Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 902

More than 30 stones are extraordinary. Lin Feng can feel the amazing fluctuations contained in these stones.

Stones seal all kinds of treasures. The stronger the fluctuation of the sealed items, the more precious the cut things are.

This is an ordinary monk\'s method of debating stones. Of course, this method is not absolutely successful.

Lin Feng\'s skill of stone debate is to judge whether the things in the stone are valuable by sensing the fluctuation of the things sealed in the stone and combining with the sky demon snake eye.

Lin Feng swept to a piece of silvery white stone. He saw the stone wrapped in white fog. This kind of stone is called Feixian stone, which is an extremely rare stone.

Lin Feng looked at Feixian stone and his heart beat violently.

Feixian stone is very extraordinary. He feels that there seems to be something terrible in it. That feeling makes Lin Feng tremble.

Moreover, the things bred in Feixian stone are extremely murderous. Once born, I\'m afraid it will cause terrible consequences.

"How valuable is this flying fairy stone?" Lin Feng asked.

"3.12 million best spirit stones". Qilian Xun said.

Lin Feng was surprised that the price of Feixian stone was so high, which was roughly equivalent to the price of a Taoist instrument.

"Is this stone inherited from the ancient times?". Lin Feng asked.

"Yes, Feixian stone is one of several ancient stones.". Xun Dao in Qilian.

Lin Feng was relieved. No wonder Feixian stone is so terrible. It is a stone inherited from the ancient times. It is too long from now.

It is also very normal to breed some terrible things.

"Take this flying fairy stone back to the holy stone city and seal it. It\'s best not to cut it.".

Lin Feng said.

"Why?". Qilian Xun asked suspiciously.

"This stone is fierce". Lin Feng Road.

Qilian Xun frowned slightly. Naturally, he didn\'t want to hear such words.

Sealing such an ancient stone is a great loss to their Qilian family.

Lin Feng didn\'t care too much about the idea of Qilian Xun. He just said his own point of view.

He looked at the rest of the stones. Lin Feng found several very special stones. Three stones seemed to give birth to some amazing things, but Lin Feng couldn\'t see through the three stones and didn\'t know what was inside. He guessed that the three stones should also be ancient stones. Lin Feng didn\'t know whether he could cut out good things.

Lin Feng cuts stones.

He only cuts stones that he can understand.

Don\'t cut stones that you can\'t understand.

Finally, Lin Feng stopped in front of a dark blue stone. There was a blue light surging inside the stone. Although Lin Feng couldn\'t see through what was inside the blue light, he felt a magnificent force of life emanating from the blue light. This force of life shocked and moved Lin Feng.

"That\'s it, please cut the stone"!

Lin Feng pointed to the dark blue stone.

Qilian Xun nodded. He came to the stone, took out the stone cutting knife and began to cut the stone.

Except Lin Feng, everyone held their breath and looked nervously.

This piece of dark blue stone is worth 470000 yuan, which can be called the sky high price.

I don\'t know if I can cut something out.

If you can\'t cut out good things, Xun of Qilian will lose a lot this time.

The stone keeps getting bigger.

But nothing.

When the stone was only the size of a fist, nothing was cut out.

Xun\'s face in Qilian was as gloomy as water.

And those old people with white hair also whispered and looked at Lin Feng from time to time, with pity in their eyes.

Qiao Tingyu and Qiao tingyue are very nervous and worried.

It seems that this stone can\'t cut out anything valuable.

How will Xun of Qilian deal with Lin Feng?

They are very worried about Lin Feng\'s safety.

"I\'m afraid this stone will be wasted.". Xun Chensheng of Qilian said.

Lin Feng carried his hands and still had a light expression.

Many people admire Lin Feng\'s state of mind.

The boy is still so calm now.

I don\'t know what\'s going on in this guy\'s head?

Don\'t you know you\'re afraid?

Lin Feng said faintly, "cut another knife.".

Qilian Xun cut the last knife and divided the fist sized stone into two.

Suddenly, a strong breath of life escaped.

Among the stones, a drop of liquid came out.

It was a drop of emerald green liquid.

Qi Lian Xun was surprised and quickly wrapped the liquid with mana.

"Fountain of life"!

A white haired old man exclaimed, full of incredulous expressions.

"What? The fountain of life? The essence of life bred by the tree of life, the fountain of life comparable to the immortal elixir"?

Another white haired old man roared in shock.

Immortal elixir can rejuvenate people.

Such a drop of the spring of life can not reach the effect of the whole immortal medicine.

However, it also has infinite effects.

Although it is impossible to take it back to childhood, it can at least be a thousand years younger.

Cultivation, with age, the body will become weaker and weaker.

In the secular world, there is a saying that it is rare to be a man until seventy.

That is to say, people will die when they live to be seventy years old.

Because the body is too old to continue to live.

If you take the spring of life, your body will immediately improve and become young.

In addition to being able to make people younger, the spring of life also has many magical effects, such as activating the dried up divine power in the human body, prolonging life by 800 years, healing and so on.

This is the treasure beyond the holy medicine!

"Ha ha, thank you so much", Xun\'s gloomy face became very excited and even incoherent.

Lin Feng said faintly, "you don\'t have to thank me. This is what you deserve. I also got what I want. Tingyu, tingyue, let\'s go.".

Seeing Lin Feng leaving, a white haired old man quickly said, "little friend, I also have a rule here. I hope little friend can help me cut a treasure.".

The voice fell, and the old man took out a sealed law.

The old man is called Duanmu Chang. He is a strong ancestor of the Duanmu family, the first force in Yuezhou. He is a quasi giant. Although his strength is slightly worse than that of Qilian Xun, he is also an unfathomable figure.

Just one step away, you can become an eternal giant.

Lin Feng accepted the law.

He pointed to an inky stone and said, "please cut that stone, elder.".

Duan Muchang nodded and went to cut the stone. Everyone looked at him.

The stones are shrinking.

Finally, a refreshing fragrance emanated from the stone.

An inky fruit, sealed by stone.

"This is... Dragon fruit"!

Seeing the fruit, duanmuchang\'s eyes almost didn\'t stare out.

His whole body trembled with excitement.

"God, it\'s dragon fruit"!

Xun in Qilian was full of moving expression.

Dragon nine days.

Reincarnation of life and death.


This dragon fruit is a treasure of heaven and earth. It is taken by the strong at the peak of the realm of creation. When breaking through the realm of life and death, it will increase the success probability by 60%.

Monks at the peak of the realm of life and death break through the realm of reincarnation and take dragon fruit to increase the success probability by 30%.

"It turned out to be dragon fruit. This is a natural treasure that has disappeared in ancient times. Duanmuchang got dragon fruit. It seems that duanmuchang wants to break through the realm of life and death and become an eternal giant.".

A white haired old man looked at duanmuchang enviously. They are also quasi giants.

Suffer from being unable to break through.

Now, seeing duanmuchang cut out dragon fruit, each heart has five tastes and all kinds of tastes.

At this time, the people came back to God.

Lin Feng cut two stones.

It was cut out in the spring of life and dragon fruit.

The ability to argue with stones is too terrible, isn\'t it?

Even if the stone King Xuanyuan dragon is compared with it, it\'s only eighteen thousand miles away?

"It\'s amazing. It\'s really amazing. It\'s holy. Xiaoyou should be respected as the stone saint.".

Qilian Xun and others said excitedly.

They looked at Lin Feng\'s standing position, but found that Lin Feng had quietly left with two female companions.

"Go and find the little stone saint.".

These white haired old men said excitedly that Lin Feng was too young, so they added a word "small" in front of Shi Sheng.

Lin Feng was honored as the little stone saint by this group of big people.

This is similar to Lin Feng, who was honored as "little stone saint" in Nu axe City, because Lin Feng\'s skill of debating stones is really superb and extraordinary.

Qilian Xun said, "you guys, since the little stone Saint left quietly, you don\'t want to be disturbed. Won\'t the little stone Saint go to the holy stone city six months later? Let\'s find a way to collect the rules and wait for the little stone saint in the holy stone city six months later.".

"Yes, no matter how much it costs, we must find the law. At that time, please ask the little stone saint to choose the stone for us.".

A group of noble character and high prestige as like as two peas in the past, but now, like a young monk who saw a hero worshipped, it was just as hard to be self controlled as a young man.

These ancestors are talking about and looking forward to seeing the little stone saint in the holy stone city six months later.