Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 915

"Die, die, die!"

Seeing that Huangfu apprentice was strangled by Lin Feng and died miserably on the spot, these friars of the eclosic immortal Dynasty roared angrily, and their eyes twinkled with a sense of killing.

Lin Feng dared to kill them in front of so many friars of the yuhuaxian Dynasty, which has completely angered everyone.

"Do you know that you have made a terrible disaster? Not only you, but also your people will be retaliated by my yuhuaxian Dynasty.".

Huangfuxu looked at Lin Feng coldly. In his eyes, there was an endless killing intention.

"If you don\'t have the strength to come out and pretend to force, you\'re basically looking for your own death.". Lin Feng sneered.

"What a sharp mouthed boy, I\'ll kill you myself today.".

When the voice fell, Huang Fuxu jumped out, and a sword came out of his hand.

This sword has a long history. It\'s called spring and autumn sword.

It is said that this is a great era called the "spring and Autumn Period", which is the supreme sword inherited.

Since the founding of the world, the world has experienced countless disasters and countless times.

The spring and Autumn period was a short and chaotic period.

There are wars everywhere.

And this era, it didn\'t take long to end.

"The sword is seven feet and three inches long, four inches and five centimeters wide, and the sword weighs 792 kilograms. Today I will use this spring and autumn sword to cut off your head and offer sacrifices to the spirits of Huangfu disciples.".

Huang Fuxu came out step by step. Every step he took, his sword intention would condense a point.

Obviously, Huang Fuxu has promoted "spirit" to the level of "artistic conception".

This person definitely has a deep understanding of kendo.

"Huang Fuxu\'s swordsmanship can be called a masterpiece. Now he can kill the boy himself.".

"I have also competed with Huang Fuxu. His swordsmanship is really powerful. The understanding of many older generation strong people in swordsmanship is far less than that of Huang Fuxu. We will appreciate Huang Fuxu\'s performance later.".

A group of monks in the immortal Dynasty obviously highly praised Huang Fuxu\'s strength. In their opinion, since Huang Fuxu shot, Lin Feng must have only a dead end.

Lin Feng looked at Huang Fuxu faintly and said, "spring and autumn sword is really a famous sword. I once saw someone buying spring and autumn sword with a lot of money in the auction house. I didn\'t expect that the baby fell into your hand. Anyway, since I saw spring and autumn sword today, there is no reason not to take it. I want this famous sword today.".


Huangfu Xu drank coldly, and his eyes twinkled with cold.

Sword repair, love the sword as life.

Can you let others see your sword?

"Boy, I won\'t let you die so happy. I\'ll cut off your flesh one by one.".

Huang Fuxu stepped out and showed his "spring and autumn sword technique".

Years are like spring, full of vitality.

The autumn wind is bleak and cold.


This move is the spring and autumn sword technique.

There is a spring when everything wakes up.

What is spring?

Thousands of flowers bloom at the beginning of the year.

The spring and autumn sword technique is bleak and desolate in autumn.

What is autumn?

Cold cold lock autumn, fallen leaves such as rain, the heart is not cool.

Huang Fuxu\'s first sword was the bleak autumn wind and falling leaves.

In the void, there were leaves floating down.

Poof poof!

This is not a real leaf. It is a leaf condensed with sword spirit. One leaf after another, like a sharp sword, shoots at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng\'s flesh was torn out one wound after another.

The blood immediately flowed out.

"It\'s a good move. The autumn wind is bleak and leaves fall one after another. The sword Qi is like leaves. It\'s really powerful.".

Lin Feng stretched out his right hand and pinched a fallen leaf that was killing him.

He shook the fallen leaves to pieces.

"This is just the beginning. I\'ll give you a taste of being executed by lingchi later.".

Huang Fuxu had a sneer on his face.

"Powerful, powerful. Huang Fuxu\'s swordsmanship has indeed been cultivated to the point where the sword can pass through God".

Seeing Huang Fuxu\'s great power, many people here cheered excitedly.

The cold wind blows.

Fallen leaves float.

I saw the dense leaves falling down again in the void.

There are more fallen leaves this time.

blot out the sky and cover up the earth.

It is not clear how many falling moons are flying. Between heaven and earth, it seems that they have become a world of fallen leaves.

Countless fallen leaves swept away towards Lin Feng.

The fallen leaves are like swords, which come from cutting.

Lin Feng stepped forward among the fallen leaves.

He waved and cut open a passage, rushed out quickly and killed Huang Fuxu.

"Hum, pick me up again. Flowers bloom like rain in early spring.".

Huang Fuxu came again with a sword. Now his swordsmanship is even more powerful.

In the void, petals fall down one after another.

To see a world in a flower.

These petals represent the vitality of spring and autumn, but they also represent the endless killing intention like the sea.

In the acme, it sublimates brightly and blooms the most beautiful side.

Show your killing intention in the bright and bury the years of life.

The manifestation blooms one after another.

The power of terror surged out of it.

The void was torn apart in an instant.

This move is really powerful.

The damage is too strong.

Many people in the yuhuaxian Dynasty were shocked and moved.

Because the smell of that blow suffocated them.

Not to mention Lin Feng who was attacked by this blow?

"Huang Fuxu, who really understood the essence of the spring and autumn sword technique, has the meaning of the master of Kendo"!

"The boy is dead.".

The friars of the yuhuaxian Dynasty looked at Lin Feng with a sneer, as if they were looking at a dead man.

"What a powerful sword"!

Lin Feng was surprised.

Lin Feng himself also has a deep research on swordsmanship, but after all, Lin Feng has too many powerful powers to cultivate. A person\'s energy is limited, so it\'s difficult for him to spend all his energy on cultivating swordsmanship.

Unlike Huang Fuxu, he specializes in swords.

The understanding of swordsmanship has indeed surpassed Lin Feng a lot.

Lin Feng even felt a dangerous breath from Huang Fuxu\'s move that flowers bloom like rain in early spring.

But it\'s just a trace.

Huang Fuxu is just a cultivation of the double heaven of the realm of creation.

What about the sword technique?

There is a big gap between the law in his body and the law Lin Feng has.

Absolute power.

You can crush any move.

Lin Feng runs 181 rules in his body.

The mighty mana surged.

Lin Feng raised his right hand, his arm like a sword, and cut it out directly.

Countless falling flowers are torn.

Lin Feng stepped out and came to Huang Fuxu.

"You......" Huang Fuxu looked frightened. He didn\'t expect Lin Feng to break his swordsmanship so easily.

"I\'ll take your sword.".

Lin Feng stretched out his right hand and gently touched Huang Fuxu\'s forehead.


Huang Fuxu\'s forehead was punctured, his body flew backwards, fell to the ground and died.

Lin Feng holds the spring and autumn sword.

A slight shock.

The spring and autumn sword sounds like a sword.

"The sword sounds for nine days, and the divine sword has spirit. It really deserves to be a peerless famous sword".

Lin Feng looked at Chunqiu sword in surprise.

He can feel the dormant terrorist power inside the spring and autumn sword.