Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 910

Every law emits amazing energy fluctuations, and it is so beautiful to hover in the source energy.

"One, two, three, four...".

Lin Feng counted it, and there were 43 rules in total.

Lin Feng bursts of ecstasy.

If you refine these rules, you will immediately surpass the four heaven friars in the realm of creation.

"Law, law, when the creatures die, the law collapses, and the law of these fierce beast overlords has been preserved.".

Lin Feng was very surprised and felt very lucky.

These fierce beast overlords are the strength of the realm of creation, and there are laws in their bodies.

However, generally, after the fall of the living creatures, the laws collapse. Only through some special methods can one or two laws be sealed to keep them alive.

The three fierce beast overlord has a total of 43 rules, which really surprised Lin Feng.

Lin Feng guessed that it might have something to do with the fierce beast overlord, which is the condensation of the original power of heaven and earth.


Lin Feng waved his big hand and swallowed up all the original forces and laws of heaven and earth.

Then Lin Feng quickly left, looking for a safe place to refine the power and laws of the origin of heaven and earth.

He came to a quiet valley, arranged an array to seal the valley, and then sat cross legged.

After Lin Feng swallowed up the original power of heaven and earth formed by the three fierce beast overlords, his realm was greatly improved, from the middle of the eightfold heaven of the realm of yin and yang to the later stage of the eightfold heaven of the realm of yin and Yang.

Then Lin Feng began forty-three rules.

"Humble human boy, you dare to refine us, you are looking for death"!

"Kill this human boy together.".

"Go to hell"!

These rules have revealed the figure of the three fierce beast overlord, which is the power of the original God that the three fierce beast overlord has remained in the rules.


The three fierce beasts dashed to Lin Feng\'s soul and waved their teeth and claws to kill Lin Feng\'s soul.

But Lin Feng sneered and the chaotic ancient lamp flew out.

"Don\'t know how to live or die. Let\'s all be suppressed.".

The chaotic ancient lamp falls from the sky and suppresses the virtual shadow of the three fierce beasts.


The virtual shadow of the three fierce beasts screamed in horror. It was too late to escape, and the chaotic ancient lamp suppressed it.

With the sound of Peng, the virtual shadow of the three fierce beasts exploded, which turned into the purest soul power and was swallowed and absorbed by Lin Feng.

Then Lin Feng began to refine 43 rules one by one.

Three days later, all the forty-three rules were successfully refined by Lin Feng. In Lin Feng\'s Dantian, a total of forty-six rules were entrenched, like a wild beast dormant.

Feeling the powerful mana in his body, Lin Feng felt that he could break the world when he raised his hand.

"It\'s really a blessing for me to rob the demon kingdom. How long have I been here? My cultivation has increased more than ten times"!

Lin Feng smiled.

"I don\'t know how the white tiger demon king is now. It\'s time to cut the white tiger demon king, seize the power of law in the white tiger demon king, and get the news of the original magic liquid at the same time.".

Lin Feng rose directly into the sky and flew to the nest of the white tiger demon king.

The white tiger mountains are continuous.

The mountains are towering and thick, vast and ancient, and the ridge is as strong as the body of a dragon.

This is the nest of the white tiger demon king.

At this moment, many fierce animals are patrolling around the mountains.

These are all the men of the white tiger demon king.

Now the white tiger demon king has been badly hit. It will certainly make people take strict precautions.

However, Lin Feng easily deceived the world and came to the deepest part of the white tiger mountain.

In a valley, the white tiger demon king lay on the ground. His body continued to crack, but it was reunited by the source again.

Every time it splits and regroups, the injury will recover a lot.

The healing method of the white tiger demon king is quite strange.

"Although the fierce beast, the white tiger demon king, has been badly hurt, its strength is too strong. If it strikes back on the verge of death, it may kill me, so I need to be cautious.".

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes and didn\'t act rashly.

He found that it was getting dark.

Lin Feng waited for the sky to darken completely and showed his dark hiding skill to hide his body.

Then launch a peerless stab at the white tiger demon king.

Time is passing.

Darkness fell over the earth.

The white tiger demon king lay on the ground powerlessly to repair his injury.

Lin Feng has quietly acted.

He carefully lurked towards the white tiger demon king.

The "dark hiding technique" he practiced is also a top hiding method. It\'s as difficult as heaven to find him when he moves forward in the dark.

However, Lin Feng was not careless because of this, because the strength of the white tiger demon king was very strong.

The slightest movement will be detected by it.

Lin Feng wants to kill the white tiger demon king.

One move!

Will kill the white tiger demon king!

Let the white tiger demon king have no chance to fight back!

Lin Feng lurks above the white tiger demon king, which is the best place to assassinate.

He is waiting for the best time.

At this moment, Lin Feng is like a killer of the killer Dynasty.

Very patient.

Or don\'t shoot. Once you do, it\'s a thunderous attack and kill the other party in an instant.

Finally, Lin Feng got a chance.

When the white tiger demon king healed, there seemed to be a change, and a violent fluctuation was emitted from his body.

Click, click.

The body of the white tiger demon king began to crack.

It suffered such a serious injury that healing can not be achieved overnight.

The white tiger demon king is trying to keep his body from breaking completely.

This is the time!

Lin Feng shot.

He fell from the sky, held the black dragon sword, and stabbed the white tiger demon king with a sword.

The white tiger demon king, who was trying to suppress his physical injury, didn\'t expect that someone would lurk to assassinate him.

So I was stunned for a moment.

Then the white tiger demon king roared, waved his huge claws and patted Lin Feng, trying to fly Lin Feng out.

But it\'s too late.

Lin Feng is too close to the white tiger demon king.

Between lightning and flint.

As fast as lightning.

A sword stabbed down, so that the white tiger demon king can\'t avoid.

A puff.

Lin Feng\'s sword instantly pierced the head of the white tiger demon king, and then his right hand suddenly shook.

There was a loud bang.

The body of the white tiger demon king exploded directly.

Lin Feng grabbed the ghost of the white tiger demon king with a big hand.

Lin Feng\'s mind intruded into the ghost of the white tiger demon king and found the information of the original magic liquid.

This made Lin Feng very happy. He turned to look at the power of the origin of heaven and earth transformed by the white tiger demon king. He saw that there were 81 rules in the power of the origin of heaven and earth.

Every law vibrates a sense of killing.

White tigers kill.

Therefore, the law of the white tiger demon king also contains endless killing intention.

"Ha ha, eighty-one rules, great. I\'ll swallow them all.".

Lin Feng offered to devour the soul of Wu, directly devouring the original power of heaven and earth and the 81 rules of the white tiger demon king.