Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 914

"What a powerful fire demon sword. If someone else had cut it, he would have moved his head. But it\'s not easy to kill me now. Swallow the sky jar. Come out and devour another treasure for me today.".

With a wave of his right hand, Lin Feng flew out and suspended in front of him.

When the fire demon sword came, the sky swallowing jar released a powerful swallowing force, enveloping the fire demon sword.

Start swallowing the fire sword!

The fire demon sword struggled violently.

Lin Feng went up and killed the fire demon sword with a blow.

The sword meaning of fire demon sword was scattered.

The sky swallowing jar seized the opportunity, directly swallowed the Taoist instrument of the fire magic sword, and then erased the soul mark in the fire magic sword.

Lin Feng\'s magic power poured into the fire demon sword to refine this treasure.

"This treasure is quite suitable for me. It is a magic weapon of fire attribute. If I refine the fire magic sword with sky fire sacrifice and quench the impurities, I\'m afraid the power of the fire magic sword will be greatly improved"!

Lin Feng played with the fire sword in his hand.

He did not leave after swallowing the power and law of the origin of heaven and earth transformed by the black dragon.


Lin Feng wants to see who is attacking him.

Who also entered the realm of heaven robbery demon.


Soon, many figures flew over from a distance, and these people landed.

There are more than 100 people.

"How did you get in?" a monk looked down at Lin Feng and asked with a gloomy face.

Because they don\'t know Lin Feng.

Lin Feng said faintly, "you can come in, why can\'t I come in?".

"Boy, give me my fire sword.". A pale young monk looked at Lin Feng fiercely.

This is the son of a prince of the yuhuaxian Dynasty. He has ten Heaven cultivation accomplishments in the realm of yin and Yang. He is the son of the yuhuaxian Dynasty and has an extremely noble status.

This fire magic sword was a treasure he got by chance.

"So this fire magic sword belongs to you? You tried to kill me through the void with fire magic sword, but failed. Now this fire magic sword is collected by me and is regarded as my baby.".

Lin Feng said faintly, and then put the fire magic sword away.

Seeing this scene, the aristocratic son of the feather fairy Dynasty almost didn\'t spit blood with anger.

"Boy, you\'re looking for death"!

The noble son smiled grimly, and his face was covered with a sense of killing.

If his eyes could kill, Lin Feng was afraid that he would have been cut by his eyes.

"Really? As a waste like you, I can crush one hand to death. Dare you say I want to die?". Lin Feng said disdainfully.



It\'s not just the son of the world who is angry!

Even the rest of the yuhuaxian Dynasty were extremely angry!

Lin Feng alone has so many masters in the immortal dynasty!

How arrogant!

Is this not paying attention to them?

"Boy, do you know who you are talking to? Do you know our identity? We are the royal family of the yuhuaxian Dynasty".

Another young master of the eclosion fairy Dynasty said coldly.

"I\'m not blind. Naturally I know you\'re from the yuhuaxian Dynasty.". Lin Feng\'s lips curled. When he saw these people, he had recognized their clothes.

This is the dress that the imperial family of yuhuaxian Dynasty is qualified to wear.

Lin Feng has a ten-year appointment with Huangfu Qingtian.

In addition, some time ago, Lin Feng killed Huangfu Dushang of the yuhuaxian Dynasty with a Taoist weapon.

Lin Feng has long been with the eclosion immortal Dynasty.

Therefore, Lin Feng is not polite to the people in the immortal Dynasty. He will kill those who should be shot and those who should be killed.

Never be soft hearted.

Being kind to these people is cruel to yourself. They will kill them sooner or later.

"Boy, you know who we are. How dare you be so arrogant?". Another monk of the feather fairy Dynasty asked incredulously.

Lin Feng was speechless for a while. Where did these people get their sense of superiority?

Just because he was born in such a big power as the yuhuaxian Dynasty, is he superior to others everywhere?

Lin Feng sneered, "what a brain cripple. If you want to kill me, do you want me to speak to you politely?".

"Why talk nonsense with this boy? I\'ll go up and kill this boy directly.".

A tall and burly feather fairy with a centipede scar on his left face grinned at the friar.

This man is called Huangfu disciple!

He is the branch of the yuhuaxian Dynasty, and has been relatively alienated from the orthodox blood of the royal family.

However, this Huangfu disciple had a unique talent, so he was mainly trained by the yuhuaxian Dynasty.

Boom, boom!

Huangfu\'s disciples stepped out, and a terrible wave swept out, and the void rippled slightly.

In this man\'s Dantian, a strong breath is reviving.

"Eh, law, you have refined the law.".

Lin Feng frowned.

Huangfu laughed and said, "boy, do you know you\'re afraid? Go to hell.".

The voice fell, and Huangfu disciples directly offered the law and suppressed it towards Lin Feng.

The law also exudes the smell of a fierce beast, which is obviously the law of a fierce beast after killing a fierce beast.

"Unfortunately, unfortunately, you have to go to these laws.".

Lin Feng shook his head.

Kill me! The law does not scatter!

It can be refined at this time!

But if these rules are refined by other monks, the rules will be contaminated with the smell of monks.

When the friar is killed, the law will dissipate.

Lin Feng stepped forward and gently broke Huangfu\'s law.

No one thought Lin Feng should be so strong.

Originally, these people just saw Lin Feng kill a fierce beast from a distance.

But because the distance was too far, I couldn\'t see clearly what the fierce beast was.

Lin Feng is the cultivation of nine heaven in the realm of yin and Yang. Naturally, he is not paid attention to by these masters of the eclosic immortal Dynasty.

Only at this moment did they know that they had made a fatal mistake, that is, they underestimated Lin Feng.

Huangfu quickly retreated to avoid Lin Feng.

But Lin Feng grabbed Huang Fu Tu by the neck and lifted him up.

"Boy, let go"!

Seeing that Huangfu disciple was caught, many people in the yuhuaxian Dynasty drank cold.

These people in the yuhuaxian dynasty all looked extremely gloomy.

But they didn\'t act rashly.

After all, now Huangfu is still in Lin Feng\'s hands.

Huang Fu Tu is a proud man. Now he was caught by a friar with a lower level of cultivation than him, grabbed his neck like a chicken and lifted into the air. It can be said that he was humiliated.

Huang Fu shouted angrily, "boy, you\'d better let me go quickly, otherwise you will die today.".

Many people in the yuhuaxian Dynasty changed their faces slightly. Many people secretly scolded Huangfu disciples for having no brains. How can they threaten the boy at this time?

That boy is obviously the Lord who is not afraid of heaven and earth. He doesn\'t buy the account of yuhuaxian Dynasty at all!

Now you should say some soft words. When the boy lets you go, he has no hostages.

Kill him as people want.

Now you threaten the boy like this, you don\'t know what unexpected things will happen.

"I don\'t know how to live or die"!

Lin Feng looked at Huang Fu Tu coldly, grabbed Huang Fu Tu\'s neck with his right hand, pressed his head with his left hand, and suddenly twisted it.


Huangfutu\'s head was directly broken by Lin Feng.

Lin Feng threw Huangfu Tu\'s body on the ground.

Huangfu Tu\'s eyes were wide open and he didn\'t close his eyes until he died. He couldn\'t believe that Lin Feng really dared to kill him.