Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 908

The phantom evil demon thought he would deceive Lin Feng, so at this moment, he was very arrogant and proud.

"Today, I can finally taste the delicious flesh and blood of mankind.".

"Brother phantom evil demon, thank you so much. If you hadn\'t brought this boy, we wouldn\'t be able to taste human delicious flesh and blood.".


Many demons and ferocious beasts around laughed grimly, all cruel and bloodthirsty.

Lin Feng said with a sneer, "do you demons and evil things really think I was deceived? I knew that the phantom evil demon would not cooperate with me honestly and would secretly trip me up, so I decided to let him lead me to the nest of your demons and evil things, so that I could catch you all and save me from looking for your whereabouts everywhere." 。

After hearing this, these demons and fierce beasts were slightly stunned.

The phantom evil demon then sneered and said, "boy, whether you are really deceived or take your plan, now you have been trapped in the big array. This great array is an ancient killing array. Although it is not as powerful as in the past because of its age, it is more than enough to deal with you.".

"Ha ha, everyone, let\'s urge the array to kill this human boy. I can\'t wait to taste his flesh and blood.".

A fierce beast grinned.

"The blood power of this boy seems to be very strong. After eating him, we can all get great benefits.". A troll roared.

"What are you waiting for? Hurry up and kill him"!


Boom, boom!

A group of demons and fierce beasts began to urge the kill array to kill Lin Feng.

A breath of terror permeated from the kill array.

The terrible smell, like a sleeping ancient devil revived, made Lin Feng feel creepy.

"It\'s worthy of being an ancient kill array. Although it\'s broken, it still has the strength to kill me easily. Although I\'m a master of heaven level spirit array now, it\'s not easy to crack the ancient kill array here, but it\'s hard for me, dragon rabbit, come out...".

Lin Feng waved his right hand.

The Dragon rabbit was immediately summoned by Lin Feng.

Dragon and rabbit can shuttle freely in all kinds of kill arrays.

This is the racial talent of dragon and rabbit.


The little guy is connected with Lin Feng. He takes Lin Feng to jump in the big array.

Boom, boom!

The Taigu kill array was activated by those demons and fierce beasts outside, and the destructive forces went towards Lin Feng.

However, Lin Feng followed the Dragon rabbit to shuttle through the array.

All the attacks that came down were shunshun avoided by Lin Feng.

Soon, under the leadership of dragon rabbit, Lin Feng rushed out of the kill array.

Lin Feng took the Dragon rabbit back into the slave bag.

At this time, the demons and fierce beasts outside also saw Lin Feng.

Demons and ferocious beasts all have ghostly expressions.

They obviously didn\'t expect Lin Feng to come out of the Taigu kill array.

Even if the mighty existence of the eternal giant level is trapped in it, there is only a dead end, right?

How did Lin Feng escape?

Many demons and fierce beasts are extremely confused.

However, these demons and ferocious beasts are ferocious in nature.

After seeing Lin Feng come out, they have nothing to fear.

Because there are many people on their side, and Lin Feng is just a person.

"Together, kill the boy.".

A fierce beast roared and rushed towards Lin Feng first.

Then, the other demons and fierce beasts also killed Lin Feng.

"Hum, you want to kill me and eat me just because you have such a good track record?".

The corner of Lin Feng\'s mouth made a dull arc.

He waved his right hand.


Suddenly, the three laws flew out.

These three laws, like three moving mountains in the air, have a thick breath, block the world, and suppress the past towards demons and fierce beasts at one end.

Bang Bang

With the sound of collision one after another.

Laws collide with demons and fierce beasts.

These demons and fierce beasts were shaken out.

Lin Feng rushed into the battle circle and killed a fierce beast with one punch.

The fierce beast has just been shaken away by the law.

I haven\'t recovered yet.

The next moment, Lin Fenghong\'s body exploded into the power of the origin of heaven and earth.

With the cooperation of laws, Lin Feng was like entering a no man\'s land, and a head of demons and fierce beasts were killed.

"This son is ferocious. We are not rivals. Let\'s go.".


The remaining demons and ferocious beasts made frightened calls and fled to the distance to escape.

How can Lin Feng let them escape?

Rules are like strong mountains.

Hit it hard.

Then these demons and fierce beasts were directly killed by the law.

Then the body becomes the purest source of heaven and earth.

Blink, a dozen demons and fierce beasts are only phantom demons.

Lin Feng killed the phantom evil demon with one palm.

The phantom evil demon roared in horror, "you can\'t kill me. I\'m a confidant of the white tiger demon king. If you kill me, the white tiger demon king won\'t let you go.".

"How dare you threaten me now. I\'ll kill you first, and then kill the white tiger demon king.".


Lin Feng sneered and clapped.

The body of the phantom evil demon exploded immediately under Lin Feng\'s palm.

"Soul searching"!

Lin Feng stretched out his right hand and grabbed it suddenly, directly grasping the yuan God who had not dispersed the phantom evil demon.

His mind intruded into the original God of the phantom evil demon. After looking for it, he learned a lot of information.

It turned out that these fierce beasts were the fierce beasts that the white tiger demon king sat down.

The white tiger demon king is a famous monster in the Tianjie demon territory. He is powerful and occupies one side, and all animals bow down.

The reason why the strength of the white tiger demon king is so strong is that the white tiger demon king has a good fortune.

This fate is that the white tiger demon king knows the whereabouts of the original magic liquid.

The white tiger demon king will devour the original magic liquid every once in a while.

Every time you swallow the original magic liquid, the strength of the white tiger demon king will increase.

Therefore, the strength of the white tiger demon king is becoming stronger and stronger.

"Originally, the phantom evil demon said that the news of knowing the original magic liquid was not groundless, but there was no specific location of the original magic liquid in the soul memory of the phantom evil demon. It seems that only the white tiger demon king knows where the original magic liquid is.".

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes slightly, and then he began to refine the power of the origin of heaven and earth.

After an hour, Lin Feng continued to fly to the depths.


From a long distance, he heard the roar of animals shaking the mountains.

In the distance, a 300 meter long white giant tiger and a 500 meter long golden split sky Eagle fought together.

The collision between two fierce beasts and birds of prey was extremely tragic. The golden split sky Eagle tore a piece of meat off the white giant tiger with one claw.

The white giant tiger roars in pain and will move its giant claws to beat the golden split sky eagle and fly it out for hundreds of meters.

"Good guy, it\'s the fight between the white tiger demon king and the air overlord golden split sky Eagle".

Lin Feng was surprised.

He got a lot of information from the memory of phantom evil demon, including some overlords in Tianjie demon realm.

For example, the golden split sky Eagle fighting with the white tiger demon king is the air overlord comparable to the white tiger demon king in the Tianjie demon realm.

After the white tiger demon king patted the golden split sky eagle, he roared and jumped out, killing the golden split sky eagle. His sharp claws grabbed the golden split sky eagle and wanted to tear the golden split sky eagle in half.