Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 893

It\'s desperate.

Can\'t resist, can only wait to die.

Lin Feng tries to communicate with the demon king, but the demon king is still in deep isolation. Lin Feng can\'t contact the demon king.


Lin Feng was extremely anxious.

But there is no way.

Jin Shengyuan is also helpless.

After all, it was an attack by imperial soldiers and stone tools.

Life and death, perhaps just the next moment, the next moment.

Just when it\'s in danger.

The fire crow suddenly giggled.

"You weren\'t born when we were in heaven and earth. If we hadn\'t been cursed by the cursed cave, we would have become gods and ancestors. Do you really think we have no way to deal with you?".

The fire crow suddenly opened its mouth and ejected a treasure.

This is a spear.

This spear is also a stone tool.

But it is different from the stone tool in the hands of the head of the Tianmo family.

Fire crow, a stone tool, emits endless curse.

"Let you taste the power of this cursed spear".

The fire crow roared and the cursed spear flew over.

The endless power of the curse escapes from the curse spear.

This treasure is the treasure that the fire crow got from the cursed cave. Now, the fire crow has used its means to press the bottom of the box.

This is the curse spear.

The evil curse of the cave made him a slave to curse the cave.

But in the long life, the fire crow also got something that others couldn\'t get.

Not just the understanding of the Tao.

Of course, there are some powerful magic weapons.

Keng Keng!

The cursed spear collides with the stone Sabre and the imperial sword continuously.

This level of magic weapon collision and the sound wave directly shocked many people to death on the spot.

It\'s terrible.

The cursed spear resists the attack of imperial soldiers and stone tools, and then tears the void.

Fire crow, Lin Feng and Jin Shengyuan entered the torn void and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"This is the cursed fire crow. It has the ability to live forever. It is said that even if it is killed, it can still be reborn by cursing the cave. Now it has the devil fruit. It hides in the cursed cave, and no one can take it.".

Many strong people are furious, but now they know that chasing fire crows is useless.

Everyone went to rob the remaining six magic fruits.

The void trembled, and the fire crow, Lin Feng and Jin Shengyuan rushed out.

"You go, fly East for ten days and ten nights, and you can leave the death swamp.".

Said the fire crow.

"Thank you, sir. I\'ll see you later.".

Lin Feng and Jin Shengyuan held fists. They said goodbye to the fire crow, so they stopped staying and flew away quickly in the distance.

Ten days later.

Lin Feng and Jin Shengyuan finally left the death swamp.

We came to the boundary of Luan.

Jin Shengyuan breathed.

Lin Feng and Jin Shengyuan came to "Jining City" in lu\'anzhou.

This is the famous ancient capital of luanzhou, where the transmission array of luanzhou is located.

After a day\'s rest in Jining City, Lin Feng and Jin Shengyuan will say goodbye.

"If you have time in the future, you must come to the gathering place of King Dapeng of our demon family to find me. Uncle will be very happy to see brother Feng.".

Jin Shengyuan road.


Lin Feng patted Jin Shengyuan on the shoulder.

They were separated.

Jin Shengyuan took the transmission array to the place agreed by him and the king of Dapeng in advance to wait for the king of Dapeng.

Lin Feng took the transmission array to "Tianyun city".

Tianyun city is the only city in luanzhou with space-time wormholes. Lin Feng has to cross 32 states to the junction of Xianzhou and Xingzhou.

Because the heaven robbery demon land recorded on the tortoise shell is at the junction of Xianzhou and Xingzhou.

But when Lin Feng came to Tianyun City, he encountered trouble. He was surrounded by more than a dozen monks.

Xiang Jin, the master of Xiang family.

The realm of creation is the strength of the five heavens, and one\'s cultivation is unfathomable.

"I finally waited for you here to see how you escaped today?".

Xiang Jin\'s voice was cold and showed endless killing intention.


The master of Xiang family didn\'t have much words. Under the leadership of Xiang Jin, he launched a siege on Lin Feng.

"Look, there are friars fighting...".

Many people screamed and quickly surrounded.

"Is that Xiang Jin of xuezhou Xiang family?".

"Yes, that man is Xiang Jin. I\'ve seen him. Who is the besieged young friar? Why besieged him?".

Many people talked about it and were very confused.

Naturally, no one was optimistic about Lin Feng in this battle. Xiang Jin\'s own strength was too strong. He also mastered Taoist weapons.

Moreover, there are more than a dozen yin-yang realm experts around to help. This battle is too difficult and almost fatal.

Lin Feng, holding the black dragon sword, rushed left and right and killed seven experts of Xiang family.

But he was also seriously injured several times, although each time he was repaired by the immortal divine body.

But the mana in Lin Feng\'s body is consuming too fast.

He felt that if he operated the undead body twice at most, his mana would be consumed.

I\'m afraid there will be only a dead end.

Xiang Jin obviously has also noticed Lin Feng\'s situation. His look becomes more and more indifferent and has more confidence in killing Lin Feng.

"That boy is the owner of special constitution and can recover quickly. I don\'t know what kind of special constitution he is?".

"What about the owner of special constitution? Now the mana in his body has been almost consumed. When the mana is completely consumed, he will die.".

Many monks pointed out that they didn\'t think Lin Feng could escape from heaven.

Lin Feng cut off three experts of Xiang family, but he was almost cut off by an expert of Xiang family.

Blood flowed out.


Lin Feng grits his teeth and runs again. The immortal spirit body recovers.

Xiang Jin smiled grimly and said, "boy, your time of death is coming.".

Xiang Jin launched a stormy attack.

Lin Feng is losing ground.

Xiang Jin cut more than a dozen deep visible bone wounds on his body, but now Lin Feng doesn\'t dare to run the immortal body.

Because he felt that his mana had been exhausted.


Lin Feng looked gloomy. Although Xiang Jin and four Xiang family experts were left here.

But now Lin Feng has a little meaning that the oil is exhausted and the lamp is dry.

"It seems that you can\'t hold on. How about we make a deal? You let me out and let\'s kill Xiang Jin together.".

At this time, the sound of Ning Hanshuang came from the four fierce tripods.

She was suppressed among the four evil tripods, but she knew many things about the outside world.

In particular, Lin Feng has experienced many things during this period, which makes her feel shocked and moved.

"How can I believe you won\'t turn back?" Lin Feng looked indifferent.

Ning Hanshuang said, "I can swear that I will not seek revenge from you within three years. If I break my oath, I will not die.".

Ning Hanshuang is a terrible woman. She is the owner of special constitution. She is cruel and ruthless. She will do anything to achieve her goal.

If she had to, Lin Feng didn\'t want to let her go.

But now it\'s time for life and death.

We must rely on the power of Ning Hanshuang, otherwise, we will die.

"OK, deal"!


Lin Feng untied the seal of the four fierce tripods.


Ning Hanshuang flew out and directly displayed the kingdom of ice, enveloping Xiang Jin, Lin Feng and four experts of Xiang family in the kingdom of ice.