Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 912

"Ha ha, I got the inheritance of the great death skill, which is comparable to the attack power of the emperor skill"!

Rao is Lin Feng\'s state of mind. At this moment, he can\'t help laughing and bursts of excitement.

Imperial skill, the supreme and unique skill created by the great emperor, any kind of imperial skill has the power to destroy all worlds.

Three thousand roads are three thousand kinds of magical powers evolved from the transformation of Tao to the extreme.

Some three thousand roads belong to the auxiliary three thousand roads, such as the great crossing technique, which forcibly turns people into their own slaves.

The big five elements technique, which communicates the power of heaven and earth, can make friars advance by leaps and bounds.

These three thousand avenues are not attack three thousand avenues.

Among the three thousand avenues, there are 72 kinds of attacks, such as great cause and effect, great fortune, great reincarnation, great death, great destruction and so on.

Naturally, these 72 kinds of attacks are strong and weak, but even the weakest one can be as powerful as the "imperial art".

Lin Feng\'s supreme reincarnation boxing is also powerful enough, but it is not perfect after all. It is not a complete imperial art.

It is equivalent to the "embryonic form" of imperial art.

The great death technique is equivalent to a complete "imperial technique".

Once the cultivation is successful, Lin Feng doesn\'t know how powerful it is, because he hasn\'t started practicing the great death skill yet.

With a wave of Lin Feng\'s big hand, a pool of original magic liquid was collected into a space porcelain vase and stored by Lin Feng.

So many original magic liquid can make Lin Feng use it for a long time.

"This is the best place to shut down. I will shut down here for a period of time, successfully cultivate the great death skill, and then try to impact the nine heaven of yin and Yang"!

Lin Feng sat cross legged and began to understand the art of great death.

When Lin Feng began to close, in the void 300 miles away from Lin Feng, a huge void door began to condense.


The empty stone gate, open directly.


Figures flew out of the void door.

More than 100 monks.

Each breath is strong and deep.

And they are very young.

These monks are all dressed in the clothes of the yuhuaxian Dynasty.

This shows that the monks in front of us are all from the dynasty of eclosion.

"Is this the heaven robbery demon realm?". A surprised voice came out.

Then a woman came out.

The woman\'s eyebrows and eyes are painted.

She is like a woman walking out of the painting, with a sense of dust and elegance.

Lin Feng must be very surprised to see this woman.

This woman is Liu mengyan.

Liu mengyan followed Huangfu Qingtian into the secret realm of heaven to cultivate since the sect Dabi was defeated by Lin Feng.

Now it seems to be out of the customs.

It\'s not just temperament that has changed.

And cultivation seems to have been greatly improved.

Now, Liu mengyan seems to be no longer the little man before, with a noble atmosphere.

Beside Liu mengyan, there are more than a dozen core disciples of Qingyun Sect on Qingtian peak.

For example, "Luo Shengtian", who had previously sent Li Jianxiao to East County Shenzhou to rob and kill Lin Feng, was also among them.

This Luo Shengtian is the son of Qingyun sect. His accomplishments were about to break through the realm of creation a few years ago.

This man also entered the secret realm of heaven to practice. His elixir field was like a wild beast dormant.

That is the power of law. Obviously, Luo Shengtian has broken through the realm of creation.

"Ha ha, I really want to thank the third prince this time. Otherwise, where can we enter the heaven robbery demon realm?".

A young hero in the immortal Dynasty smiled and said.

Huangfu Qingtian is the Third Prince of the yuhuaxian Dynasty.

The way to enter the heaven robbery demon realm was also obtained by Huangfu Qingtian from the heaven secret realm.

In the secret realm of heaven, it is said that there is a "Heavenly Emperor" inheritance.

The emperor of heaven is the master of the undead world.

Many saints and great emperors should respect the emperor of heaven.

Huangfu Qingtian was inherited by the emperor of heaven, so he was so terrible and pressed the young generation.

When I was young, I had reached the realm of unpredictable ghosts and gods.

"You guys, we have something else to do. You can experience it in the Tianjie demon territory. I heard senior brother Huangfu say that there are primitive beasts everywhere in the Tianjie demon territory. After killing them, those primitive beasts will become the power of the origin of heaven and earth. The power of swallowing the origin of heaven and earth can greatly improve your cultivation. You can hunt and kill those primitive beasts."

Liu mengyan said, then rushed to the sky and left with Luo Shengtian and others.

Seeing Liu mengyan and others leave, a young friar of the yuhuaxian Dynasty sneered and said, "this woman is really self righteous. She is not big or small in front of us. At the beginning, she was just a bitch. If it weren\'t for her being a water spirit, would the third prince leave her around? We are all royal relatives of the yuhuaxian Dynasty, but now we have to look at her face".

"There\'s no need to be angry for such a person. The third prince is still waiting to practice with her and pick up the strength of Yuan Yin when she broke her virgin body to improve her cultivation. When this woman has no value, she will be abandoned as my shoes. Being angry with such a person will damage our identity.".

Another childe flicked the dust on his clothes and said.

"Ha ha, let\'s go and kill the original beast...".

A group of people flew away into the distance.

Lin Feng naturally didn\'t know that Liu mengyan, Luo Shengtian and yuhuaxian had entered the realm of Tianjie demon.

He closed himself in a deep level. First, he practiced the great death skill hard. After some doorways came out of the great death skill, he began to refine the original magic liquid to improve his cultivation.

Lin Feng refined the original magic liquid and the source of God in his body.

With each refining part of the origin of God, Lin Feng\'s immortal blood will awaken more.

With the passage of time, the breath in Lin Feng\'s body became stronger and stronger.

Lin Feng\'s immortal blood increased from 10% to 13%.

The recovery of undead blood is a relatively slow process. Lin Feng is very satisfied with this improvement speed.

Then, a strong wave came out of Lin Feng\'s body.

Above Lin Feng.

A Dharma heaven and earth appeared.

I saw the Dharma heaven and earth, stepping on the dragon, the sky above my head, wearing an imperial robe, emitting a noble breath. My eyes have experienced vicissitudes, like the supreme holy emperor who educated all the people.

The realm of yin and Yang is nine heaven.

Will condense out of heaven and earth.

And Lin Feng\'s Dharma is heaven and earth.

It is a "holy emperor".


"I finally gathered the Dharma, heaven and earth, and my strength broke through the nine heaven of yin and Yang.".

Lin Feng opened his eyes and showed a happy expression.

He rose into the sky and flew out.

make love.

Lin Feng was attacked as soon as he flew out of the magic cliff.

The blood red branches were drawn to Lin Feng. The power of those branches was so terrible that they directly broke the void.

If you smoke on Lin Feng, even Lin Feng\'s powerful flesh will be destroyed by the bloody branches.