Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 922

In the dead swamp, a flamingo crossed the sky and hit a cliff.





The fire crow hit the cliff hard with his head again and again.

the earth trembled and the mountains swayed!

Fire crows suffer from soul eating every day. Life is better than death.

At this time, it will hit the cliff and reduce the pain.

A figure came from a distance.

The fire crow seemed to be aware of it. He turned his head and looked at the man who was coming.

Because it feels this person\'s abnormal terror.

"Who are you?" asked the Flamingo.

"Don\'t I even remember? The terrible curse buried your memory and forgot who you are? Living in endless pain".

The great demon sighed.

The fire crow sneered, "of course I know who I am?".

Tongtian demon said, "the most terrible and sad thing is that you think you know everything. In the end, you find that everything is made by others, and everything you experience, even the memory in your mind, does not belong to you, but is stuffed into your mind"!

The fire crow said with gloomy eyes, "I don\'t know what you\'re talking about.".

Quack quack

The fire crow flapped its wings and flew away into the distance.

The great demon looked at the fire crow leaving, shook his head slightly, and then walked in another direction.


There are still many monks gathered here in the star meteorite mountains to look for star meteorites.

Lin Feng also came to the star meteorite mountains.

This mountain range is extremely huge and endless. You can\'t see the end at a glance.

Lin Feng entered the star meteorite mountains, spent a day, dug several places, and finally dug out the star meteorite.

Star meteorite is very precious, even in the star meteorite mountains, it is extremely rare, so after Lin Feng dug out the star meteorite, many people showed malicious eyes.

Lin Feng was too lazy to entangle with the monks here. He rose to the sky and left quickly.

"I have been practicing in Tianjie demon territory for half a year, and now the stone debate holy meeting in the holy stone city should have begun?" murmured Lin Feng.

There will be a batch of stones inherited from the ancient times in Xingzhou holy stone city. These stones are too precious. It can be said to be a grand event. At that time, it will attract countless strong people.

Calculate the time. It should have started.

Lin Feng plans to go to the holy stone city. He has never seen the "ancient god stone". Naturally, he also wants to see it.

Lin Feng flew out of the ancient forest of fallen immortals. One night after ten days, Lin Feng raised a bonfire in a mountain forest, and then drove a barbecue and boiled wine.


When someone came, it was a group of more than a dozen monks, all young monks, male and female.

You can tell by their clothes that these people are of extraordinary origin.

"Brother\'s craftsmanship is good. He can smell the smell of meat from a distance.". A monk in a black suit smiled and said.

Lin Feng cut off a piece of meat and threw it to him.

"Ha ha, thank you.". Said the friar in black with a smile.

Lin Feng nodded and didn\'t say much.

"Wang Chaozong, be careful when you go out.". A young man in purple slightly frowned and said.

The monk in black smiled and said, "brother Yuan said, you must pay attention next time.".

Although he said so, he wolfed down. It was obvious that he was just perfunctory about the monk named Yuan Hua.

This group of people sat down and rested around. Some took out spirit wine and drank spirit wine to quench their thirst. Others took out spirit fruit and ate spirit fruit to satisfy their hunger.

"I really can\'t enjoy it. What\'s left when I\'m alive and leave eating? I have to constantly taste delicious food in order to make my life delicious. These people eat some spiritual fruits to satisfy their hunger all day. The good name is that eating spiritual fruits has less impurities in their body, which is beneficial to cultivation. In fact, they don\'t know that when they hold this mentality, cultivation has fallen into the lower level".

Wang Chaozong looked around and the monks couldn\'t help but curl their mouths.

"You are a free and easy person". Lin Feng smiled.

The patriarch of the dynasty said, "ha ha, thank you for your praise. I haven\'t asked how to call my brother yet.".

"Lin Feng"!


"I\'m king Chaozong"!


The two introduced each other. It was obvious that Wang Chaozong was a good person. In a few words, he narrowed the distance with Lin Feng.

After a conversation, Lin Feng knew that these people were young children of various aristocratic families in "Lingyun Prefecture" and came out to experience together.

Lingyun Prefecture is in the northwest of Xingzhou and borders Yuezhou. Lingyun Prefecture is not a particularly powerful state. There is only one Taigu power Lingyun villa.

However, Lingyun mountain villa has always been mysterious. Even other forces in Lingyun Prefecture do not have a special understanding of Lingyun mountain villa.

Except for Wang Chaozong, the others obviously had little interest in knowing Lin Feng.

They all sit in place and rest.


At this time, four or five figures flew in the distance.

These people stopped, obviously they were companions.

"I\'m relieved to see you back.".

The people got up and said.

The patriarch of the dynasty said, "we met an animal king and several animal kings, so we dispersed and left.".

Lin Feng nodded.

Among the newcomers, a woman attracted Lin Feng\'s attention.

However, the woman was dressed in a Weidi brocade dress mixed with moon white and light pink, with a skirt hem and silver edging at the cuffs.

With long hair, a simple plain hairpin is inserted. The sandalwood lips are smiling, and there is a feeling of dust like immortality between the eyebrows and eyes.

Seeing the woman, Lin Feng couldn\'t help but come up with a poem describing the woman, which simply complemented the woman\'s temperament in front of him.

Hands are like catkins and skin is like condensation,

The collar is like a gourd, and the teeth are like a bottle rhinoceros,

She has a beautiful smile,

Beautiful eyes look forward to it. with one glance she upsets a town,

Take care of the country again.


The woman was as if she had come out of the painting.

Her arrival made many male friars\' eyes slightly hot.

Even though they are acquaintances and have known each other for a long time, every time they see a woman\'s peerless face, they can\'t help but secretly marvel at the greatness of the creator and can produce such a beauty.

The eyes of several nuns looked at a male monk who came together, but they saw that the man was in his twenties. He was slender, his face was like a crown of jade, and his eyes were like stars. It was no wonder that he would attract the attention of the nuns.

However, it was obvious that the male nun had little interest in the rest of the female nuns. His eyes had always been on the female nun who walked out of the picturesque.

Wang Chaozong said: "That woman\'s name is Liu Huaxian. She is the first beautiful woman in Lingyun Prefecture. That man\'s name is Su Ling. His family is an ancient aristocratic family. It is said that his mother is the daughter of a big elder of Lingyun mountain villa of Taigu forces. Su Ling\'s talent is amazing. She doesn\'t meet us on weekdays, but this time Liu Huaxian came out to experience with us, and Su Ling is one Get up.

Liu Huaxian saluted the crowd, and then found a place to sit down and rest. Her every move has an unspeakable beauty.

Even though Lin Feng is used to seeing beautiful women, he feels a little amazing.