Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 906

The energy dissipated gradually.

Huangfu Dushang had already been fried into a pile of rotten meat and bones, scattered around.

Hoo Hoo!

Lin Feng gasped violently in the mountain forest. He felt that he couldn\'t move.

He was badly hurt and his mana dried up.

Endless darkness swept in.

Lin Feng fainted.


Xianzhou is the top ten of the three thousand states in tianwu mainland.

Various powerful forces are located here.

It is said that before ancient times, monks soared to the immortal world from Feixian cliff in Xianzhou.

However, since ancient times, the order of heaven and earth in tianwu continent has changed, and there can no longer be strong people in the divine realm, let alone the immortal realm.

The emergence of Xianzhou into the Xianchao Dynasty is a prestigious force in Xianzhou.

The yuhuaxian Dynasty is a scene of prosperity and luxury. This force has been inherited for a long time and is extremely powerful. Among the young generation, there are also experts like clouds, and there are top Tianjiao such as Huangfu Qingtian.

Yuhuaxian Dynasty palace, Yuanshen lantern hall.

A dozen small eunuchs are cleaning the dust.

Click, click!

Suddenly, a yuan magic lamp was broken.

The yuanshendeng that can be placed in the yuanshendeng palace of the yuhuaxian Dynasty must be the Royal people of the yuhuaxian Dynasty.

The broken yuan magic lamp shows that the death path of the corresponding friar disappears.

More than a dozen small eunuchs were so frightened that they fell to the ground, one by one with frightened expressions.

"It is the Yuanshen lamp of Lord Huangfu Dushang".

A little eunuch said in a trembling voice.

Huangfu Dushang is the cultivation of the eighth heaven of the realm of creation. Even in the yuhuaxian Dynasty, he has a very noble status.

Now he\'s dead.

"It\'s going to change......". The eunuch chief said in a trembling voice.

Whoever killed Huangfu died alone.

The yuhuaxian Dynasty will not give up this matter.

The eunuch leader quickly went to report to the eunuch in charge of the yuanshendeng temple.

When the eunuch knew this, his face changed suddenly. He quickly came to the feather hall.

This is the place where the emperor of the yuhuaxian Dynasty reviewed all kinds of memorials.

"Tell the emperor that the slave has something important to see.". The chief eunuch knelt on the ground.


A ethereal and majestic voice came out of the feather hall.

The chief eunuch said, "Lord Huangfu Dushang, who went to the falling fairy ancient forest to look for the star meteorite, fell.".

"There\'s such a thing. Check it for me. Whoever dares to kill me in the immortal Dynasty, the emperor will frustrate him.".

The angry voice came from the feather hall.


The night is bright and the stars are few.

The mountain forest is quiet.

No animal roar, no insect chirp, no bird chirp.

Lin Feng\'s fingers suddenly moved slightly.

Then the eyelashes blinked slightly.

Then he opened his eyes.

He looked at the bright moon and stars in the sky.

Then he coughed violently.

Every cough can cough up blood.

"I\'m so lucky that I didn\'t die...".

Lin Feng took a deep breath.

He got up hard, then took out hundreds of top-grade spirit stones, piled them around him, and began to devour the energy of top-grade spirit stones.

A lot of energy is absorbed by Lin Feng.

These energies are transformed into mana and constantly nourish Lin Feng\'s body.

Lin Feng then runs the undead body to repair the injured body, under the repair of the undead body.

Lin Feng\'s injured body recovered quickly.


Lin Feng breathed.

He felt the condition of his body and finally recovered almost.

Lin Feng took out a clean talisman, drove away the blood without dirt, and put on a clean and refreshing clothes.

His eyes then turned to the ruins in the distance.

The ruins are huge, broken walls and quiet.

Lin Feng was very surprised. How could there be such a huge ruins here?

And depending on the situation, it should have been very prosperous here in the past.

Lin Feng flew to the depths of the ruins. Along the way, he saw many huge temples, but now these temples have been dilapidated.

Finally, Lin Feng stopped on a square.

"What the hell is this place?".

He was very confused because there were no clues left for such a huge temple group, which made Lin Feng unable to explore the truth of the past years here.

At midnight, when the silver moon fell to the west, Lin Feng suddenly found a strange thing.

The silver moon is connected with nine stars.

He tried to look at it from another place, but he couldn\'t see this special situation. Only in the center of the square could he see this clearly.

"Is this place?".

Suddenly, Lin Feng flashed a light in his mind.

Nine star connection.

Nine tortoise shells,

He quickly took out the nine tortoise shells and put them on the ground.

Something strange happened.

The nine stars in a line in the starry world excited themselves and emitted a starlight.

The nine stars finally poured into the nine tortoise shells.

"It\'s really here, the entrance to the demon realm of heaven robbery"!

Lin Feng took a deep breath.

As he imagined.

This is the entrance of Tianjie demon territory.

By this time, nine tortoise shells had been suspended in mid air.

A picture emerges from each tortoise shell.

The nine pictures are intertwined in the void.

Finally, the nine pictures turned into a distorted portal.

The portal hovered in mid air.


Lin Feng flew directly into the portal.

He felt the world spinning.

Soon, Lin Feng appeared in another world.

This is an ancient jungle. Lin Feng landed on the ground and nine tortoises fell back into his hands.

This world exudes a thick flavor of ancient times.

"Tianjie demon realm, I found Tianjie demon realm. I don\'t know what secret is hidden in this Tianjie demon realm?".

Lin Feng showed a happy expression.

He rose into the sky and flew deep.

When passing a mountain.

Click, click.

Suddenly the mountains split.

In the mountains, a troll stood up.

"Human beings, it\'s human beings. Some human beings have entered the realm of natural robbery demon"!

The troll uttered bursts of excitement.

He killed Lin Feng directly.


Lin Feng sneered, rushed forward and killed the troll with a supreme reincarnation fist.

The troll\'s body exploded directly.

Into the purest source energy.

"What is this?".

Lin Feng was surprised.

Trolls are not flesh and blood, but the origin of heaven and earth.


Lin Feng laughed and began to devour the source of the troll.

This origin of heaven and earth can quickly improve the cultivation of monks.

Because this is the origin of heaven and earth, which is different from the origin of monks. The origin of monks has all kinds of impurities. When refining, we still need to try our best to refine the impurities.

And the effect is far from reaching the effect of the origin of heaven and earth.

"Human, human...".

Lin Feng has just swallowed the original power of heaven and earth transformed by trolls.

At this time, an earth shaking roar came from the abyss in the distance.

Another Troll rushed out.

This troll is much stronger than the troll just now.

The troll who rushed out of the abyss had a thousand arms and a thousand eyes.

This is a thousand eyes and thousand hands troll.

The thousand eyed and thousand handed Troll roared and shook a thousand arms to kill Lin Feng.

Among the 1000 eyes, it was even more exciting. A terrible beam of light came out and swept towards Lin Feng.