Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 903

On the way back, Qiao Tingyu and Qiao tingyue were in a very complicated mood. First, Lin Feng gave them bronze ancient hairpins, which made them very shy. At the same time, they couldn\'t help thinking. Men often give women hairpins as love keepsakes. Lin Feng gave them one for each of their sisters. What does that mean?

Is it possible that they have a crush on both of their sisters at the same time?

This makes the two sisters think about it. Although they have a good relationship with each other, they can\'t accept the fact that the two women serve the same husband, but if they just give up Lin Feng and complete each other, the two sisters can\'t do this by asking themselves. They are also confused for a moment.

Second, Lin Feng\'s miraculous skill of debating stones can be called superb. Even the stone King Xuanyuan dragon is far less than Lin Feng, right?

Lin Feng added a lot of mysterious colors to his body, like a deadly poison, which stirred the hearts of the two sisters and made them want to know everything about Lin Feng involuntarily.

Like when they came here, when they left, many people saw Lin Feng followed by such a pair of top-notch sisters, all with an expression of envy, jealousy and hatred. How they wanted to turn themselves into Lin Feng, so that they could enjoy the happiness of the whole people.

After the three left Shifang, Lin Feng smiled and said, "don\'t tell others about the things in Shifang, so as not to cause some unnecessary things".

Qiao Tingyu and Qiao tingyue nodded.

Returning to his residence, Lin Feng began to refine the two rules in isolation.

Qiao Tingyu and Qiao tingyue returned to their rooms and lay in bed. Lin Feng\'s figure lingered in their minds.

It seems that they thought of some shy pictures. The two sisters covered their pink faces and twisted their soft and charming bodies on the bed.

Lin Feng is refining the two rules he has obtained.

A law has been refined in his body.

Breaking through the realm of creation will condense the law.

Generally speaking, a monk who has a heaven in the realm of creation has a law.

The monks of the double heaven of the realm of creation have three laws.

The monk of the triple heaven of the realm of creation has nine rules.

The friars of the four heavens in the realm of creation have 27 rules.

The friars in the five Heaven realm of creation have 81 rules.

The friars of the six heaven of the realm of creation have 243 rules.

The friars in the seven heaven realm of creation have 729 rules.

The monks of the eight heaven realm of creation have 2187 laws.

The friars in the nine heaven realm of creation have 6561 rules.

The friars of the ten Heaven realm of creation have 19683 rules.


With the improvement of cultivation, the gap between the number of laws possessed by the monks of the realm of creation will be larger and larger, and the gap between their strength will be larger and larger.

Although Lin Feng\'s realm is only the eight heaven realm of yin and Yang, he has cultivated Taigu dragon and elephant formula, and his body is comparable to the strong man at the peak of the realm of creation.

The soul level has also reached the level of nine heaven in the realm of creation.

Because there is a law in the body, when competing for mana, it is no weaker than the friars who are in the realm of creation.

Lin Feng has practiced all kinds of powerful ancient secrets, and his strength can definitely surpass the level to challenge the strong man of the second and third heaven of the realm of creation.

If Lin Feng as like as two peas of law, he is just like the monks of the double heaven of the realm of creation.

Strength will soar again.


Lin Feng spent a night refining the rules in his body.

At dawn, the two laws were successfully refined.

Lin Feng\'s face smiled as he felt the increasing power in his body.


Lin Feng didn\'t get up until sunrise the next day.

When Lin Feng came out, he knew that several friends of Qiao Zhenyu had arrived.

Qiao Zhenyu introduced him to everyone.

There are five of Qiao Zhenyu\'s friends, three men and two women.

They are all children of an aristocratic family with extraordinary talent.

The three male friars are slender and very handsome. The friar is called Wang Fei.

The thin and slightly obscene monk is called Tian Kun.

The monk of medium stature is called Zhao Kuo.

Among the two women, the woman with a charming red skirt is called Li Shishi.

Another woman who looked cold was called Nalan bing\'er.

The five only thought Lin Feng was a friend of the Qiao family, so they didn\'t pay too much attention to Lin Feng.

Moreover, Lin Feng\'s strength is not very strong in their view, because the lowest strength of these five people is "cultivation in the realm of quasi creation".

Wang Fei, Tian Kun and Nalan binger have broken through the realm of creation.

The party sat down and talked about entering the falling fairy ancient forest to look for the star meteorite mountains.

Li Shishi said, "the star meteorite mountains are located in the central area of the ancient forest of falling immortals. There are already animal kings in that area, which is extremely dangerous. If we are careless, we will die. Therefore, we should not act alone.".

The others nodded, and Qiao Zhenyu asked, "what are your plans?".

Nalan bing\'er said, "we\'ve inquired. It\'s said that several big forces will bring large spaceships. On the spaceships, there will be strong ancestors, which is enough to deter the beast king level fierce beasts in the immortal ancient forest. How about taking the spaceship?".

Obviously, Wang Fei, Tian Kun and Zhao Kuo also knew about it.

Now Nalan bing\'er wants to seek Qiao Zhenyu\'s opinion.

Qiao Zhenyu nodded and said, "this is the safest way, so we will wait for the arrival of the spacecraft.".

Three days later, several spaceships arrived one after another.

Because the spacecraft is personally escorted by the strong at the ancestral level, it will be much safer, so the cost is naturally very expensive. The most ordinary ordinary cabin also needs ten top-grade spirit stones per person.

The VIP cabin needs 30 top-grade spirit stones.

The deluxe cabin needs 80 supreme spirit stones.

And the box cabin.

There are also various levels of boxes here, but the cheapest box also needs 2000 top-grade spirit stones. Some high-end boxes need tens of thousands of top-grade spirit stones.

Lin Feng and others boarded the ship, with a total of 21 people. Qiao Zhenyu and others wrapped a medium-sized box with 8000 top-grade spirit stones.

It has complete facilities and a separate training room, which is quite convenient.

There is also a trading area inside the spacecraft, where various items can be traded.

At the same time, there is a new casino, which can gamble money and go to gambling stones.

Attracted a lot of people.

Lin Feng is not interested in this.

He has been practicing in his room and occasionally goes out to chat with people.

When this day passes through a mountain.

In the mountains, a terrible smell suddenly came out.

Endless black fog surged out of the mountains.

There seems to be something terrible in the black fog.


The ship was attacked and shook violently in the void. Then the ship fell quickly, and many people were pale with fear.

The angry roar of monks and the roar of fierce animals could be heard faintly.