Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 904

The panic was spreading rapidly, and many people rushed out of the box. The falling ship was difficult to control, and the ship was afraid of being damaged.

Falling immortal ancient forest is really a terrible place. What if there are strong people at the level of ancestors?

The fierce beasts in the immortal ancient forest are not afraid of this.

"Open the cabin and get out quickly...".

The captain of the ship shouted in a deep voice and gave orders.

After the cabin was opened, countless monks flew out in panic.


But just flying out, the scream came out one after another.

In the void, poisonous insects block out the sun.

This is a strange poisonous insect the size of a thumb, such as an ant, such as a scorpion, such as a centipede. Its whole body is highly toxic.

If you are stung, your body will fall into a state of paralysis. This poisonous insect is terrible.

Many people were attacked by poisonous insects, and their bodies fell downward, and then the overwhelming poisonous insects rushed up and wrapped the monks\' bodies.

After a few breaths, the monks became white bones and fell down. They died miserably.

"There are poisonous insects, sacrifice mana to protect yourself".

A monk shouted.

When the people behind rushed out, they hurriedly sacrificed mana.

"Take out the bronze to protect yourself".

Lin Feng said to Qiao Tingyu and Qiao tingyue.

The two women nodded and a group of people rushed out, but there were too many people and they were soon dispersed.

Lin Feng was about to rush out of the cabin in the crowd when he suddenly felt a cold killing intention enveloping himself.

He looked around and saw more than a dozen people coming from the cabin. The leader was Huangfu Dushang.

He is a master of the imperial family of the yuhuaxian Dynasty. His cultivation can be described as unfathomable.

"Sir, let\'s take care of the boy.". Said the monk beside Huangfu Dushang.

"The ship is about to fall. Go out and I\'ll take care of the boy.". Huangfu\'s mouth was filled with a dull radian.

"Yes...". More than a dozen monks rushed out quickly, and Huangfu Dushang locked Lin Feng\'s figure.

As long as Lin Feng dares to move.

He was a thunderous attack.

The monks outside were attacked by the herd. All kinds of fierce birds in the sky were killed. Countless fierce animals rushed out of the mountains to kill the monks who rushed out of the spaceship.

Many monks were drowned by the herd and died miserably in an instant.


Six or seven monks gathered around Qiao Zhenyu, and the rest were dispersed. He found Qiao Tingyu and Qiao tingyue\'s brother and sister.

"Where\'s Lin Feng? Brother, have you seen Lin Feng?". Qiao Tingyu and Qiao tingyue are looking for Lin Feng\'s whereabouts, with a pale face.

Seeing that the two sisters are so concerned about Lin Feng, Qiao Zhenyu has some bad feelings. He feels that both sisters seem to be in love with Lin Feng. Although Qiao Zhenyu is also very fond of Lin Feng, it is difficult for him to accept such a thing when he sees that the two sisters admire a man at the same time.

But who can say the emotional things clearly?

What\'s more, these two sisters are quite independent people. Where will they listen to themselves?

Of course, this is not the time to think about it. Now the top priority is to leave this dangerous place quickly.

Qiao Zhenyu said in a deep voice, "brother Lin\'s strength is unfathomable and there will be no accident. Let\'s leave here quickly. If something happens to you, brother Lin will know that it will be painful and regretful?".

The two sisters bit their red lips and finally nodded after a fierce struggle in their hearts.

Qiao Zhenyu couldn\'t help smiling bitterly. Now he was sure that his two sisters were secretly interested in Lin Feng.

"Go...". The party rushed towards the distance.


At this time, the roar shook the sky, the earth cracked, and a giant demon with a height of kilometers rushed out and hit them with a fist.

The strength of this troll is too terrible. It has absolutely reached the level of five or six heaven.

Many monks died miserably.

"No, this is the dark troll, the realm of creation and six heaven strength, Tingyu, tingyue, you go quickly, I\'ll stop it.".

Qiao Zhenyu\'s face changed greatly. He was obviously a very responsible person. Facing the attack of the dark troll, Qiao Zhenyu knew that if he could not hold the dark troll, everyone would die here. His first thought was to let his two sisters and his people escape.

Qiao Zhenyu was about to fight to intercept the dark troll. At this time, Fengming nine days.

Two green luans soared into the sky, killed the dark troll, and directly swept the dark Troll out. Finally, the two green luans turned into two bronze ancient hairpins and flew back to Qiao ting and Qiao tingyue.


Qiao Zhenyu was shocked when he saw two bronze ancient hairpins. Naturally, he knew how amazing the value of this treasure was?

How can my two sisters have such a terrible baby?

Qiao Tingyu said, "this is what Lin Feng gave us.".

Qiao Zhenyu immediately burst into a bitter smile.

No wonder the two sisters secretly promised Lin Feng.

Lin Feng has a charm that women can\'t resist, and he is so generous.

Bronzes that are so precious that all giants will be crazy about them can be given away so easily.

This makes Qiao Zhenyu feel like Mo\'s famous saying.

The party did not dare to stay and left quickly.



There was a violent collision between the spacecraft.

Lin Feng fought with Huangfu alone.

With just one blow, Lin Feng was blown out by Huangfu Dushang.

His face is a little pale.

Only after the fight did I know how strong Huang Fu was.

This man\'s cultivation, I\'m afraid, has reached the level of seven or eight heaven.

"Boy, it\'s no use. You don\'t have to struggle, because no matter how you struggle, you will die today.".

Huangfu\'s indifference was aroused at the corner of his mouth. He came towards Lin Feng step by step.


Lin Feng sneered. He threw out hundreds of talismans directly.

Boom, boom

Amulet explosion.


The whole ship began to explode.

"Madman...". Huangfu Dushang\'s face changed greatly. Where can he take Lin Feng into account? If the spaceship explodes, he and Lin Feng will be killed in it.

Lin Feng also rushed out.

But it\'s obviously a little late.


The whole ship began to explode in the process of falling.

The energy generated during the explosion exploded towards Lin Feng and Huangfu Dushan.

Lin Feng and Huangfu Dushang quickly offered magic weapons to resist.

But even so, Huangfu Dushang was so shocked that he vomited blood and turned pale. It was obvious that he was seriously injured.

Lin Feng\'s condition was not much better than that of Huangfu Dushang. He vomited three mouthfuls of blood and fell down. However, in the middle of the air, Lin Feng stabilized his body in time, and then rushed to the distance.

"Boy, I want your life.". Huangfu Dushang roared angrily and twisted his whole face.

Lin Feng was like an ant in Huangfu\'s eyes.

But today he was almost killed by the man he regarded as an ant.

Huangfu Dushang was completely angry.

He quickly chased Lin Feng, and his killing intention swept the world. The surrounding peaks were knocked down by the terrible killing earthquake emanating from Huangfu Dushang\'s body.