Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 923

"Where is brother Lin going?". Wang Chaozong asked.

"Holy stone city"!


Wang Chaozong showed his joy and said, "that\'s a coincidence. We also plan to go to the holy stone city. We heard that a batch of ancient gods will appear in the holy stone city. We\'re going to see if we can cut amazing things.".

When it comes to stone cutting, the monk named Yuan Hua\'s eyes brightened up. He gathered together and said, "in the past, he had cut the ancient god stone, and it is said that he had cut out extremely amazing things.".

Lin Feng asked in surprise, "what did you cut out?".

"I heard that a fairy was cut out," Yuan Hua said mysteriously.

Lin Feng was surprised. He didn\'t doubt Yuan Hua\'s words, because in theory, the ancient god stone was wrapped by divine power, which is equivalent to a seal, which can isolate the passage of time.

If the fairy is cut out, it is not impossible.

Wang Chaozong was obviously very interested in this matter and said, "can fairies be cut out? This is not an erroneous thing? Even if they are sealed in the stone, life will pass away soon? If you cut out a pile of fairies\' bones, I believe it.".

Yuan Hua said, "what do you know? What I said is naturally true, because one of my ancestors saw it in those years.".

Yuan Hua\'s words attracted the attention of many people, and many people listened.

Lin Feng said, "what was the situation at that time?".

Yuan Huadao said, "at that time, this incident caused a great sensation and attracted many people. Although tens of thousands of years have passed, many forces should still have data records. According to the data left by my ancestors, there are divine materials that breed life, stone materials crack, and fairy girls come out".

"Stop... Do you mean that the woman came out of the stone by herself?". Wang Chaozong asked.

"The records left by our ancestors are indeed like this"! Yuan Huadao.

Wang Chaozong shook his head and said, "what you said is more and more unreliable. Anyway, I don\'t believe it.".

Lin Feng said, "in fact, it is not unreliable. If the ancient god stone seals people in it, they may not die even after hundreds of millions of years.".

"Didn\'t Shouyuan pass long ago?". Wang Chaozong asked.

Lin Feng said, "Among the ancient sacred stones, there is a kind of sacred stone called forbidden time stone! This kind of sacred stone is very strange. Its interior will form a very special divine power. This divine power flows and can isolate the passage of time. Therefore, theoretically, if you can find such a sacred stone and seal yourself in the sacred stone, you may not die, and then after endless years, Walk out of the divine stone.

Yuan Hua said, "I said, there must be something like this. You dare to question me!"!

"It seems that this childe has studied stone materials?", Liu Huaxian came and brought a gust of fragrance.

Lin Feng said, "really dabbled"!

"Dare you ask your name?".

Liu Huaxian asked.

"Lin Feng"!

"It\'s childe Lin. I have a stone here. I wonder if childe Lin can take a look at it for me?" asked Liu Huaxian.

At this time, Su Ling said, "xian\'er, the boy\'s origin is unknown, so it\'s better to be cautious. What\'s more, what can a monk in the realm of yin and Yang have? I think he\'s mostly playing tricks. There are many people fishing for fame in the world.".

Lin Feng glanced at Su Ling lightly and said, "no matter whether I am mystifying or fishing for fame and reputation, I can be sure that the quality of some people makes people feel a little anxious. The so-called dragon gives birth to nine children, and nine children are different. It seems that this sentence is really right. People who are also born in a big family, but sometimes the gap is only the word of character".

Su Ling\'s eyes sank slightly. He looked at Lin Feng coldly and said, "are you pointing at me?".

Wang Chaozong hurriedly rounded up the situation and said, "young master Su, brother Lin is younger. If you say something wrong, don\'t care. I apologize to master Su for brother Lin and hope that master Su won\'t go to heart.".

"What are you? You deserve to be a peacemaker?" Su Ling sneered.

Wang Chaozong\'s face twitched violently.

They went out to practice together for more than half a year. Wang Chaozong thought Su Ling would give him some thin noodles, but obviously Su Ling didn\'t. these words were like a loud slap on Wang Chaozong\'s face.

Although Wang Chaozong was suffocating to death, he did not dare to attack. Su Ling\'s background was too big for him to offend.

Liu Huaxian said, "brother Su, I think that\'s it.".

"Since xian\'er begged, forget it." Su Ling didn\'t go to see Lin Feng again. In his eyes, Lin Feng was just an out of class character.

Liu Huaxian never asked Lin Feng to help her look at the stones again, because she also felt that Lin Feng, a young monk, was afraid that he didn\'t have much ability to argue about stones.

Liu Huaxian walked away, and Su Ling left together.

"Embarrassed brother Wang". Lin Feng hugged his fist.

The emperor said, "it\'s all right. Most people here have good relations. I\'m not afraid of everyone laughing at me.".

Even so.

But who is angry at being so humiliated?

Lin Feng said, "when you arrive at the holy stone city, I\'ll help you choose some stones.".

Wang Chaozong didn\'t care either. He smiled and said, "that feeling is good. Maybe I can get lucky. When I cut out some good things, brother, I\'ll be rich.".

Lin Feng naturally knows that Wang Chaozong is making fun of himself. He probably doesn\'t have any big expectations for cutting out good things.

Lin Feng smiled and didn\'t say much.

He thinks Wang Chaozong is quite nice.

As for Su Ling.

In Lin Feng\'s view, it is simply a role that does not enter the stream.


Late at night, Lin Feng, resting on a big tree, woke up.

He frowned slightly, then stood up and walked away.

Except for a monk on duty, everyone else fell asleep.

In the dark, a pair of cold eyes looked.

The terrible smell is creepy.

But the owner of those cold eyes saw Lin Feng and left quickly.

"It\'s a shadow Warcraft. It\'s a fierce beast deep in the earth. Its cultivation is unfathomable. Is it chasing Liu Huaxian and others?".

Lin Feng frowned slightly.

He thought that Liu Huaxian seemed to have a stone. Did he get it from the depths of the earth?

So, the shadow Warcraft followed all the way?

"What are you doing here?" a voice came from behind.

Lin Feng looked and saw Liu Huaxian\'s peerless posture.

"Just walk", Lin Feng smiled faintly and walked towards the rest area.

"Just now I vaguely felt a terrible smell, which seemed to be the smell of shadow Warcraft. Why did it disappear? Could it be that I became too sensitive because I was chased by shadow Warcraft these days? In fact, there was nothing?".

Liu Huaxian was puzzled. Her eyes looked at Lin Feng and frowned slightly. She always felt that Lin Feng seemed strange, but she couldn\'t tell what was strange.