Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 909

The speed of the golden split sky eagle was also extremely fast, and its huge golden wings suddenly stirred up.

Hoo Hoo!!

The wind howled.

Huge wind blades swept out and killed the white tiger demon king.

The white tiger demon king had to resist the wind blade.

After the two sides collided in the void, they quickly retreated.

"White tiger demon king, don\'t you think it\'s too greedy to enjoy the original magic liquid alone? If you know better, take out the original magic liquid and share it together, otherwise, today will be your burial time.".

The sound of golden sky carving shows endless killing intention.

The white tiger demon king sneered and said, "just because you want to rob the original magic liquid? It\'s too much.".

"What if we were added?". Cold laughter came from a distance.

A fire ape flew quickly.

I saw that the fire ape had two heads.

The left skull has three eyes.

The head on the right is one eye, which is very strange.

"Four Eyed fire ape"!

Lin Feng, hiding in the dark, recognized the origin of the fierce beast.

The Four Eyed fire ape also exists at the overlord level and is extremely powerful. Now that it appears here, it should have reached an agreement with the golden split sky eagle to deal with the white tiger demon king.

Click, click!

Suddenly, the earth cracked and a large yellow snake with a length of kilometers climbed out of the earth.

"Bright snake"!

Lin Feng was surprised that it was an earthly holy beast.

"White tiger demon king, you are too greedy. You only know how to enjoy good things and don\'t know how to share them with others. This will create many enemies. The gains outweigh the losses. We haven\'t known each other for a year or two. Now you are given the last chance to share the original magic liquid with us. If you don\'t cooperate, you can only kill you.".

The yellow snake spits out people\'s words.

"You came just in time! I went to your territory and broke you all. Now we clean up together and save me a lot of trouble", the white tiger demon king sneered.

"The white tiger demon king was originally a force at the same level as the three overlords, but now the white tiger demon king who got the original magic liquid will become more and more powerful, and the balanced strength between them has been broken. The three fierce beasts at the overlord level felt the threat of the white tiger demon king, so they joined forces to kill the white tiger demon king.".

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes slightly and analyzed the context.

Fierce beasts are very cunning. They attack, kill and devour each other to improve their cultivation.

If the white tiger demon king has enough strength.

Why not kill the three overlord level fierce beasts?

"Do it...".

The three overlord level friars drank cold at the same time, and then killed the white tiger demon king in three directions.

"It\'s going to fight"!

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes. He completely hid his breath.

The snipe and clam fight each other.

If Lin Feng starts to deal with the existence of these overlord levels, it is very difficult to kill them.

Even if you can kill.

I guess it\'s hard work.

Now the white tiger demon king and the three overlord level fierce beast war, if there is a result of losing both sides, Lin Feng is most willing to see.

Once both sides lose, Lin Feng will have the opportunity to catch them all, then swallow them all and improve his cultivation.


"Golden saint split God chop".

The Golden Eagle roared and turned into a dazzling golden light.

Rush to the Ninth Heaven.

Tear the world apart.

Kill the white tiger demon king.

"Immortal seal of Wuyue town"!

The yellow snake roared and opened its mouth, and a huge mountain appeared in the void.

The mountains fell from the sky and suppressed the white tiger demon king.

This is a very powerful magic power, which is known to be able to suppress immortals.

From this, we can see how terrible this unique skill is.

The Four Eyed flame also attacked, and its four eyes opened.

"Eye of blood vessel".

With the cold voice of the Four Eyed fire ape.

Among the four eyes, there was a bloody light.

These bloody lights have great destructive power.

The three fierce beasts at the overlord level launched the most powerful attack to kill the white tiger demon king. They strive to kill the white tiger demon king at one blow.

"Hum, do you really think you can kill us? It\'s ridiculous. We have swallowed the original magic liquid and improved our cultivation to a level that you can\'t imagine. Since you all come to die today, we will complete you.".

The voice fell, and a strong breath suddenly came out of the white tiger demon king\'s body. It seemed that there was a god hidden in the white tiger demon king\'s body.

Now the gods have revived and released their own breath.

That wave was too scary and creepy.

"Good guy, the white tiger demon king has a terrible smell. He was deliberately hiding his strength before.".

Lin Feng was surprised.

Originally, the strength of the white tiger demon king and the other three overlords was between Bozhong.

But now the white tiger demon king released his breath.

Lin Feng felt that the strength of the white tiger demon king had at least three overlords and three or four realms of fierce beasts.

Such a big gap.

This war will be reversed.

Sure enough, the white tiger demon king who showed all his strength burst out with terrible combat power.

It uses the magic power of "tiger king Xiao Jiutian" to directly shatter the attacks of the three overlord level fierce beasts.

Then the white tiger demon king jumped up, turned into a white light, and instantly killed the golden split sky eagle.

"Baidi holy beast chop"!

At that moment, the white tiger demon king turned into a powerful holy beast.

a blow.

Cut the world to pieces.

Break the sky.

The golden split sky Eagle could not avoid it. It was directly torn in half by the white light transformed by the white tiger demon king.

Then the white light killed the Four Eyed fire ape.

Four blood colored lights were emitted from the Four Eyed fire ape\'s eyes, trying to resist the white light transformed by the white tiger demon king.

But the four blood lights could not resist the attack of the white tiger demon king.


The white light of the white tiger demon king rushed to the Four Eyed fire ape and directly tore the Four Eyed fire ape into two halves.

Four Eyed fire ape was killed.

Seeing this scene, the yellow snake scared the dead and wanted to escape into the ground.

But at this time, the white light turned into a white tiger demon king rushed over.


The huge body of the yellow snake was cut into more than ten pieces by the white tiger demon king.

However, the vitality of snake creatures is extremely tenacious. The yellow snake was cut into more than ten pieces and still didn\'t die.

The first half of the snake fled towards the abyss.

But the white light of the white tiger demon king was directly cut off.

When the yellow snake saw that there was no escape, his cold eyes were full of crazy look, "white tiger demon king, we are going to die together".


At the next moment, the bright snake exploded.

The white tiger demon king rose to the sky to avoid the energy impact of kaihuang snake\'s self explosion.

But it was too late. The white tiger demon king was swallowed up by the self exploding energy of the yellow snake.

When the energy afterwaves dissipate.

The white tiger Demon King appeared.

At this moment, the white tiger demon king\'s body exploded and was fragmented. He had to become a pile of broken meat anytime and anywhere.

The power of the origin of heaven and earth flows in the body, barely keeping the body from breaking.

"Swallow your original power, and we can recover soon.".

Although the white tiger demon king was almost fatally injured, he had no place to worry, because the origin of the three overlords was still there. As long as he swallowed these origins, he could not only recover the injured body, but also improve his accomplishments.

The white tiger demon king will devour the origin of the three overlords.


Suddenly, the beast roared.


The white tiger demon king showed a frightened expression. Now he is too seriously injured to resist other overlords.

The white tiger demon king didn\'t dare to stay. He didn\'t even devour the origin of the three overlords and fierce beasts, so he ran away.

Lin Feng separated the Taigu holy emperor poor Qi who roared into his body, and then quickly swept to the origin of the three overlords.

The mantis catches cicadas and the Yellow finches are behind.

The white tiger demon king was deeply hurt and had become a frightened bird, so Lin Feng easily separated the white tiger demon king with the ancient holy emperor poor Qi.

"A hundred footed insects die but don\'t freeze. I\'ll let the white tiger demon king escape first. When he heals, it\'s the best choice to kill it silently. However, the top priority now is to refine the origin of the three overlord levels to improve my strength.".

Lin Feng waved his big hand and swallowed up the origin of the fierce beast at the three overlord levels.

"What is this?".

Suddenly, Lin Feng\'s eyes widened, full of unbelievable expressions, followed by the color of ecstasy.

Among the three hegemonic level fierce beast origins, there are dozens of rough rules hovering in the origin energy.