Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 913

This is a blood colored ancient tree, about ten meters high. Its trunk is as strong as the body of a dragon.

This is an ancient iron blood tree, an ancient magic tree that has long disappeared in the outside world.

The attack of this iron blood ancient tree was so powerful that Lin Feng was surprised.

But now Lin Feng\'s cultivation is too strong, so although he was suddenly attacked by the iron blood ancient tree, he didn\'t panic.

He stretched out his right hand, grabbed it suddenly with a click, and directly grabbed the branch from the iron blood ancient tree in his hand.

"What a powerful boy", the iron blood ancient tree turned out a face and screamed.

I saw the branches of the ancient iron blood tree extending rapidly.

Then wrap Lin Feng\'s whole body.

At the same time, behind Lin Feng, a silver fierce beast appeared silently.

The silvery white beast dragon head, Kirin body, snake tail and fish scale.

It\'s weird.

The terrible creature stretched out its sharp claws and grabbed Lin Feng\'s head, trying to break Lin Feng\'s head directly.

There are two such terrible beasts hiding here to sneak attack on Lin Feng.

Lin Feng felt the gloomy atmosphere behind him. He reacted fast enough. His feet suddenly stepped on the ground, and a large rock wall collapsed directly and fell towards the enchanted cliff.

The silvery beast behind Lin Feng also fell into the magic cliff, but it soon rose up and killed Lin Feng again, but at this time, Lin Feng had jumped into the air.

The sky fire surged out and wrapped it around the iron blood ancient tree.


This is the principle of five elements!

So no matter how powerful the iron blood ancient tree is and how strange the means are, he will also be restrained by Lin Feng.


Sure enough, the iron blood ancient tree was burning and the fire burned.

The iron blood ancient tree made a terrible scream. It didn\'t dare to hesitate. It wrapped around the branch of Lin Feng and quickly threw Lin Feng out.

Then the branches pulled hard on the ground, trying to put out the fire.

But can the sky fire be put out?

Lin Feng looked indifferent, rushed forward, and shot at the iron blood ancient tree.

The iron blood ancient tree wants to resist.

But it was instantly submerged by the sky fire and had no ability to resist Lin Feng\'s attack.

Lin Feng punched the iron blood ancient tree.

After the iron blood ancient tree was killed, the energy source and the 27 rules of the iron blood ancient tree were directly swallowed by Lin Feng.

Seeing that the iron blood ancient tree was killed, the silvery beast turned and fled to the distance.

"Can\'t go away"!

Lin Feng sneered, quickly chased up and killed the silvery white beast.

The power of the origin of heaven and earth and the twenty-seven rules transformed by the silver fierce beast\'s body were also swallowed up by Lin Feng.


Two hundred miles away from Lin Feng, a group of people from the yuhuaxian Dynasty unite to hunt all kinds of primitive animals.

After swallowing a large number of primitive beasts, many people\'s accomplishments have been greatly improved.

Ho ho!

The roar shook the sky, and the friars of the yuhuaxian Dynasty were besieging a Taowu.

More than a hundred monks fought together.

The powerful Tao Wu was directly killed.

In the void, there are only the original power of heaven and earth and the 81 laws.

"My God, it turns out that the rumors are true. After the death of these primitive animals, the laws in their bodies will not disperse.".

The feather fairy roared at these friars.

After the outside world kills the fierce beast in the realm of creation, it is difficult to get the law.

Because the law will fall apart.

But here, all the laws are well preserved.

That\'s the eighty-one law. After the monks in the realm of yin and Yang refine, their accomplishments directly increase and crush any monk in the realm of yin and Yang who has no refining law.

This is the horror of the law.

Can let a person complete the qualitative transformation!

Many people\'s eyes are extremely hot. There are 81 rules in total, but there are more than 100 people here. Naturally, some people can get the rules, while others can\'t.

A friar of the yuhuaxian Dynasty named Huang Fuxu said, "I think so. It is distributed according to strength. Of course, there is no need to worry about those who do not get the law. The Tianjie demon realm is so huge, and there must be many fierce beasts in the realm of creation. At that time, we will kill those fierce beasts in the realm of creation one by one, and everyone can get the law in years.".

Huangfu Xu is the cousin of Huangfu Qingtian and the son of the yuhuaxian Dynasty. His status is much more noble than that of other royal families. In addition, he is the strength of the realm of creation, so others dare not violate his words. Everyone nodded and agreed, and then these people began to distribute the rules.


Lin Feng went to the next destination after refining the original power and 54 rules of heaven and earth formed by iron blood ancient trees and silver white fierce beasts.

Dragon Lake!

This is where a super overlord lives.

There lived a black dragon.

The black dragon is the strength of the six heaven of the realm of creation. It has 243 rules in its body.

Lin Feng now has 181 rules in his body.

Although there is still a certain gap with the black dragon, Lin Feng\'s magic power is too powerful to make up for these gaps.

Lin Feng has just come to Longhu.

The black dragon resting at the bottom of the Dragon Lake suddenly opened his eyes.

"The smell of human beings, is it possible that some human beings have entered the realm of heaven robbery demon? It\'s great. We have always wanted to taste the taste of human flesh and blood. Today we can finally get what we want.".

Then the black dragon rose into the sky.

The body is thousands of meters long, like a mountain in the air.

The black scales give off a cold and dark luster.

"Humble human boy, die quickly", the black dragon stretched out his huge claws and grabbed Lin Feng.

"It\'s just a black dragon condensed by the power of the origin of heaven and earth. It\'s not a real dragon family. It doesn\'t know the magic power of dragon language. It dares to be so arrogant in front of me. I\'ll kill you today.".

Lin Feng rose to the sky and fought with the black dragon for 300 rounds. Lin Feng caught the weakness of the black dragon, rushed forward and killed the black dragon\'s neck with a supreme reincarnation fist.


The black dragon\'s neck was blasted out of a huge hole.

The black dragon was hit hard in an instant.

Then Lin Feng cut the black dragon\'s body in two.

"Tao word death"!

Lin Feng\'s offensive continued, and the word death suppressed the black dragon again.

The huge body of the black dragon was directly exploded and turned into the pure power of the origin of heaven and earth.

The power of 243 laws hovers in the void.

Lin Feng will receive the power and laws of the origin of heaven and earth.

Suddenly, a flying sword came from the sky.

It turned out to be a Taoist flying sword.

The flying sword was as fast as lightning and spewed flames.

This flying sword is called fire demon sword. It is made of flame demon blood stone.

Blow hair and break hair.

Kill demons and demons.

Flick your fingers.

Thousands of miles away.

Take the head.


Now someone offered this Taoist flying sword to behead Lin Feng with a sword.