Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 920

After the collision, the virtual shadow of the emperor of heaven and the great demon of Tongtian quickly retreated. They confronted each other in the void, and the surrounding void was distorted.

Lin Feng retreated quickly and did not dare to get close to the battlefield, so as not to be affected by the fish in the pond.

The emperor\'s eyes shifted from the Tongtian demon to Lin Feng. He looked uncertain and said, "no wonder! No wonder! It\'s this kind of blood, boy, I remember you".

It\'s obviously not good to be remembered by the emperor of heaven. Lin Feng knows that the emperor of heaven is so uncertain that he wants his own life!

However, since both sides have torn their faces, Lin Feng will not be afraid of him because the other party is the emperor of heaven.

Lin Feng said faintly, "there are many people who remember me. How old are you?".

After hearing Lin Feng\'s words, the emperor\'s face twitched violently, and his eyes exuded cold and terrible eyes and endless anger.

"Ha ha ha, that\'s good"!


The big demon in the sky laughed and couldn\'t say how happy he was.


The emperor of heaven snorted coldly, and his cold eyes took a deep look at Lin Feng.

Then he rolled Liu mengyan and others left.

More than 300 miles away!!

The people of the yuhuaxian Dynasty are all in doubt, because the space of the Tianjie demon realm has just begun to collapse. Obviously, there have been changes in the Tianjie demon realm.

"We can\'t stay in the demon realm anymore. Let\'s go.".

The eternal giant of the feather fairy Dynasty said in a deep voice and flew quickly towards the door of time and space with the monks of the feather fairy Dynasty.

"Congratulations, elder.".

Lin Feng came forward to congratulate him.

Tongtian demon took a deep breath. He smiled and said, "even the outside air is free. I didn\'t expect that I can see the sun again one day. You can get out of trouble today.".

Lin Feng hurriedly said, "this is what the younger generation should do.".

The great demon asked, "what\'s your name?".

"Younger Lin Feng"!

Tongtian demon nodded and said, "I will stay in this continent for half a year. In this half a year, you will follow me to practice.".

Lin Feng was overjoyed.

Tongtian demon was a big man in the undead world.

The emperor of heaven united with 36 great emperors to suppress the Tongtian demon. We know how terrible the Tongtian demon was.

Now, I can even follow the Tongtian demon to practice for half a year. Obviously, the meaning of Tongtian demon is very clear.

Perhaps in order to repay his life-saving kindness to him, the great demon of Tongtian should guide his practice.


Time goes by.

Lin Feng cultivates in the demon realm of heaven robbery.

Fight fierce beasts, fight giant demons, and constantly sharpen your accomplishments.

At the same time, Lin Feng also asks Tongtian demon for some puzzles in his cultivation every day.

Lin Feng\'s cultivation was fast and stable, and then quickly promoted to the nine heaven of yin and Yang.

At night, the stars are like sand.

The great demon sat cross legged in front of the cliff, with the imperial edict suspended in front of him.

Powerful mana poured into the imperial edict, and the great demon was constantly sacrificing and refining the imperial edict.

Lin Feng hasn\'t practiced today, because he has been practicing hard and needs to relax.

Lin Feng took out the ancient bronze book, which was found in the treasure house of Dugu Aotian family. It was covered with numerous runes.

These runes are intertwined and emit amazing fluctuations.

However, Lin Feng has been unable to solve these runes.

"This is the sky array pattern. I didn\'t expect that there are still things in this vein that have been passed down to now.".

The great demon looked at the ancient bronze book in Lin Feng\'s hand and said.

Lin Feng\'s spirit was shocked. It seems that Tongtian demon recognized the origin of ancient bronze books.

Lin Feng asked, "I don\'t know what the sky array pattern is?".

Tongtian demon said, "it\'s the inheritance of the Heavenly Master, and the Heavenly Master inherits the heavenly array pattern"!

"One pulse of Heavenly Master?". Lin Feng was surprised. He heard about it for the first time.

In fact, Lin Feng knew very little about the inheritance of the spirit array master.

Because Lin Feng began to learn spirit array, the inheritance of all kinds of spirit array he got did not come from a sect.

Lin Feng spent a lot of money to buy many arrays, which are complex.

Tongtian demon said, "there are many inheritances of the spirit array master. The more famous ones are the master of heaven, the Taoist who moved the mountain, the local master, etc. I\'m afraid there are tens of thousands of branches. However, among all the inheritances, one is the most mysterious, that is the inheritance of the master of heaven".

"Why do you say that?". Lin Feng asked.

"There are few successors in the same line of Heavenly Master. It has gone through countless thousands of years. In the ancient times, it has only been handed down to 36 generations, and it is often broken, and the inheritance is lost again and again until it is obtained by a predestined person, successfully practiced again, and then appeared as a Heavenly Master.".

Said the great demon.

"Why is such a strong inheritance broken?". Lin Feng was very confused.

In Lin Feng\'s view, some powerful inheritance and orthodoxy are very powerful.

It can widely accept disciples, preach and teach, and strengthen the door.

How did those ancient forces pass down?

That\'s how it\'s passed down!

As the most powerful spirit array master among the branches of spirit array masters, the one pulse of Heavenly Master should be extremely powerful.

"Between heavenly masters, two cannot meet"!

Said the great demon.

"Can\'t two meet? Is there such a strange rule?". Lin Feng muttered.

"This is not a rule, but a curse"! Said the great demon.

Hearing the word "Curse", Lin Feng suddenly felt a little creepy, because he thought of the fire crow.

The fire crow is cursed. He can\'t get rid of the cursed cave forever.

Although there is an endless life, he is imprisoned for a lifetime and lives in pain and loneliness.

"What curse is it?" Lin Feng asked.

"What curse is it? I don\'t know, but I once saw an extremely powerful Heavenly Master who received a descendant when he was old. The powerful Heavenly Master was cursed. He fell into the underworld and became a dead spirit. He can never get rid of the shackles of the underworld.".

Said the great demon.

"Is this not as like as two peas?" the fire crow can not shake off the curse of the cave, and the Heavenly Master who sees it is worse. He falls into the underworld, but in some ways, they are exactly the same.

Lin Feng thought in his heart. He suddenly thought of some possibility.

Is it true that the fire crow is also one of the heavenly masters?

You seem to have something in mind. The great evil way.

Lin Feng said, "I saw a flamingo in the death swamp some time ago. It seemed to be a human monk. Later, I don\'t know what happened. It was cursed by a cursed cave and turned into a flamingo. It has endless longevity, but it can never get rid of the cursed cave. It will suffer endless pain every day. It lives alone." 。

The great demon was slightly surprised and said, "it seems that it\'s not easy to curse the cave.".

"Can you help me open this ancient bronze book?". Lin Feng asked.

Tongtian demon said, "I can try, but you should be careful. The Heavenly Master has a pulse, accompanied by endless curses. Although this pulse is powerful, it is too evil. Even the Heavenly Master at the emperor level can\'t get rid of the curse. Therefore, if you can\'t contact the inheritance of this pulse, try not to contact it.".

Yes, the younger generation will seriously consider it. Lin Feng said.

The great demon nodded. He stretched out his hand a little, and a divine power poured out and integrated into the ancient bronze books.

Suddenly, the dense Heavenly Master runes on the ancient bronze books were twisted, as if they were about to be resurrected.