Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 921

The intertwined array patterns radiate amazing fluctuations and emit shocking forces. This is the secret script of the one pulse of Heavenly Master. Now it is about to be opened. Even though Lin Feng knows that the inheritance of this pulse is shrouded in the shadow of curse, he is still excited in his heart.

Because, for such a powerful inheritance, any spiritual array master will be very eager to know something about it.

The most powerful spirit array master inherits.

If you don\'t study it carefully, won\'t you regret it all your life?

Click, click

The sealed ancient bronze books began to open voluntarily.

Many runes recombine.

This is the way to open ancient bronze books.

The Tongtian demon is really terrible. Even the Runes of the Heavenly Master can be cracked.

Finally, the ancient bronze book was opened, and Lin Feng thanked the great demon, and then he began to study the things recorded above.

On the first page, the first line reads seven very striking characters.

"The Heavenly Master doesn\'t see each other"!

This is what Tongtian demon told himself before.

The following is the inheritance of the Heavenly Master.

"Pregnant in the heaven and earth, swallowing the essence, the heavenly way book, the God form itself."

Lin Feng read the following passage, which recorded the inheritance of the Heavenly Master.

After reading it, Lin Feng was shocked.

Because the inheritance of this heavenly master is not created by "monks".

It comes from a "stone Sutra".

This stone Sutra is naturally raised and is a matrix pattern bred by heaven and earth.

Later, when this stone sutra was taken away, it created a vein of heavenly masters.

"Isn\'t it the same as heavenly fire, immortal elixir and so on?".

Lin Feng was extremely shocked. No wonder the Heavenly Master, who is known as the strongest spirit array master, was cursed.

The reason should be too strong.

Naturally, the spiritual array bred by nature is not comparable to the array created by friars.

"The stone Scripture records 3000 kinds of large arrays, which is the foundation of the one pulse of Heavenly Master...".

Lin Feng continued to read.

The mysterious stone Sutra not only records 3000 powerful arrays.

And it is still a "stone tool"!

Some of the most powerful stone tools are Cambodian soldiers.

The stone Sutra is such a treasure.

But later, the sacred stone Sutra of Heavenly Master was lost.

The first major fault appeared in the Taoist tradition of the same vein of Tianshi.

This ancient bronze book records part of the Taoist tradition of the one vein of heavenly masters.

"If you lose the sacred object, the inheritance of the Heavenly Master is still so strong? If the stone Scripture is still there, it would be more against the sky?".

Lin Feng\'s heart was full of deep shock.

"One pulse of the Heavenly Master can determine the spiritual pulse, find the immortal house, freely shuttle through the dead Jedi, go up to the heaven, go down to the underworld, communicate Yin and Yang, break the heaven array, lock the avenue, kill the sky and destroy all gods and Buddhas...".

There are about a hundred words that record the ability of a Heavenly Master.

The Heavenly Master has mastered many terrible means. For example, some means can walk freely in such a terrible place as the death Jedi. It\'s incredible.

Some means are very similar to the "dragon Seeking Formula" inherited by the mountain moving Taoist. They fix the spirit pulse and find the immortal house.

Some means are to ignore the kill array and shuttle unimpeded through the array.

Of course, there are also many powerful means of attack. Killing gods and killing Buddhas is so powerful that the gods and Buddhas tremble.

The content recorded above was too amazing. Lin Feng looked stunned.

Tongtian demon seemed to know the content recorded above. He said in a quiet voice, "this pulse is very rebellious. Although it is only a single pass, everyone is afraid of it.".

Lin Feng nodded and said, "I never thought there was such a terrible orthodoxy. No wonder the Heavenly Master was cursed.".


After that, Lin Feng still practiced hard every day, and then studied ancient bronze books.

Although he knew that the inheritance of the Heavenly Master was cursed, Lin Feng could not control his thirst for knowledge about the inheritance of the Heavenly Master.

What\'s more, in Lin Feng\'s opinion, Tianshi Yimai has been lost for thousands of years, and the ancestors of Tianshi Yimai have long died.

How can he practice?

It\'s a big deal that I won\'t pass on the Taoist tradition of Heavenly Master to others all my life.

In this way, the curse of the Heavenly Master will have no effect on himself.

Following the cultivation of Tongtian demon, Lin Feng\'s cultivation improved by leaps and bounds.

The number of rules in Lin Feng\'s body is also increasing.

Finally reached the thousand root rule.

This is already his limit. He can\'t continue to refine the law.

Unless you make a breakthrough.

Otherwise, Lin Feng\'s flesh will be destroyed if he forces the law into his body.

Next, Lin Feng began to settle his accomplishments and prepare to break through the ten Heaven of yin and Yang.

The yin-yang realm and the ten Heaven are called the small creation realm.

Once the breakthrough is made, it is only one step away from the real realm of creation.

It took Lin Feng a month to adjust his state and wash away all the lead.

Then he began to try to impact the ten Heaven of yin and Yang.


The mana in the body surged.

Original magic liquid! The origin of God!

Also began to be refined by Lin Feng.

Every breakthrough will make the blood stronger. Lin Feng will seize this opportunity to refine the origin of God to stimulate the immortal blood in the body.

The immortal blood in the body began to recover.

Soon Lin Feng\'s immortal blood reached 16% blood purity.

Lin Feng estimates that if you break through the realm of nature, you should be able to reach 20%.

The power of special blood will increase several times every 10% increase in blood purity.

The roar came from Lin Feng\'s body, just like thunder.

The mana in Lin Feng\'s body erupted like a river burst.

Powerful mana surge.

Lin Feng\'s breath is getting stronger and stronger.

Finally, at a certain moment, the fluctuation in Lin Feng\'s body began to rise straightly, increased ten times, and then stopped.

"Breakthrough, yin and Yang realm, ten Heaven"!

Lin Feng showed a happy expression.


Half a year is fleeting.

Deep in the ancient forest of fallen immortals, a mass of mana is wrapped in the hands of the great demon. Among the mana, there is a small world sealed. This small world is the realm of Tianjie demon.

Tianjie demon territory itself is a treasure, but it has become a space and turned into a small world. Now, it is controlled by Tongtian demon.

"If Tianjie demon realm is just an ordinary secret realm, I\'ll give it to you to improve your cultivation, but it\'s a magic weapon and involves a big secret. The owner of the magic weapon is still alive. If it\'s in your hand, the owner of the magic weapon will appear. You can kill you thousands of times with one thought, so I\'ll take it away.". Said the great demon.

"Only the elders can control such a baby.". Lin Feng Road.

After a pause, Lin Feng asked, "where are you going when you leave tianwu mainland?".

Tongtian demon said, "the deepest part of the starry world, I want to return to the immortal world. I want to have a look at Tongtian River and my hometown".

The voice of the great demon became lonely.

The war of the past.

Countless demon families in Tongtianhe were killed by Tianting.

The relatives of Tongtian demon, I\'m afraid they also fell in that war.

"I don\'t know if there is another day to meet with my predecessors.". Lin Feng murmured that the world was too big.

This farewell may be farewell.

"Practice hard. If you have the strength to enter the undead world in the future, we can see you again.".

The great demon in the sky walked towards the distance.

His figure faded away.

Lin Feng stood in the mountains and waved to the great demon in the sky to see off the great demon in the ancient times.