Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 926

Three stone materials, namely bee smoke stone, black scale stone and fire rock.

These three kinds of stones are very common stones. Of course, it is impossible to find high-grade stones in the lowest stone area.

Bee smoke stone is like a bee\'s nest. It is oval and full of holes. This kind of stone is the most reluctant stone for friars, because even though there may be something inside, there are many holes on the bee smoke stone, which may also lead to the contact between the things inside and the air outside, which will be destroyed in advance.

Black scale stone is a kind of black. Its surface is covered with cuticle like fish scales. This kind of stone is often salvaged from lakes.

Of course, some black scale stones were salvaged from the sea.

Fire rock is the rock formed by volcanic magma movement, which is generally mined from around the volcano.

Wang Chaozong first chose to cut bee smoke stone.

His movements were not skilled, even very unfamiliar, but he soon seemed to find the skill of cutting stones, and the stone skins were cut off one by one.

"Bee smoke stone is the stone that should be excluded first. It is difficult to cut things out of this kind of stone. Even if there is something, it is estimated that it will be destroyed seven or eight times if it is cut out ten times.".

"Yes, it\'s better to choose other stones than Fengyan stone, but these people should be novices. I think they choose stones quite casually.".

"When you choose more stones and accumulate more experience, you will know how to choose stones".

Many monks are talking, and some people are giving directions.

The stone is getting smaller and smaller. From more than one meter in diameter, it will soon be only 20 cm.

In this case, many onlookers feel very normal. Gambling stone is small and broad.

It\'s normal to cut stones hundreds or even thousands of times without cutting anything.

Wang Chaozong was not disappointed because he had no expectations of cutting good things out of stone from beginning to end.

Since you don\'t expect, what about disappointment?

Wang Chaozong took the last knife.

It was only half cut, and the power of purple thunder came out of the cracked stone.

"There\'s something in the stone"!

Many people exclaimed at this scene.

There are not only things in the stone, but also probably extremely extraordinary things.

It\'s amazing that the purple thunder can attack Wang Chaozong.

Wang Chaozong\'s reaction was also extremely fast. He slapped the thunder and directly shattered the thunder.

His face showed an excited expression. Even if he didn\'t have hope, he would be very excited to see what was really going to be cut out.

Wang Chaozong looked at Lin Feng.

"Be careful," Lin Feng said.

Wang Chaozong nodded. At this moment, his hands holding the stone cutting knife trembled.

Wang Chaozong carefully cut the stone, and a purple thunder wood about ten centimeters long appeared in the stone.

The purple thunder wood kept shooting out thunders.

"Zilei wood! Someone cut out zilei wood! Zilei wood is a small piece of real wood in the core trunk of zilei tree, zilei tree. It is said that it is a sacred tree in the ancient times. It is a sacred tree compatible with the two attributes of thunder. Since the end of the ancient times, zilei tree has been extinct, and zilei wood has gradually disappeared. It is difficult to inherit. Zilei wood is not only a sacred tree It\'s a magic weapon to forge wood attribute and thunder attribute. It\'s said that if the monks who have practiced wood skill or thunder skill wear purple thunder wood, their cultivation speed will increase ten times ".

A monk shouted in shock. At this moment, he looked at the purple thunder wood in the hands of Wang Chaozong and wanted to grab it.

This treasure is worth at least one million top-grade spirit stones.

The deacon of Shifang\'s face turned green. A bee smoke stone worth 100 top-grade spirit stones cut out purple thunder wood worth more than one million top-grade spirit stones. Naturally, the business lost a lot.

"Brother, you are rich...". Yuan Hua and others looked at Wang Chaozong with envy.

Wang Chaozong still didn\'t recover from the shock. He just didn\'t want to sweep Lin Feng\'s elegance, so he gritted his teeth and bought the three stones selected by Lin Feng for him.

And now.

Purple thunder wood worth more than one million top-grade spirit stones was cut out.

This makes Wang Chaozong feel like a dream.

Wang Chaozong regained his mind and looked at Lin Feng with gratitude. Now he suddenly remembered that Lin Feng said that even if the ancestor level existed, he would not only have to queue up to cut stones, but also pay the reward of the law to help. Is it true?

Although it was incredible, Wang Chaozong felt that he believed Lin Feng\'s words in his heart.

Lin Feng gestured to Wang Chaozong to continue cutting the second stone. Wang Chaozong took a deep breath. He held the stone cutter and began to carefully cut the second stone. It seemed that he was afraid of accidentally cutting the baby in the stone. Seeing Wang Chaozong\'s cautious stone cutting, many people were speechless for a while. This guy was too careful, didn\'t he?

Cutting three stones into one piece of treasure is a great luck. Do you still want to cut out each piece of treasure?

"Purple thunder wood was cut out of the first courtyard"!

The news spread quickly in the stone workshop of the yuhuaxian Dynasty, and many people were shocked when they heard it.

Many monks rushed out, because many people were full of interest in purple thunder wood.

This is the treasure of both thunder and wood attributes. It has a fatal temptation for friars who practice thunder and wood attributes.

There are more and more friars in the first courtyard. Many people want to find friars who cut out purple thunder wood to discuss the purchase of purple thunder wood.

Only after coming out did I know that the other party was cutting the second stone.

A friar asked the onlookers, "did the friar who cut the stone choose the stone? This is too bad luck. He cut out a treasure like purple thunder wood in the low-level stone area".

The friar who was questioned said, "he didn\'t choose it, but the young childe in white beside him chose it. The three stones cost 300 top-grade spirit stones, but now he has made money.".

"It\'s a legacy of our ancestors to be able to cut out such a treasure as purple thunder wood.". Said the friar.

The monk\'s voice had just dropped.

I saw the dark fog rolling in the depths.

"What happened?".

The friars outside couldn\'t see the situation inside and asked anxiously.

"Something happened again...".

The monk in the depths responded loudly.

Among the cracked stones, black fog surged. This is something cut out of black scale stone.

In the black fog, there was a black mysterious bone, on which there were dense runes.

"My God, it\'s a magic bone, and it\'s a magic bone branded with runes. It must record ancient supernatural powers"!

Many people exclaimed, unbelievable, three stones, cut two, cut out two treasures.