Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 919

"Elder, are you all right?". Lin Feng asked in a low voice.

Now he couldn\'t go if he wanted to, so he simply didn\'t go, but asked about the mysterious existence suppressed by the demon tower.

Lin Feng guessed that this person should be "Tongtian demon"!

The master of Tongtianhe!

pagoda will stop river monster!

It\'s easier to understand!


"It seems that the mysterious turtle God used the deduction of congenital eight trigrams before he died and found that I didn\'t die. He branded such a road map on the broken tortoise shell, and the boy got the tortoise shell in front of him, which may be fate. Let him come and save me in danger.".

The great demon muttered to himself.

Then he sent a message to Lin Feng and said, "boy, since you came here with the tortoise shell of the God on the Black Turtle, it seems that you are destined to untie the seal of the town demon tower. Were you willing to help me break the seal of the town demon tower and release me?".

Lin Feng thought, do I dare to say "no"?

If you say so, you may be killed.

Lin Feng hurriedly said, "it\'s a great honor for the younger generation to make a modest contribution to the elder generation"!

"Good! I really didn\'t read you wrong.". The voice of the great demon came out.

Lin Feng said, "I just don\'t know how to help my predecessors because my junior\'s cultivation is shallow.".

"This is also simple. At the top of the mountain and on the cliff, there is a talisman, which reads the words" Heavenly Emperor talisman ". The Heavenly Emperor talisman was refined by the Heavenly Emperor and 36 great emperors in the ancient times to suppress me. As long as you take off the talisman, I can break the suppression of the demon tower at that time"!

Said the great demon.

"OK, I\'ll go now"! Lin Feng said.

The voice fell, and Lin Feng swept away towards the outside.


"The heavenly king covers the land tiger, the river demon in Baota town?".

Liu mengyan frowned at the stone tablet.

Luo Shengtian asked, "is there anything wrong?".

"According to the eldest martial brother, a monument has been erected in the mountain to suppress the Tongtian demon. It says five words of Baota Town River demon, and there is no five words of heavenly king and earth tiger. It should be impossible for the eldest martial brother to make a mistake. Is it because we didn\'t come to the right place? Anyway, go in and have a look.".

Liu mengyan said.

Then they went into the mountains to look for it.

"Younger martial sister, look! There seems to be a golden talisman on that cliff"!


Luo Shengtian pointed to a 10000 meter high mountain in the distance.

On a cliff of the mountain, there is a talisman.

"Emperor Fu Zhao! Yes, it\'s here"!

Liu mengyan showed his joy.

Then a group of people flew over quickly. They stopped in the void and carefully observed the imperial edict of the Heavenly Emperor.

I saw that there were dense mysterious runes on the imperial edict that day. Those runes, ancient and mysterious, contained an ancient flavor.

"What shall we do next?".

Luo Shengtian asked.


Liu mengyan waved his right hand and the light flashed.

A jade amulet appeared in Liu mengyan\'s right hand.

"This is the heavenly symbol"!

The Tiandi talisman sent out an amazing wave, shaking the void.

Liu Meng said, "the Tiandi talisman is made together with the Tiandi talisman. There are twelve Tiandi talismans in the world. As long as you urge the Tiandi talisman, you can communicate with the Tiandi talisman. Once you communicate with the Tiandi talisman, you can use the Tiandi talisman to urge the destruction array above the demon tower and kill the Tongtian demon suppressed below".

The voice fell, and Liu mengyan began to recite an ancient formula.

After this formula was read out, a golden light came out of the heavenly talisman.

The golden light poured into the emperor\'s Fuzhao. Suddenly, the emperor\'s Fuzhao began to change that day.

I saw the four dazzling golden characters on the Heavenly Emperor\'s Fu Zhao emitting dazzling light, and the Heavenly Emperor\'s Fu Zhao was brilliant.

A mighty force filled the air, just like the arrival of the emperor of heaven.

Seeing this scene, Liu mengyan showed a surprised expression. In her body, powerful mana poured into the imperial edict.

Liu mengyan wants to refine the imperial edict of the Heavenly Emperor.

"Liu mengyan! No, she\'s refining the Heavenly Emperor\'s Fu Zhao. The Heavenly Emperor\'s Fu Zhao can communicate with the demon tower. Liu mengyan\'s refining the Heavenly Emperor\'s Fu Zhao must be very kind.".

Lin Feng flew to the top of the mountain after coming out of the cave. When he came here, he saw Liu mengyan and others. He was stunned at first, and then his face changed greatly.


Lin Feng rushed to Liu mengyan quickly. He wanted to stop Liu mengyan quickly.

If Liu mengyan refined the imperial edict of the Heavenly Emperor, the consequences would be unimaginable at that time.

"Elder martial brother, look, it\'s Lin Feng!"!

Lin Feng has been found. They are obviously shocked when they see Lin Feng.

Luo Shengtian was also slightly stunned, but then he smiled grimly, "Lin Feng, it\'s really the right road of heaven. If you don\'t go, there\'s no door to hell. You break in, and I\'ll kill you today"!

"Smash the heaven fist"!

Luo Sheng drank coldly and went away with his palm towards Lin Feng.

In Luo Shengtian\'s view, Lin Feng is only the realm of yin and Yang, and he is the realm of creation.

Isn\'t it as simple to crush Lin Feng as to crush an ant?


Lin fengleng shouted and punched Luo Shengtian.


The two people roared together, and Luo Shengtian was directly swept out by Lin Feng.


In mid air, blood gushed wildly.

Luo Shengtian couldn\'t catch a move in Lin Feng\'s hand, so he was defeated by Lin Feng.

"Stop him!"!

Liu mengyan screamed.

More than a dozen core disciples of Qingyun sect offered magic weapons to kill Lin Feng.


Lin Feng exhaled like a sword.

Poof! Poof! Poof!

One magic weapon was destroyed in an instant, and then the sword was cut to those core disciples.

Several weaker core disciples were killed on the spot, and the rest were also badly hurt.

Although they are from the same school, these people are all under the hands of Huangfu Qingtian. They don\'t die with Lin Feng at all. Naturally, Lin Feng doesn\'t need to be merciful.

Lin Feng rushed to Liu mengyan and blew Liu mengyan out with a fist. He interrupted Liu mengyan\'s refining of the imperial edict.

At this time, a terrible smell of destroying the sky and the earth escaped from the heavenly talisman, which seemed to be about to release an unimaginable terrible attack. Lin Feng\'s face changed greatly. He didn\'t dare to hesitate and rushed towards the heavenly talisman.

"Come down.".

Lin Feng reached out and grabbed the imperial edict.

However, the Heavenly Emperor\'s imperial edict sent out terrible pressure and suppressed Lin Feng.

Click, click!

Lin Feng\'s flesh began to crumble.

The power of the heavenly Fu Zhao is too terrible. If someone else comes to pick up the heavenly Fu Zhao, I\'m afraid it has been crushed into slag at this moment.

That is, Lin Feng\'s flesh is too strong to die, but even so, Lin Feng can\'t bear this terrible pressure at this moment.


Lin Feng uttered a shrill scream. He felt the breath of death. He was unwilling to die like this. He ran his immortal body crazy.

Under the repair of the immortal body, Lin Feng\'s body was hard to repair without breaking directly.

He grabbed the imperial edict and uncovered it.

"Despicable creature, you have ruined the great event of the emperor!"

Suddenly, the cold voice came from the Tiandi symbol in the void.

Endless holy light rose into the sky. In the holy light, a mysterious man in a holy robe stepped out.

I can\'t see the man clearly.

But everyone can feel a heavenly power from the man.

It\'s like facing the supreme way of heaven.

"The emperor of heaven! It\'s the emperor of heaven. Lin Feng is dead.". Liu mengyan shouted excitedly.

Boom! The emperor of heaven stepped in the void and blew his palm at Lin Feng.

Click, click!

Lin Feng\'s body, which has just been repaired, is cracked like porcelain at this moment.

Lin Feng was imprisoned in the air and couldn\'t move.

He looked at the mysterious man with a frightened face.

Is this the emperor of heaven? Even if it is just an illusion, it is unimaginable and irresistible.

Lin Feng never felt death so close.

The emperor of heaven\'s blow was about to kill Lin Feng.


The whole huge mountain split directly.

A man in his thirties was watching him walk on the sky.

"Emperor of heaven! We haven\'t seen each other for a long time!".

The man blew his fist at the empty shadow of the emperor of heaven.


He and the emperor roared together, and the void collapsed directly. The whole Tianjie demon realm began to collapse, and the law was broken. The existence of these two statues was too terrible.

It was just a hit, but it almost destroyed the small world of Tianjie demon territory.