Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 894

Ning Hanshuang was originally the strength of the realm of creation. At the beginning, it was because Lin Feng\'s sky fire restrained Ning Hanshuang\'s ice God, plus some elements of luck.

Therefore, this Zhan Ning frost joined the war. Even if Xiang Jin was killed, Lin Feng felt that it was not impossible.

Because it is very normal for friars with special physique to kill by leaps and bounds.

Although Ning Hanshuang has a certain gap with Xiang Jin in the realm of Shang Xiang Jin, her special physique is enough to make up for these gaps.

Plus Lin Feng\'s words, the probability of killing Xiang Jin will be greatly improved.

"You recover quickly, I\'ll hold them for the time being," Ning Hanshuang said.


Lin Feng nodded.

He took out the best spirit stone and quickly absorbed the pure energy in the best spirit stone to restore the mana in his body.

"Who are you? Dare to fight against the Xiang family in xuezhou? Leave quickly, otherwise you will die.".

Xiang Jin looked at ninghan frost gloomily. He wanted to threaten ninghan frost and frighten ninghan frost back.

Because now Xiang Jin also sees that Ning Hanshuang is an extremely difficult opponent, and the cultivation of the realm of creation is a special physique. Even he feels thorny.

"How dare you be so arrogant in front of me when you are dying?".

Ning Hanshuang sneered.


The ice chains are condensed and wound towards Xiang Jin.


Xiang Jin\'s sacrificial debut device wants to destroy the ice chain.

Click, click.

The Taoist weapon is really powerful, breaking ice chains.

"Hum, I\'ll kill you today!"!

Xiang Jin\'s voice was cold and quickly killed Ning Han frost.

"If you are a monk with seven or eight heaven in the realm of creation, I turn around and run away without saying a word. You are just five Heaven in the realm of creation. If you dare to speak so loudly in front of me, I also have Taoist weapons.".

Ning Hanshuang\'s indifferent voice fell and offered the Taoist instrument cold ice sword.

The cold ice sword killed the golden bell.

Bang Dang!

The loud noise came out, like the giant spirit beating the battle drum of the heaven.

The two Taoist instruments collided with each other and flew out upside down.

Ning Hanshuang and Xiang Jin continued to urge the two Taoist instruments, and the cold ice sword and the golden bell rushed to each other again.


Lin Feng absorbed the energy of more than a dozen best spirit stones and recovered 30% of his mana. He decided to seize this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to kill Xiang Jin and not let him run away.

Lin Feng first rushed to the other four experts of Xiang family. These experts are all the cultivation achievements of the peak of Yin-Yang realm.

In the outside world, it is also the strong one on the famous earthquake side.

But now they are in great trouble. Facing the attack of the ice chain, these people are tired of dealing with it.

Lin Feng knows the horror of Ning Hanshuang\'s kingdom of ice. At the beginning, he almost died in Ning Hanshuang\'s kingdom of ice.

The special constitution of ninghan frost awakens 70% of the blood force, so it is extremely powerful.

You know, now Lin Feng, the immortal blood in his body only accounts for 10% of the blood in his body.

Ning Hanshuang is almost invincible as long as he doesn\'t meet friars who grow and conquer each other.

Lin Feng rushed up and punched a Xiang family expert.

The Xiang family expert roared repeatedly, but now he was distracted by the ice chain and attacked by Lin Feng. He was unable to resolve Lin Feng\'s attack.

Lin Feng killed the Xiang family expert with one punch.

In the same way, he broke each other and killed three other Xiang family experts.

"Boy, damn you...".

Xiang Jin roared angrily. He brought more than a dozen Xiang family experts, all of whom were killed by Lin Feng, which made Xiang Jin mad.

Xiang Jin\'s eyes immediately looked at Ning Hanshuang and roared, "cheap women, it\'s you. If it weren\'t for you, this boy has been killed by our Xiang family. Go to hell.".

Xiang Jin directly burns the power of life and urges the golden bell. He wants to awaken the spirit of the golden bell.

When the Taoist spirit recovers, its power will be greatly increased.

"Hum, it\'s too late to recover.".

Lin Feng gave a sneer, directly offered to swallow the sky pot, and flew towards the golden bell.

The heaven swallowing jar began to devour the golden bell.

The heaven swallowing jar interrupted the recovery of the golden bell spirit.

The golden bell flew towards the sky swallowing jar, as if it was really going to be swallowed by the sky swallowing jar.

The golden bell struggled violently, but it couldn\'t open.

The sky swallowing jar was really powerful, and Lin Feng was also very happy, because the sky swallowing jar was much stronger than he thought.

Seeing that the golden bell was about to be swallowed up, Xiang Jin looked gloomy and quickly summoned the golden bell to fly back to him.

However, it is not easy for the golden bell to get rid of the swallowing of heaven swallowing cans.

At this time, the dense ice chains wound around Xiang Jin.

At the same time, Ning Hanshuang also killed Xiang Jin with a cold ice sword.

Xiang Jin roared to the sky and used his magic power to resist.

But his magic power was cut to pieces, and his body was pulled out by the ice chain, and then wrapped by the ice chain.

Ning Hanshuang killed Xiang Jin\'s right arm with a sword, and then took Xiang Jin\'s storage ring away.


Xiang Jin made a miserable cry.

He blasted the ice chain with his left hand, trying to break the ice chain.

But Lin Feng had rushed up and slapped Xiang Jin on the head.


Xiang Jin\'s head began to crack.

He was unwilling to roar, "how could Xiang Jin Heng die in the hands of your two young people all his life?".

"If you do more injustice, you will die. You will die unjustly.". Lin Feng sneered.


Xiang Jin\'s head exploded and died miserably on the spot.

"Lin Feng, I\'ll come to you in the future.".

Ning Hanshuang looked at Lin Feng meaningfully, then removed the ice Kingdom and flew away in the distance.

Lin Feng frowns slightly. Ning Hanshuang is a great enemy. Although they will not meet again in a short time, there will be a war in the future.

Lin Feng takes back his mind. He starts to run the immortal body to repair his injury. Soon, Lin Feng\'s injury recovers as before. He quickly flies to the transmission square.

"Xiang Jin is dead...".

Countless unbelievable eyes looked at Xiang Jin\'s headless body.


The news of Xiang Jin\'s death was sent back to Xiang\'s family in xuezhou.

First Xiang Zijie died, then Xiang Jin.

Xuezhou Xiang\'s family was furious.

The Xiang family sent out a large number of experts to find the whereabouts of Lin Feng and Ning Hanshuang.

The matter of Xiang Jin\'s life and death naturally caused an uproar. Xiang Jin is a strong man who respects the five Heaven of the realm of creation and also holds the Taoist weapon.

Xiang Jin\'s death was a great blow to the Xiang family.

Now the Taoist instrument is also lost.

Ten days later, Xiang family experts came to collect Xiang Jin\'s body.

Among the Xiang family experts, there is a young monk with a war gun behind him. He walks like a dragon and a tiger, and his whole body is filled with imperial Qi.

"Xiang halberd, the first expert of the younger generation of Xiang family, is said to be the overlord because of his cultivation ability against the strong of the older generation!"

Someone recognized the identity of the young friar with a war gun on his back and immediately talked about it.

Xiang halberd is a Super Pride famous in 3000 states.

At that time, the Tianjiao war in 3000 prefectures was almost invincible. The friars of the same rank couldn\'t breathe. It was a terrorist existence at the same level as Huangfu Qingtian.

At the city Lord\'s residence, Xiang Ji saw the bodies of Xiang Jin and his family. He walked backwards and stepped onto the nine heavens, like a young emperor.

He roared, "whoever kills my Xiang family, no matter you flee to the ends of the earth, my Xiang halberd will take your head!"