Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 927

Magic bone runes interweave and escape amazing fluctuations. It\'s really shocking. It\'s just a bone. It can emit such powerful fluctuations and breath. It\'s impossible to imagine what the runes on this bone record.

Many people speculate that it is an ancient supernatural power, but of course it may be something else. This is uncertain. We can know it only after studying it.

"Little friend, I\'m willing to give you three million best spirit stones in exchange for your magic bone.".

The arrival of a white haired monk is definitely a strong man with unfathomable cultivation.

On weekdays, the strong at this level are hard to see.

But now it\'s different.

Taigu sacred stone appears in the holy stone city, attracting too many top strong people, so we can see the strong people of this level from time to time.

"Little friend, I exchange this bone with you with a semi-finished Taoist instrument and three ancient supernatural powers". Another old man appeared and made a big shot.

"If you give me this magic bone, I will accept you as my closed disciple and inherit my orthodoxy in the future.". When the third old man arrived, his identity was even more amazing. He was an antique that had lived for 6000 years. After he appeared, he moved the strong men at the level of ancestors slightly.

"Thank you for your love. This magic bone is still useful to me.". Wang Chaozong recovered his composure after a short excitement. He put the magic bone away.

The three ancestors frowned slightly, but did not say anything, because they had guessed the result before.

No one can easily take out such a mysterious magic bone.

"The third stone! I bought it. How about 100000 top-grade spirit stones?".

Said the white haired ancestor.

Many people marvel at the grandparent\'s great work. The third stone is fire rock, which is worth 100 top-grade spirit stones. The probability of cutting good things is not large.

In the eyes of many onlookers, Lin Feng\'s three stones cut two things in a row, which is good luck.

Can luck go on like this?

Even Yuan Hua and others advised Wang Chaozong to sell the stone.

Wang Chaozong hesitated. He looked at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng shrugged and didn\'t say much. Since this is the stone he chose for the emperor, this is the emperor\'s stone.

Whether he sells or cuts, it is up to the emperor to decide.

The patriarch of the dynasty said, "elder, I\'m sorry. The younger generation doesn\'t intend to sell this stone.".

The white haired old man nodded and stopped talking.

At this time, Emperor Chaozong began to cut the third stone.


Purple thunder wood and magic bone were cut out in the first courtyard, which naturally caused a sensation.

Even if the high-grade stone wants to cut such a good thing, it is very difficult. Now, the other party cuts it out of the low-grade stone.

The news spread quickly and attracted the attention of many people. Even the monks who selected stones from other stone workshops flocked to the yuhuaxian Dynasty stone workshop.

We want to see who is so lucky.

Of course, some people have plans to buy purple thunder wood and magic bone.

Song Lenghan, Su Ling, Liu Huaxian and others who are selecting stones deep in the Shifang of yuhuaxian Dynasty are also surprised.

"Is it true that someone is so lucky? Cut two stones and cut purple thunder wood and magic bone respectively?".

Su Ling\'s eyes suddenly showed jealousy. He cut three stones in succession and spent more than 100000 top-grade spirit stones, but only cut out a refining material worth hundreds of top-grade spirit stones.

This made Su Ling very depressed. Now I heard that the friar in the first courtyard spent two hundred spirit stones to cut out two treasures. How can he not be jealous?

Song Lenghan said, "let\'s go and have a look. I want to see whether this person is really capable or simply lucky.".

The party quickly left the deep courtyard and rushed towards the outer courtyard.

When they came to the first courtyard, they saw that it had been surrounded by water.

"It\'s master song. Everybody get out of the way.".

Someone shouted.

Many people made way for song Lenghan, Su Ling, Liu Huaxian and others.

When they came to the depths of the crowd, the group was obviously stunned.

Because they know the kings who cut stones.

"How is that possible?". Liu Huaxian is a little incredible.

She knew Wang Chaozong quite well. She knew that Wang Chaozong knew nothing about stone.

Now, Wang Chaozong even cut two pieces of treasure, which is like a arabian night.

But such an impractical thing really happened.

As for Su Ling\'s face, it was gloomy. He had humiliated Wang Chaozong before. He saw that it was Wang Chaozong who cut the "Purple thunder wood" and "magic bone" that he didn\'t even bother to look at more.

Su Ling felt the fire of jealousy burning in her heart.

Why is it so lucky for such an ancient aristocratic family, a friar who came out of the influence of non-profit forces?

On the other hand, he was a proud figure. With the guidance of a master like song Lenghan, he spent more than 100000 top-grade spiritual stones, but only cut out things worth hundreds of top-grade spiritual stones.

People die more than people! That\'s what I mean!

Now, a comparison makes Su Ling feel suffocated.

Of course, the main thing is jealousy.

Because the two things of Wang Chaozong are sold at sky high prices.

Although Su Ling came from an extraordinary background, he only had more than 300000 top-grade spirit stones.

After Wang Chaozong got rid of his things, the best spirit stone may be the amount that Su Ling could not earn in his life.

Thinking of this, how can Su Ling not be jealous?

His eyes grew colder.


Suddenly, a voice came out.

The stone cutter touched something.

"No? Cut something out again"!

Many people exclaimed. It\'s unbelievable. Three stones cut out three treasures?

The corners of the mouths of the three ancestors also twitched violently.

They are well-informed.

But in their long lives, they have never seen such a thing.

Three pieces of low-grade stones worth 100 top grade spirit stones were cut out.

This is incredible.

Wang Chaozong also looked happy. He was about to cut the stone.

Lin Feng said, "take it back and cut it"!

Wang Chaozong was slightly stunned and nodded. Lin Feng must have found something, otherwise he wouldn\'t stop him.

At this time, everyone\'s eyes looked at Lin Feng.

"It\'s him, the three stones he chose"!

I don\'t know who shouted and looked at Lin Feng one by one.

The first thing to cut out is luck.

The second thing to cut out is luck.

So can it be luck to cut out the third baby?

Obviously, people don\'t think so.

The young childe, I\'m afraid he has an amazing skill of debating stones.

Liu Huaxian was also slightly Zhang with red lips, which was obviously very shocked.

At this moment, she thought that she was in the ancient forest of falling immortals. She asked Lin Feng if she had studied the stone. Lin Feng said yes. At that time, she wanted to ask Lin Feng to help identify the stone she got in her narrow life, and Lin Feng also promised.

But what kick up a cloud of dust is that he has been involved in this matter. He has satiried a few words of Lin Feng, who are so mysterious and fish for fame and reputation. They have almost come up with a conflict, and they have mediating themselves to stop possible conflicts.

But Liu Huaxian later felt that Lin Feng was so young that how much ability to argue stones could he have? So the idea of asking Lin Feng to help identify the stone also dispersed.

Yesterday, song Lenghan, a master figure, saw the stone.

Song Lenghan could not see the particularity of the stone.

Obviously, song Lenghan\'s Taoism is not enough.

"I knew it. I should ask him to help look at the stones"! Liu Huaxian felt some regret.

Lin Feng and others walked outside. There are more and more people here. It\'s not suitable to stay for a long time.

Many people wanted to invite Lin Feng to help select stones, but Lin Feng declined.

"Childe Lin, can you help me see a stone?". Liu Huaxian came and saluted Lin Feng slightly, with an expectant expression on his face.