.

Both of them are experts in the realm of yin and Yang.

Su Ling\'s identity is rarely extraordinary, so his family sent such a powerful expert to protect his safety.

I don\'t know what to do.

Lin Feng\'s expression suddenly sank. Facing the attack of the two people, he swept away with one punch.

Bang! Bang!

The sound of two dull collisions came out in a row.

Su Ling\'s two guards broke their arms, collapsed their chests, fell to the ground and vomited blood.

Lin Feng beat them half to death.

Liu Huaxian was very surprised. She didn\'t expect Lin Feng to be so powerful.

I have known Lin Feng for some time. It seems that I have never had a deep understanding of him.

The man in front of him is full of mysteries.

Su Ling\'s face was extremely gloomy. There was a sense of killing in his voice. "Boy, you dare to beat my men so badly. No one can save you in heaven and earth.".


The voice fell, and Su Ling\'s body exuded a terrible smell.

The strength of the monks in the realm of nature is revealed!

"Look, there\'s a fight over there.".

"That man seems to be Su Ling, the Tianjiao of the Su family in Lingyun Prefecture. He is the cultivation of the quadruple heaven of the realm of nature. His cultivation is unfathomable. It is said that he has awakened his special physique. Who is that boy? He has angered Su Ling. I\'m afraid it\'s going to be miserable.".

"So he\'s Su Ling? I\'ve also heard of him. It\'s said that he drank the blood of a divine beast at the age of eight and didn\'t die. Since then, his physique has been improved by divine blood. The monk who offended Su Ling seems to be in the realm of yin and Yang. I\'m afraid he\'s dead.".

"Killing is forbidden in the holy stone city, so don\'t worry about being killed by Su Ling, but it is estimated that Su Ling will break his limbs.".

Many monks exclaimed and hurried to the place of conflict. Everyone talked and looked at Lin Feng with pity.