Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 905

In the mountains and forests, one escape and one chase.

Ten days have passed.

Lin Feng still couldn\'t get rid of Huangfu\'s sole grief.

"Boy, do you really think you can run away? I can sense that your mana is running out. How will you die then?".

Huangfu said sadly.

Lin Feng is holding the best spirit stone in his hands. He is refining the best spirit stone.

Lin Feng sneered, "I think you should worry about yourself. Your injury will become more and more serious if you delay. Maybe you will be possessed by the devil because of your injury!"!

Huangfu said indifferently, "my body is clearer than you. Now I give you a chance to live. You swear to be my slave, and then argue for me. I will spare you from dying.".

"What are you? Dare I recognize you as the Lord?". Lin Feng scolded.

"Give you face, you don\'t want face, then this seat can only kill you.". Huangfu Dushang accelerated his speed.

But it is not easy for him to catch up with Lin Feng in a short time.

Because Lin Feng\'s speed is too fast.

Another three days passed.

On this day, Lin Feng and Huangfu came to a dilapidated ancient ruins.

This is an ancient relic located deep in the ancient forest of fallen immortals.

I saw a lot of bones scattered in this place.

There was a cold smell.

Even the sound of insects and songbirds disappeared.

In such a dense jungle, if you can\'t even hear the sound of insects and songbirds, it\'s very strange.

"Boy, die"!

Huangfu shouts coldly. He has caught up and killed Lin Feng with one palm.

In the void, a huge energy handprint was condensed.

A wave like destruction of heaven and earth, sent out.

Huge energy fingerprints fell from the sky and roared down towards Lin Feng.

Huangfu Dushang is a high-level monk in the realm of good fortune.

His strength is too strong.

Lin Feng\'s current combat power may be able to resist the monks of the three or four heaven of the realm of creation.

However, there is still a big gap between shanghuangfu Dushang and the strong man with seven or eight heaven.

Facing the attack of Huangfu Dushang, Lin Feng waved his right hand and the seven treasures glass tower flew out.

The treasure is suspended above Lin Feng and falls down with colorful Baoguang to protect Lin Feng\'s body.

When the energetic handprint came down, Lin Feng resisted it.

"Defense device"!

Huangfu\'s eyes suddenly showed a greedy expression.

Taoist instruments are extremely precious.

What\'s more, defensive weapons are more precious.

Lin Feng protected his body with the seven treasures glass tower, and then he rushed towards Huangfu Dushang.

"Supreme reincarnation fist".

Without any reservation, Lin Feng is the strongest attack.

You can\'t afford to underestimate the enemy a little carelessly when you fight with an expert at the level of Huangfu Dushang.

Huangfu dugshang sneered, "it\'s useless. No matter how powerful an attack is, it\'s vulnerable in front of this seat.".

The voice fell, and Huangfu made a single move to sweep the Feixian fist at Lin Feng.

There was a dull crash.

Like two ancient beasts colliding together.

The escaping energy wave will destroy the surrounding mountains and forests.

Lin Feng was blown out by Huangfu\'s attack.

Click, click.

Broken arm.

Huangfu\'s state of mourning alone is too high.

There is almost no suspense about this war.

Had it not been for the defensive power of the seven treasures glass tower, most of the power of Huangfu Dushang would have been removed. Just that blow could even completely destroy Lin Feng\'s body.

Let Lin Feng die.

"Break an arm and see how you can do it?" Huangfu walked step by step, his mouth full of cold killing intention.

I forgot to tell you that I am the owner of the special system.

Lin Feng\'s immortal spirit body was directly restored by Huangfu\'s shock.

Seeing this scene, Huangfu Dushang\'s face became gloomy, "what a strange special physique, but such physique can not repair the injured body indefinitely. See how this seat can completely destroy your body".

Huangfu rushed alone and launched a furious attack on Lin Feng.

The strength of the eight heavy heaven of the realm of fortune was fully displayed. Under the attack of Huangfu Dushang, Lin Feng\'s body was destroyed again and again.

Many places, white bones.

If the seven treasures glass tower hadn\'t unloaded most of the power of Huangfu Dushang, Lin Feng would have died in the hands of Huangfu Dushang more than ten times.

Lin Feng\'s mana was consumed quickly when he continued to repair the flesh with the immortal body. He felt that he was about to lose it.

This made Lin Feng\'s face sink like water.

"Boy, it seems you can\'t do it. Within three moves, I can take your life.".

Huangfu smiled grimly and killed him again.

One punch swept at Lin Feng.


One punch hit Lin Feng on the chest.

Click, click!

Lin Feng\'s sternum is broken!

Lin Feng flew backwards like a broken kite, his face as white as paper.

The blow hit him hard again.

Lin Feng got up from the ground and couldn\'t help laughing.

A high-level monk in the realm of creation.

It\'s terrible.

He had almost no power to fight back.

Lin Feng naturally knows how he is now.

If it goes on like this, I\'m afraid it won\'t take long.

He will die in the hands of Huangfu Dushang.

"Is it possible...". Seeing Huangfu die alone again, Lin Feng suddenly had a crazy idea in his mind.

If you can succeed, you may be able to kill Huangfu Dushang.

"Boy, accept the fate of death.". Huangfu smiled grimly.


At this time, a treasure flew out and rushed to Huangfu Dushang.

Tao Qi.

Golden bell.

This is the Taoist weapon obtained from Xiang Jin after Lin Feng and Ning Hanshuang worked together to kill Xiang Jin.

This Taoist weapon is extremely powerful.

Now, Lin Feng offered this Taoist weapon to attack Huangfu.

Huangfu Dushang was surprised. Obviously, he didn\'t expect Lin Feng to have two Taoist weapons.

Then Huangfu\'s eyes showed endless greed.

"No matter how many babies you have, eventually these babies belong to this seat.".

Huangfu burst out laughing.

Powerful mana, diffuse out.

Huangfu offered his powerful magic power to suppress the golden bell directly.

Under the suppression of Huangfu Dushang, Daoqi was unable to move.


Huangfu\'s spiritual power poured into the Taoist weapon. He wanted to forcibly erase Lin Feng\'s spiritual brand left in the golden bell.


At this time, Lin Feng shouted loudly.

Once the Taoist weapon explodes, it can cause unimaginable destruction.

Ordinary people don\'t know how to use a self exploding device at all.

Because Taoist instruments are too precious.

No one is willing to self detonate.

But Lin Feng doesn\'t care.

No matter how precious the Taoist instruments are, they are still not worth mentioning compared with their own lives.

A destructive force emanates from the Tao apparatus.

Huangfu\'s face turned pale with fear. He threw the Taoist weapon into the distance, turned and ran away.


But it was too late, and the golden bell exploded.

The destructive force of space-time storm escapes from the center of the explosion.

Directly swallowed up Huangfu Dushang.

"No...". Huangfu shouts in horror, but he can\'t escape and is drowned by the destructive power of Taoist self explosion.

Lin Feng protected himself with the seven treasures glass tower and ran away madly in the distance.


The energy afterwave came, the defense masks of the seven treasures glass tower were shattered, and Lin Feng was blown out. He was bleeding all over and fell into the mountains.