Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 916

"Huang Fuxu is dead...".

A friar of the yuhuaxian Dynasty inquired about Huang Fuxu, and his face suddenly changed.

Huangfuxu\'s status is extremely noble, and his talent is strong, so huangfuxu is very valued in the yuhuaxian Dynasty.

Now he died miserably.

The yuhuaxian Dynasty these people, each with a killing intention.

"It hasn\'t happened for many years that I have been killed and turned into a immortal."

A cold voice came out.


The feather fairy walked this way and came out a young childe.

The young childe was slender and noble, wearing a four clawed Dragon Robe.

These four claw dragon robes are usually worn by the "Prince".

Lin Feng said indifferently, "I never thought that there was a prince of the yuhuaxian Dynasty. Which Prince are you?".

"The fifth prince! Huangfu Qingming!"

"What a five prince, I will kill you today and let yuhuaxian lose a prince first.".

Lin Feng is strong and overbearing. He steps forward directly and wants to kill Huangfu Qingming.

The faces of those friars in the feather fairy Dynasty changed greatly.

If Huangfu Qingming is killed, they will all be questioned. Why didn\'t they protect the prince.

Huangfu Qingming sneered and said, "if you want to cut me, you are still thousands of miles away.".

The voice fell, and a strong breath came out of Huangfu Qingming\'s body.

It can be vaguely felt that Huangfu Qingming\'s mana is much stronger than Lin Feng\'s mana simply from the comparison of mana.

This Huangfu Qingming should be the strength of the six heaven of the realm of creation. He himself has the power of at least 243 laws.

"Can I kill you? I don\'t know until I try.". Lin Feng looked indifferent and walked towards Huangfu Qingming step by step.

"Boy, die!"

At once, more than a dozen masters of the feather fairy Dynasty killed Lin.

A famous expert used the power of the law to kill Lin Feng.

These people, who had refined the rules before, were masters of the eclosic immortal Dynasty. They scattered and attacked Lin Feng from all directions, making Lin Feng take care of one thing and lose the other.

But these people underestimate Lin Feng too much.

Facing their attack, Lin Feng directly displayed the confinement magnetic field.

More than a dozen masters of the yuhuaxian Dynasty were imprisoned and unable to move.

Then Lin Feng waved his right hand and killed him with a sword.

Poof! Poof! Poof!

An expert named yuhuaxian Dynasty was directly torn by sword Qi and died miserably on the spot.

In the twinkling of an eye, more than a dozen experts were killed by Lin Feng.

Seeing this scene, the rest of the eclosion immortal Dynasty masters wanted to split their eyes.

"Who the hell are you, boy?". Huangfu looked at Lin Feng with a gloomy look.

"Nature is the one who killed you", Lin Feng sneered and shrunk to an inch. He came to Huangfu Qingming in an instant and killed Huangfu Qingming with a supreme reincarnation fist.

"Eclosion and ascension"!

At this time, Huangfu Qingming suddenly shouted coldly. He showed his unique skill of the yuhuaxian Dynasty.

This feathering technique is an ancient supernatural power recorded in the feathering Sutra.

Immortal lights surged out of Huangfu Qingming\'s body.

Then Huangfu Qingming rose into the air.

Like a God or a devil.

As immortal as holy.

Between heaven and earth, there seems to be only one immortal light left.

Huangfu Qingming\'s immortal light sweeps towards Lin Feng.


The two sides collided.

the earth trembled and the mountains swayed.

Like two stars falling in the starry world colliding together.

The collision was so violent.

With two people as the center, the energy afterwaves like tornadoes spread out.

In the center of the storm, a giant storm dragon was even formed, waving its teeth and claws, roaring up to the sky.

Both of them quickly retreated after a blow.

"The feathering flying Sutra inherited by the feathering immortal Dynasty is indeed worthy of its reputation. It is said that there are many unique skills recorded in the feathering flying Sutra, and this feathering flying technique should be one of them".

Lin Feng raised his eyebrows slightly.

The supreme reincarnation he created was based on the supreme path, and he absorbed the essence of the five emperors\' Dragon boxing, the big sky block, the Archaean elephant trick, the powerful magic power of heaven and so on.

Although it is still only the "embryonic form of imperial art".

But it is far more powerful than ordinary ancient magic.

But he just hit, but he was resisted by Huangfu Qingming\'s feathering and ascension.

It can be seen how powerful this feathering and flying skill is. I\'m afraid that among the ancient gods, they all belong to the top gods.

"This son\'s combat power is much higher than his realm. Let\'s fight together and kill him"!

Huangfu said in a deep voice.

Now they have hundreds of masters.

And there are five monks in the realm of creation.

Huangfu Qingming believed that under their siege, Lin Feng had only one way to die.

"Yes, kill him together.".

The feather fairy shouted at everyone.

A ferocious expression on their faces.

Outside, they are the arrogance of the eclosic fairy Dynasty, and anyone is the object of admiration.

But now, so many of them were killed by Lin Feng alone.

Everyone feels extremely oppressed!

Perhaps in their lives, they have never encountered anything that makes them feel so humiliated.

Now these people just want to kill Lin Feng.

In order to wash away the oppression and humiliation Lin Feng brought them.

"Feathering flying Fairy"!

"Feixian fist"!

"Longxiao Jiutian"!

"Smash the fist"!

"Kill God and kill immortal palm"!


All kinds of powerful magical powers were displayed by the friars of the eclosic immortal Dynasty.

Hundreds of friars from the yuhuaxian Dynasty performed their magic powers together.

All the supernatural powers gathered together to form a flood of attack, which drowned Lin Feng.

These friars of the yuhuaxian Dynasty believe that their attack.

Even the friars of the seventh heaven and even the eighth heaven cannot resist.

To be killed.

"Today I\'ll let you taste the top magical power I just cultivated.".

Facing the attack of hundreds of monks, Lin Feng didn\'t realize it. Instead of retreating, he stepped forward.

"Great death"!

Lin Feng turns his hands into clouds and covers his hands with rain.

One move three thousand ways, which is comparable to the great death skill of emperor\'s art.

A river suddenly appeared in the sky.

It was a long river of death.

The long river of death fell from the sky and hit hundreds of monks.


Lin Feng defeated hundreds with one move. With one move of great death, he directly destroyed the attack torrent played by hundreds of people.

Then the long river of death was blasted on hundreds of monks in the yuhuaxian Dynasty.


Yuhuaxian killed all these experts.

Those with weak strength directly exploded their flesh and died miserably on the spot.

The stronger ones were also shocked to spit blood.

Lin Feng\'s move, the great death of kanbidi\'s art, is really too strong and arrogant.

"All destruction"!

Lin Feng sneered, covered the sky with his big hands, and went to the feather fairy to kill these friars.


Many people cried in horror. In the face of death, the top Tianjiao of the eclosic immortal Dynasty could not restrain their panic.

Seeing that these friars of the eclosic immortal Dynasty will die in Lin Feng\'s hands.

But just at this time, the change rose.

"Kiko! You\'re looking for death"!


Behind Lin Feng, an old man stepped out of the void and killed Lin Feng with one palm.

The old man\'s breath is too terrible, like a God, towering like a mountain.

"I did it..."

"The boy is dead...".

Seeing that the old man appeared to attack Lin Feng, the friars of yuhuaxian Dynasty, who had a desperate face, were excited one by one.

"Eternal giant"!

Feeling the terrible smell behind him, Lin Feng\'s face also showed a frightened expression.

Eternal giant! A strong man in the realm of life and death!

Suddenly, Lin Feng launched a sneak attack on him. Lin Feng found that he could not avoid it. He could only let the strong man of yuhuaxian Dynasty be the giant of the ages, which was enough to destroy everything.