Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 911


Outside the white tiger mountains, the roar shook the sky.

Fierce beasts rushed from all directions.

"It\'s human. What a powerful flesh and blood spirit. Lord white tiger demon king was killed by it. Let\'s go up and kill this human and devour his flesh and blood.".

After seeing Lin Feng, a powerful fierce beast roared.

These fierce beasts came to Lin Feng with one head. Lin Feng looked indifferent, stepped forward and swept away with one punch.

Like a God\'s house.

Everywhere you go, everything turns into nothingness.

A fierce beast was killed by Lin Feng.

Lin Feng\'s body exudes endless domineering spirit and allows the beast tide to kill him.

One punch per person breaks the sky and the ground.

Countless fierce beasts were killed.

"This boy is not human, too abnormal, run away quickly"!

The herd was frightened to be killed.

Many fierce animals fled.

Lin Feng swallowed the original power of heaven and earth directly.

Then he flew away.


Five days later, a figure was flying rapidly in the mountains and forests.

It\'s Lin Feng who just left the customs.

Now the law in Lin Feng\'s body has reached "127 roots".

It can be described as overbearing.

The number of simple competition rules can directly crush the five Heaven of the realm of creation.

"Three hundred miles to the west, there is a dark devil mountain. In the dark devil mountain, there is a magic cliff. The magic cliff contains a strong power of death. Any creature entering it will be eroded by the power of death and die in it, and the original magic liquid is in the depths of the magic cliff".

This is the message Lin Feng got from the memory of the white tiger demon king.

The reason why the white tiger demon king can enter it is because the "white tiger killing intention" condensed from the white tiger demon king\'s body.

White tiger\'s killing intention can restrain the breath of death in magic cliff.

All things in the world are mysterious among various forces.

Soon, Lin Feng saw a huge mountain. In the depths of the mountain, black peaks stood between heaven and earth.

Four huge peaks form a cliff.

That place is black devil cliff.

Lin Feng entered the black devil cliff.

The power of death came quickly to devour Lin Feng.

"It\'s ridiculous to want to devour me.".

Lin Fengyun\'s word "death"!

The word "death" is the origin of the road to restrain the power of death.

Sure enough, after the word death began to work, the force of death around began to dissipate.

But it didn\'t completely disperse.

White tiger kill!

Lin Feng runs the law of the white tiger demon king in his body.

Suddenly, a terrible killing intention came out of his body.

This is the white tiger\'s intention to kill.

The killing intention of white tiger is the same as that of Xing Tian, which Lin Feng understood before.

All belong to a kind of "potential".

Moreover, because the white tiger is the main killer, the murderous spirit of the white tiger\'s killing intention is extremely heavy. Once it is shrouded by the white tiger\'s killing intention, many people will lose their will to fight in an instant.

"Potential" is divided into thousands of kinds, and each kind of "potential" is naturally different.

After the white tiger\'s killing intention was sent out from Lin Feng\'s body, it immediately dissipated the power of death still around Lin Feng.

The word "death" is perfectly combined with the killing intention of white tiger. The power of death is difficult to invade Lin Feng\'s flesh.

Lin Feng came to the bottom of the magic cliff and found a pool here.

The pool is shrouded by the endless power of death. Inside is a pool of primitive magic liquid.

From time to time, the original magic liquid overflowed from the pool, and then gathered together and flowed out.

"It seems that the white tiger demon king can\'t get close to the pool. It comes every once in a while because it needs to wait until the original magic liquid overflowing from the pool gathers together, and a little makes a lot.".

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes slightly and walked towards the pool.

"The pool of death, the pool of death, I am the God of death, reaping life!"

Suddenly, a low, cold voice came out, and then a man dressed in the robe of the God of death and wrapped in the endless breath of death appeared.

This man, who calls himself the God of death, is an evil spirit born out of the breath of death.

The God of death stepped in and killed Lin Feng to reap Lin Feng\'s life.

"A mere evil spirit, dare you call yourself the God of death? It\'s too much. I\'ll kill you today!"!

Lin Feng looked indifferent, stepped forward and directly displayed his supreme reincarnation fist.


Lin Feng collided with death.

Both men took several steps backwards.

"Humble human beings, accept the punishment of death, and death will destroy the world".

Death killed Lin Feng again.

"Devour the soul of martial arts: turn on five times the combat power!".

Lin Feng began to operate, and the five in his body devoured the soul of Wu.

The mana in his body has increased five times madly.

Lin Feng\'s breath became violent, and another move was the supreme reincarnation fist, which killed the God of death.

This fist is not comparable to that one just now. The outbreak of five times the combat power has pushed this move to the peak.

Lin Feng collided with death again. His spine swam like a dragon, his right arm muscles bulged, and his mana flowed in his arm. The whole arm seemed to be thick in an instant.

This peerless blow killed the God of death and directly exploded the God of death\'s body.

The God of death disappeared and became the power of death again.

"The power of death? Can I increase the power of my word \'death\'?".

Lin Feng couldn\'t help thinking.

He began to devour the power of death.

The endless force of death was swallowed by Lin Feng.

This behavior can be described as madness.

Everyone can\'t avoid the power of death. Lin Feng dares to swallow it on his own initiative. If others see it, he is expected to be scared to death.

The power of death is far less than pouring into Lin Feng\'s body. All of them are swallowed up by the word death.

Lin Feng\'s word death was originally just a "small success state", which was soon promoted to the great success state, then to the perfect state, and soon reached the great perfection state.

In Lin Feng\'s Dantian, above the "magic power array" composed of the word death, suddenly thunder intertwined.

This is called divine power evolution thunder, which shows that this divine power has been cultivated to the extreme.

Suddenly, above the magic power array, a hazy and mysterious figure appeared. He was like the Lord of the nether world and the master of death.

His one move is full of mystery and endless power, as if it could destroy the world.

Lin Feng\'s mind suddenly came out with a lot of information.

The practice of Tao word death reaches the great perfection state and awakens the "great death technique" which is one of the three thousand roads.

There are three thousand roads between the worlds, which are beyond heaven and earth.

It is said that any kind of three thousand Avenue can break through the gods as long as it can cultivate to a great and complete state.

Like Lin Feng\'s five emperors dragon boxing, when you reach the peak of cultivation, you will degenerate into the great five elements technique.

And the Dadu technique that Lin Feng learned before.

It\'s all three thousand Avenue.

Now, Lin Feng has a dense cultivation method in his mind.

"The art of great death is one of the three thousand avenues".

Lin Feng found the information in his mind and set off a huge wave in his heart.

This great death skill is the supreme power of kanbidi\'s skill.