Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 907

The troll with thousands of hands and eyes was really powerful. With this move, Lin Feng knew that the troll was 50 times stronger than the troll just now.

"The law works"!


Lin Feng used the power of the law and saw a law condensed from the void.

This law, like a chain of order, swept towards the behemoth with thousands of hands and eyes.

Thousands of eyes were shattered by the law in an instant.

The law of monk cohesion in the realm of nature is naturally powerful.

Then the law wound around the troll with thousands of hands and eyes. The troll suddenly grabbed Lin Feng instead of killing him with thousands of palms.

In the void, there is a force like destroying the sky.

Thousands of palms are filled with powerful destructive power. The thousand handed and thousand eyed Troll wants to destroy the law offered by Lin Feng.

But obviously, the troll underestimated the power of the law.

The law began to actively devour the power of the troll.

Now this rule is refined by Lin Feng.

The internal structure of the law began to change and was gradually endowed with "phagocytic ability" by Lin Feng.

as time goes on.

The three laws refined by Lin Feng will imperceptibly get Lin Feng\'s phagocytosis.

The troll with thousands of hands and eyes roared and wanted to cut off the law.

At this time, the law offered by Lin Feng suddenly became longer.

The law itself can change freely.

Lin Feng\'s law is like a bundle of fairy ropes, winding the troll with thousands of hands and eyes.

The troll struggled hard, but he couldn\'t get away.

"The law, the law, is indeed worthy of the order principle condensed from the rules of heaven and earth".

With a long roar, Lin Feng stepped in front of the thousand hand and thousand eye troll, and killed the thousand hand and thousand eye Troll with a fist.


Lin Feng\'s fist went on, and the troll with thousands of hands and eyes exploded directly, which turned into the purest energy of the origin of heaven and earth.

Lin Feng\'s movement devours the soul of martial arts and directly devours the original energy of heaven and earth.

Powerful mana surges in the body.

The power of the origin of heaven and earth transformed by thousands of hands and eyes is more powerful, and the improvement of cultivation is more significant.

When Lin Feng refined the power of the origin of heaven and earth formed by the thousand handed and thousand eyed troll, an illusory shadow appeared quietly.

This is a demon.

This demon is called "phantom demon".

Phantom evil demon is very strange and has powerful hiding means.

The most powerful part of this demon is the soul.

The body of the phantom evil demon is very fragile, so the phantom evil demon generally does not have a positive confrontation with the target. They often choose to lurk around the target.

Then suddenly launch a soul attack.

Because the phantom evil demon is difficult to be found, once attacked by the phantom evil demon, many people will instantly destroy their souls and die miserably in the hands of the phantom evil demon.

Even if you are lucky and don\'t die, your soul will be badly hurt.

This is the horror of the phantom demon.

Its attack is not only silent, the key is strong enough.

The phantom evil demon lurked around Lin Feng and sent out bursts of gloomy laughter.


The powerful soul power of the phantom evil demon surged out and instantly entered Lin Feng\'s mind to destroy Lin Feng\'s soul.

"Boy, be swallowed up by this seat.".

The soul power of the phantom evil demon condensed into a fierce beast with open teeth and claws, and jumped into the depths of the soul\'s mind.


An ancient lamp flew out.

Suppressed the fierce beast condensed from the soul of the phantom evil demon.


One shot.

The fierce beast formed by the soul of the phantom evil demon was smashed in an instant.

"What a powerful soul power. It turned out to be a phantom evil demon. He dared to attack me when I was practicing. He really didn\'t know whether to live or die.".

Lin Feng directly swallowed the soul power of the phantom evil demon, and the towering mana surged out to suppress the original of the phantom evil demon.

The phantom evil demon wanted to run away, but it was too late. It was directly suppressed by Lin Feng.

The soul was hurt again and trembled all over.

"Spare your life, childe, spare your life.".

The phantom demon begged.

"How dare you sneak on me? Die, I\'ll devour your cultivation"

Lin Feng wants to solve the phantom evil demon with one palm.

This phantom evil demon is not only powerful in soul, but also in body.

After being swallowed, it is of great benefit to cultivation.

"Childe, I\'m willing to trade a big secret for my life.".

Cried the phantom demon.

"Oh? Big secret? What secret?", Lin Feng\'s eyes lit up slightly and asked aloud.

"Primitive magic liquid! Have you ever heard of primitive magic liquid?" asked the phantom evil demon.

Lin Feng was surprised. He naturally heard of the original magic liquid. It was the liquid condensed from the origin of magic between heaven and earth.

There are many different original forces between heaven and earth. These original forces are collectively referred to as the original forces of heaven and earth, but if carefully divided, they can be divided into various categories.

Such as the origin of immortals, the origin of Tao, the origin of God and the origin of demons, naturally there is also the origin of demons.

The origin of the thousand eyes and thousand hands Troll that Lin Feng refined and killed before is the "origin of the devil" in the power of the origin of heaven and earth.

The liquid formed by the concentration of the forces of the source is the source liquid.

The original liquid is more pure and powerful, and the cultivation will be improved faster after refining.

The original magic liquid is not the general original magic liquid, but condensed by the original magic.

It is said that primitive magic is a force formed by heaven and earth at the beginning of the founding of the world.

Endless years passed.

The original magic has long been lost.

Not to mention the original magic liquid condensed by the original magic.

Lin Feng never thought that there was primitive magic in the demon realm.

If you can get the original magic liquid, Lin Feng believes that his cultivation will soon break through again.

"Where is the original magic liquid? Say it, I\'ll spare you.".

Lin Feng said.

"Only I know where the original magic liquid is. If you kill me, you can\'t get the original magic liquid. I can take you to find the original magic liquid.".

A strange light flashed through the eyes of the phantom evil demon, and then said aloud.

Lin Feng said lightly, "well, if you can take me to find the original magic liquid, I will not only take your life, but also give you countless and many to help you condense your flesh and blood as soon as possible.".

The phantom evil monster smiled and said, "you are really kind and righteous. I admire you. Please follow me.".


The phantom demon flew towards the depths.

Lin Feng follows behind the phantom evil demon.

A day later, they came to a huge mountain.

"The original magic liquid is deep in the mountains, but there are many dangers there, and I can\'t get into it, so whether I can get the original magic liquid depends on whether the childe\'s ability is strong enough.".

Phantom evil family.

"Well, I\'ll go in and have a look.".

Maple forest flew towards the mountains.

Just flew into the mountains.



A breath of terror filled the air.

In the mountains, large arrays are intertwined.

Outside the array, a gloomy and terrible smell came out.

The black fog rolled.

Vaguely, you can see that there are more than a dozen demons and fierce animals dormant in the black fog.

"Stupid man, I lied to you. You really believed it. Now you are trapped in the kill array. How do you die?"

Outside the array came the proud voice of the phantom evil demon.