Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 924

The holy stone city is very lively, especially during this period, because of the ancient god stone, it has attracted too many strong people.

Many ancient families sent people to buy Taigu God stone.

When Lin Feng and his party came to Shengshi City, they found it difficult to even book the inn. They ran a lot of places and just booked a room.

Lin Feng couldn\'t help sighing, "it\'s really crazy. So many people came.".

Wang Chaozong said, "this is a grand event. When the ancient god stone appears, it will cut out unimaginable things. Naturally, many people will come.".

The party walked towards the residence. At this time, Su Ling said to Liu Huaxian, "xian\'er, this kind of inn is too simple. Our family happens to have a residence in Shengshi city. It\'s better to go to our Su family\'s residence.".

Many people shook their heads and didn\'t stop because Su Ling didn\'t invite them. For example, more than a dozen monks such as Wang Chaozong and Yuan Hua came from ancient aristocratic families or ancient aristocratic families. There was a big gap between them and Su Ling\'s family, so they had almost no intersection. In the past half a year, Su Ling said no more than ten words with more than a dozen of them.

The children of these aristocratic families naturally know that Su Ling doesn\'t like them, so they won\'t stick a hot face to a cold ass.

As for the children of these aristocratic families who had a good relationship with Liu Huaxian, they have become more or less estranged from Liu Huaxian because of Su Ling.

Lin Feng naturally doesn\'t care whether Liu Huaxian will follow Su Ling. For him, Liu Huaxian is just a nodding acquaintance.

Lin Feng said, "let\'s go to Shifang tomorrow.".

Yuan Hua said, "brother Lin is really proficient in stone selection. Why don\'t you help me choose a few pieces and count my losses. If you really come up with good things, brother, I won\'t forget your benefits.".

Lin Feng smiled and said, "did you ever know that even if there are many ancestors who want to invite me to choose a stone, they have to wait in line, and they need to pay the law to invite me?".

"Ha ha, brother Lin, I didn\'t expect you to be very humorous.". Yuan Hua smiled.

The rest of the people laughed off as if Lin Feng was joking.

We got along for a while and got to know each other a lot. Lin Feng didn\'t have much contact with others, but he finally knew each other.

The children of these aristocratic families are pretty good. There are no arrogant and domineering people.

"Would you like to go out and get together tonight?". Someone said.

"You can go to Wanhua building to relax.". Wang Chaozong said.

In the evening, they went to the Wanhua building together.

Liu Huaxian also appeared. Instead of following Su Ling to the Su family\'s residence, she chose to live in the inn.

They went to Wanhua building. When they got out of the inn, they saw Su Ling waiting outside.

Many people frown slightly. Su Ling is high above the others. Even at the party, everyone will be a little uncomfortable.

Just because of Liu Huaxian\'s face, and Su Ling can\'t afford to offend, naturally no one will say more.

Wanhua building is as lively as ever. This Fengyue place, which has opened all over three thousand states in tianwu mainland, doesn\'t know how many strong people have been attracted with beautiful women.

"The saint Xue Lingyue of Wanhua building is coming...".

After arriving at the Wanhua building, excited monks can be seen everywhere.

There are twelve saints in the Wanhua building.

Bai Shengyi, whom Lin Feng knew, was one of them.

Xue Lingyue is also one of them. She has the good name of the Moon Palace fairy.

Today, many heroes come to see Xue Lingyue.

Lin Feng and others asked for a box, and then ordered more than 30 singers, dancers, Leji and so on.

Some people play music and some dance.

While drinking, they enjoyed the beautiful dancer dancing lightly.

In the middle of the banquet, one of Su Ling\'s guards entered the pavilion and whispered with Su Ling.

Su Ling waved back and said with a smile, "you have come to the holy stone city. Today I will introduce you to a big man. This big man is song Lenghan, the nine disciples of stone king xuanyuanlong. If you know this man, you can find this big man if you want to buy stones in the future".

The voice fell. Su Ling got up and went outside to meet song Lenghan.

Many people talked about it.

Shiwang xuanyuanlong is the honored guest of the ancient patriarch of the Taigu forces. He has a total of 18 disciples, all of whom are highly respected.

Many people are quite excited. If we can explain such a big man, it will be of infinite benefit.

But some people are indifferent, because they don\'t think people like song Lenghan will make friends with them.

Soon Su Ling came in with a middle-aged monk who was looking at his 40s.

Su Ling said, "this is master Lenghan song.".

Many people went to say hello. Master song Lenghan didn\'t even nod his head.

Wang Chaozong\'s lips seemed to have expected this.

Yuan Hua said, "if you are not a circle of people, don\'t think about making friends. In the end, you just lose your face.".

Lin Feng smiled and said, "brother yuan\'s words are very reasonable.".

Yuan Hua was a little complacent. Then he patted Lin Feng on the shoulder and said earnestly, "brother Lin, you are still young and there is still a long way to go.".

Yuan Hua\'s old expression made Lin Feng want to laugh.

After song Lenghan took his seat, he looked at Liu Huaxian and said, "I saw Su Ling before. I heard Su Ling say that niece Liu got a very special stone and wanted to see someone, so I came.".

Liu Huaxian nodded and said, "I really got such a stone. I\'ll bother my predecessors to have a look.".

Lin Feng\'s heart moved. He thought of the shadow Warcraft that he chased and killed. He was afraid that the stone had something to do with the shadow Warcraft. He didn\'t know what the stone was.

"Let\'s open another elegant room and let the elder observe the stone carefully.". Su Ling said.

Liu Huaxian nodded. Several friars who had a good relationship with Liu Huaxian were also shouted together.

Lin Feng was not invited.

Although Lin Feng was quite curious about what was unusual about the stone, since Liu Huaxian didn\'t invite him, he wouldn\'t take the initiative to follow him.

Lin Feng\'s art of debating stones is unique in the world. He naturally has his own dignity.

Soon after, there was a commotion outside.

Xue Lingyue, the saint of Wanhua building, is here.

Many people poured out of the elegant Pavilion and wanted to see Xue Lingyue\'s peerless demeanor.

Lin Feng and others also walked out of the accord.

A tall, veiled woman in a long silver dress came in.

The woman came with a lotus step, surrounded by the moon, and let her watch the holy dust.

She has a cool temperament like the moon, like a fairy falling from the Moon Palace.

Seeing this woman, Lin Feng couldn\'t help thinking of a poem, which was more suitable for the beautiful woman who was veiled like a fairy in the Moon Palace.

Flowers think of clothes, clouds think of capacity,

The spring breeze blows the sill, and the dew is thick.

If I hadn\'t seen you at the head of Qun Yushan,

I\'ll meet you at Yaotai.