Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 925

"Moon Palace fairy, cold and dusty, it\'s hard to imagine what a peerless fairy face is under the veil?".

Some people marveled and were impressed by Xue Lingyue\'s temperament.

No fairy face, only temperament, has made countless people excited.

"Fairy, we have been waiting for a long time.".

When several young Tianjiao came up and saw them, many people exclaimed.

"Huangfu qingqiong! Falling rain! Muzikun! Nangong parting!"

Which of these four people is not the most arrogant person?

Huangfu qingqiong, the great prince of the immortal Dynasty.

Falling rain, the young master of Yuezhou Taigu aristocratic family.

Muzi Kun is the descendant of Tianzhou years cave.

Nangong farewell, the descendant of Xushen gate in Tianzhou.

These four people are not only of noble origin, but also have various talents, which can be called the level against the sky. Their accomplishments are even more in direct pursuit of the strong of the older generation.

Obviously, the four top Tianjiao came for Xue Lingyue.

A woman like Xue Lingyue, who is like a fairy in the Moon Palace, is afraid that only this top-level Tianjiao is qualified to make friends with her.

"Let several Taoist friends wait for a long time". Xue Lingyue came with the smell of holiness and dust. Her voice was gentle and beautiful, but it gave people a vague feeling for a moment.

Everyone separated the road for them and let them go up.

When the top Tianjiao in this line left, many people were still talking about Xue Lingyue\'s beautiful appearance and the extraordinary bravery of the four top Tianjiao.

Lin Feng and others left.

The night was bright and clear. Lin Feng sat on the eaves and looked up at the moon.

Deep in the starry sky, that\'s where you want to go.

He likes to look at the starry sky like this to remind himself not to forget his mother who is still suppressed by the nine day burial coffin.

Liu Huaxian came back with several companions. Lin Feng just glanced at it and didn\'t pay too much attention.

Liu Huaxian also saw Lin Feng and was curious.

Lin Feng seems to be shrouded in a mysterious color.

Now we have known each other for some time, but who knows his origin?

I don\'t know anything except a name.

It\'s hard to say whether the name is true or not.

After all.

Many people like to make up a name when they go out for experience. Some people even directly use a nickname instead of their own name.

"What a strange man.".

Liu Huaxian muttered to herself, but she didn\'t think much. In her opinion, Lin Feng was destined to have no too much intersection with her.

The next day, Lin Feng and others went to Shifang.

The stone square of Xingzhou holy stone city can be discharged into the top five even in 3000 states.

This is one of the most famous stone workshops.

Because there was more than one ancient stone here.

Many top forces have set up stone workshops in the holy stone city. This place is very lively. Countless monks flock here just for gambling stones.

Not everyone came.

Some people are not very interested in gambling stones, so they have not come.

Lin Feng came with seven or eight people, including Wang Chaozong and Yuan Hua.

As soon as I entered the stone workshop, I heard someone shouting.

"Old xuansha cut out a piece of sunset fire gold essence, which is the best treasure for forging artifact...".

The news spread quickly.

Many people are talking about it.

Countless people were shocked that the materials used to forge artifacts were too precious.

"Xuansha ancestor?", Lin Feng\'s eyebrows slightly picked when he heard the name.

Xuansha! Xuanmo! Xuanming!

These three demons are masters of the evil way, and they are also martial brothers. The ancestors of xuanmo and xuanming were killed by Lin Feng successively.

As for this xuansha ancestor, he is mysterious. Lin Feng has only heard of him, but he has never seen him. However, I heard that he is also a ferocious person.

In order to cultivate a powerful magic skill, tens of millions of people were slaughtered.

Therefore, it was besieged by many sects.

However, the old devil fled to the overseas world and hid for many years. When he made great progress in cultivation, he returned to the inland. Many enemies came to surround and kill xuansha Laozu, but xuansha Laozu was too powerful at this time.

The forces that besieged xuansha Laozu suffered heavy casualties. Until now, xuansha Laozu is still at large.

Lin Feng didn\'t expect to hear the news of xuansha\'s old devil here. He was so bold that he dared to go to the holy stone city to gamble.

"Look, it\'s song Lenghan, Su Ling, Liu Huaxian and others...". Yuan Hua points to the front.

Song Lenghan, as the nine disciples of stone king xuanyuanlong, had unique views on stone selection. His arrival caused a great sensation.

Lin Feng and others walked to the depths. Here, all kinds of stone workshops are next to each other. It is the great forces that can open stone workshops in the holy stone city.

Lin Feng saw the Shifang of the yuhuaxian Dynasty, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"We\'ll go to the stone workshop of yuhuaxian Dynasty". Lin Feng said.

Everyone had no opinion, and everyone followed to see the excitement. If it was a gambling stone, it was estimated that few people would do it.

Because these children are from ancient forces or ancient forces.

Although their origins are good, the ancient forces and ancient forces can\'t give them too much financial support after all.

Some ordinary stones are hundreds of top-grade spiritual stones, not to mention good stones, which are sky high prices.

They can\'t afford it at all.

There was a voice of catharsis outside. Song Lenghan, Su Ling, Liu Huaxian and others entered the stone workshop of the yuhuaxian Dynasty among the stars and the moon.

There are nine courtyards in Shifang of yuhuaxian Dynasty. The value of stones in each courtyard is different.

The more you go inside, the more precious the stone is, and the easier it is to cut out good things.

Of course, it\'s not that cheap stone can\'t cut good things.

The probability of cutting good things out of cheap stone will be very low.

Surrounded by countless people, song Lenghan, Su Ling, Liu Huaxian and others entered the deep courtyard.

"What a prestige.". A young monk named Liu Peng said with envy.

Liu Peng is the youngest of these aristocratic families. He is only 16 years old and came out with his brother Liu Jian.

Liu Jian said, "there is nothing to envy. Just be ourselves.".

At this time, Lin Feng said, "there are many good things in the stone of this heavy courtyard. You can have a look at it.".

The crowd nodded and looked around at the stones.

Obviously, the first courtyard has the most stones and is very cheap. They are all about 100 top-grade spirit stones.

The price will not be much higher or much lower.

Yuan Hua muttered, "this is still the first stone in the courtyard. It has been worth hundreds of top-grade spiritual stones. This is a robbery for money. Isn\'t the stone in it sky high?".

For them, a hundred top-grade spirit stones are indeed an astronomical number.

There are also the most monks in the first courtyard. After all, the price of stone is too high for ordinary people to afford.

Lin Feng shuttled among the stones. He found three stones and handed them to Wang Chaozong.

The three stones are worth 300 top-grade spiritual stones. For Wang Chaozong, this is a huge spiritual stone and will spend most of his savings. However, Wang Chaozong is an open-minded person. He did not hesitate to pay the spiritual stone. The deacon of Shifang presented Wang Chaozong with a stone cutting knife.

"Hey, I don\'t know if I can cut it out, baby". Wang Chaozong said with a grin. Naturally, he didn\'t hold any hope. He just didn\'t want to sweep Lin Feng\'s interest. Emperor Chaozong chose one of the stones and began cutting stones. When he saw someone cutting stones here, many people gathered around to watch the excitement.