Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 918

Life and death.

At this moment.

Lin Feng felt that his life was passing, and he could not resist it. There was only endless panic in his heart.

Before his body was about to collapse and be swallowed up by the "river demon" under the pagoda, the nine tortoises held by Lin Feng suddenly escaped an amazing wave.

"Mysterious turtle God"!

Suddenly, the roar came from under the pagoda. The terrorist force that originally shrouded Lin Feng and wanted to destroy Lin Feng\'s flesh dissipated in an instant.

Lin Feng fell to the ground, but his nine tortoise shells were suspended in the air.

Nine tortoise shells emit nine rays of light, and then gather together to form an ancient picture.

In that picture, a mysterious world emerged.

There is a long river in that world.

That long river runs through heaven and earth, connecting the Milky way and the Styx river. That river is called the Tongtian River.

For the undead!

The first long river!

Dong Dong Dong

When the war drums beat, endless heavenly troops will fall from the sky.

Hanoi is full of evil spirits.

An old man led the demon clan in Tongtian River to appear.

"Xuangui is the God. Now the great demon has been subdued. He doesn\'t surrender quickly. He can still live. If he dares to resist, there is only one way to die.".

There was a cold voice from the heavenly army, with endless killing intention, as if it could destroy the world.

Then a leader of Tianjiang in gold armor appeared, and his cold eyes looked at the God of xuangui.

Xuangui shouted sadly, "my little Lord has awakened his spiritual knowledge for 128000 years. After three disasters and nine difficulties, he has achieved good results. He was elected as the LORD by the demons of Tongtianhe and ruled the Tongtianhe for 800 million Li. Under the restraint of the little Lord, the Tongtianhe tribes have never harmed the common people, but show miracles from time to time to benefit the world. Why kill my little Lord? What is the reason?".

"Ha ha, ha ha, Tianli? Tianting is heaven!".

The leader of Tianjiang sneered.

"A good heaven is heaven. Now I finally understand why the elder fighting the saint ape rebelled against the heaven"! The voice of the mysterious Turtle was cold.

"Master Dou Zhan Saint ape? Unexpectedly, he called a peerless demon master. You demon families should be killed.".

The day will make the leader\'s eyes cold.

"I think the biggest evil in the world should be your heaven"!

The voice of the mysterious Turtle was cold.

"Stubbornly, he slaughtered all the demon families in Tongtianhe without leaving any.". The leader of the heavenly general gave an order.

The order they received was to kill all the creatures in the 800 million Li River.

As for the so-called Zhaoan, it is just a cover.

In this world, how many people were slaughtered after calling in or surrendering?

"Keep the fire, keep the hope...".

Xuangui said to God that he asked people to send away some gifted children of Tongtianhe demon family, so as not to let Tongtianhe demon family be completely destroyed.

The war was extremely tragic. The God of xuangui personally led the Tongtianhe demon family to fight with the Tianting army.

The sky was dyed red by demon blood.

The ground was dyed red by demon blood.

800 million li of the Milky way also turned into blood red.

Countless Tongtianhe demon families were destroyed.

The mysterious turtle God roared sadly, "if there is an afterlife, the old slave is willing to serve the little Lord all his life. If there is an afterlife, he is willing to overturn the heaven and no more killing".

The mysterious turtle God rushed into a large group of heavenly generals and exploded directly.

Before he died, a large number of funerary people were brought in.

All the pictures disappeared.

Lin Feng sat on the ground, unbelievable.

800 million Li connects the Milky way.

Not just creatures like grains of galactic sand.

Very few escaped.

They were all killed.

How many people died here?

How much killing is this?

I\'m afraid to slaughter all the people in the whole tianwu continent, but there is no one in ten thousandth of the Tianhe River within 800 million Li, right?


The sound of crying came from under the pagoda.

"Emperor, have you ever thought that I haven\'t died?".

The statue roared with murderous intent.

"If you suppress me for hundreds of millions of years, if you destroy my flesh, if you destroy my original God, but my will is immortal.".

He roared in anger, his killing intention was overwhelming, and his hatred could not be washed away by the water of the world.


Meanwhile, outside the mountains.

Liu mengyan, Luo Shengtian and others flew in this direction.

"We have looked for many places, but we haven\'t found the suppression tower. Will the Tongtian demon be just a legend?".

Luo Shengtian frowned slightly and said.

"No, it\'s definitely not just a legend.".

Liu mengyan\'s eyes are faint.

After a pause, she said, "you should know that elder martial brother\'s heaven secret realm has something to do with the emperor of heaven. The emperor of heaven, the legendary master of the undead world, you must not know one thing.".

"What\'s up?". Luo Shengtian and others are very curious.

"I once followed the eldest martial brother into a mysterious cave in the secret realm of heaven. In that cave, there was a statue of the emperor of heaven, and the statue of the emperor of heaven appeared.".

Liu mengyan said this with an incredible expression.

"Ah? The statue of the Heavenly Emperor appeared?" everyone was shocked and unbelievable.

Liu mengyan took a deep breath and said, "yes, it\'s the manifestation of the statue of the emperor of heaven. Although I\'m not qualified to listen, soon, the elder martial brother told me what the emperor of heaven told me, that is, about the demon realm of heaven robbery and the great demon of heaven".

After a pause, Liu mengyan continued, "In the demon realm of Tianjie, a great demon was suppressed. This great demon is called Tongtian demon. You may not know his origin. If you say it, it will scare you to death. This Tongtian demon is the demon family master of Tongtianhe in the undead world. His cultivation is unpredictable. Such a powerful existence is feared by the heaven. Therefore, the emperor of Heaven Led 36 strong men at the level of emperor , they forged the town demon tower, and together they besieged the Tongtian demon and suppressed the Tongtian demon in the realm of "Tianjie demon".

"Is it... Wrong to be too strong?" said a friar.

Liu mengyan said with a faint look in his eyes, "Yes, sometimes it\'s wrong to be too powerful. How did the fighting Saint ape die? It\'s because he was too powerful that the emperors of Tianting and the Buddhas in the Buddha world felt threatened. Therefore, the emperors of Tianting joined hands with the seven ancient Buddhas in the Buddha world to kill the fighting saint ape. The great demon of Tongtian let the emperor see a trace of the fighting Saint ape, so he will never let him die When Tongtian demon really grew to the level of fighting Saint ape, he killed him in advance.

Luo Shengtian asked, "after so many years, has the great demon fallen?"

Liu mengyan said, "the emperor of heaven told the elder martial brother that the Tongtian demon has too much resentment in his heart and the remnant soul does not die. If it takes another hundred years, the remnant soul of the Tongtian demon will be wiped out. However, the emperor of heaven deduced Zhou Tian and suddenly found that there is an additional ripple in the long river of Tongtian demon\'s fate.".

"There is a ripple in the long river of fate? What does that mean?" Luo Shengtian frowned.

"Someone will appear in the fate of Tongtian demon. This ripple, perhaps just a ripple, will not change anything. Tongtian demon will completely disappear after a hundred years, but this ripple may also change the life of Tongtian demon and revive Tongtian demon again. Therefore, the emperor of heaven showed his spirit and asked the eldest martial brother to urge the demon town tower to kill the remnant soul of Tongtian demon, The eldest martial brother is now sitting at the entrance of life and death, so it is difficult to get away, so he entrusted this important task to us. After it is completed, everyone can enter the secret realm of heaven to practice, obtain opportunities against the sky and improve their cultivation achievements ".

Liu Meng.

Luo Shengtian and others were very happy. Among them, only Luo Shengtian had practiced in it for one year. In this year, Luo Shengtian broke through the realm of creation.

Others naturally expect to enter the secret realm of heaven. Even Luo Shengtian has bright eyes and can\'t wait to enter the secret realm of heaven again.

"Younger martial sister, there is another mountain over there." Luo Shengtian pointed to the distance.

I saw that the mountain was like a giant dragon crawling on the ground, which was the mountain to suppress the great demon.

Liu Meng said, "let\'s go and see if the great demon is suppressed in this mountain. If so, his death will come.".

"How do we kill him?" Luo Shengtian asked suspiciously.

"The eldest martial brother gave the Tiandi talisman. If you activate the Tiandi talisman, you can kill the Tongtian demon".

The corner of Liu mengyan\'s mouth showed a dull killing intention.