Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 895

The ancient forest of fallen immortals stretches 360000 kilometers across Xianzhou, Xingzhou, Wuzhou and Yuezhou.

In the ancient forest of fallen immortals, there are endless resources and many ancient caves.

But similarly, the ancient forest of fallen immortals is in danger. There are many powerful fierce animals. If you are careless, you will die miserably in the ancient forest of fallen immortals.

Now, a great war in the ancient forest of fallen immortals is extremely tragic.

A dozen monks were surrounded by a group of blood apes.

These blood apes are cruel by nature and like to eat human flesh.

So blood apes often attack human monks who enter the fallen fairy ancient forest.

Poof! Poof!


The sound of the tearing of the flesh and the shrill scream came out one after another.

Monks are being killed.

These friars are a temporary exploration team. Many people are quite powerful, but these blood apes are more powerful.

Blood apes have opened their wisdom, can breathe and breathe, absorb the power of heaven and earth, and improve their accomplishments. Some blood apes even offer magic weapons to attack these friars.

Obviously, these magic weapons are the treasures snatched from the human friars after the blood ape killed the human friars.

"Break through". A middle-aged monk shouted in a deep voice, trying to lead everyone to break out.

But a ten meter tall blood ape King jumped out.

The blood ape king held a huge mace and directly smashed the leading friar into meat mud.

This time, the rest of the people who were still struggling to support suddenly became completely flustered.

Poof! Poof!


A monk was killed.

In the twinkling of an eye, there were only two women left.

The two women, older, looked like they were in their twenties and twenties, wearing a quenched flower dress.

She is tall and has a pair of straight and slender beauty. Her legs can definitely make any man crazy.

Another woman, about 20 years old, is a beautiful woman of the huge Ru type with small and exquisite figure but turbulent waves.

They sacrificed a defense shield together, which condensed into a defense mask to resist the attack of dozens of blood apes.

But now they both turned pale.

I\'m afraid the mana in my body won\'t last long.

The nun Xiu of Tong Yan Ju said hopelessly, "sister, are we going to die here?".

Another nun bit her lip. Although she wanted to say that if she insisted, she had hope to comfort her sister.

But now.

She really couldn\'t say these words.

Because the mana in her body is almost exhausted.

Moreover, during the successive wars, both sisters were injured. Many places on their bodies were still bleeding, and their bodies were about to lose their strength.

Click, click.

The defense light shield constructed from the defense shield has begun to crack.

Dozens of blood apes roared with excitement.

Compared with the bodies of human male monks, these blood apes prefer to devour human female monks.

Because human female friars are tender and tender, they taste much better than human male friars.

Seeing that the defense mask was about to crack and the mana in her body was about to be exhausted, both sisters showed a look of despair.


At this time, a slight sound came from the mountains and forests.

The next moment, a monk who was about 20 years old rushed out of the mountain forest in a panic.

This friar is Lin Feng.

He went into the ancient forest of fallen immortals to look for the demon realm of heaven robbery.

However, the area of the fallen fairy ancient forest is too large. He has searched for more than a month and has not found the location of the Tianjie demon realm. Three days ago, Lin Feng met a terrible animal king and was chased all the way, but now he seems to have got rid of the terrible animal king.

Lin Feng finally breathed a sigh.

"Run...". At this time, Lin Feng heard an anxious voice in the distance.

A pair of sister flowers looked anxiously here, reminding themselves loudly.

Blood apes.

Lin Feng looked at the corpses all over the ground and frowned slightly.

It should be the adventurer team who entered the fallen fairy ancient forest, but their luck was not very good. They met the blood ape group.

Blood apes are a group of bloodthirsty and terrible creatures.

The friars in the five or six heaven of yin and Yang have only a dead end when they encounter the blood ape group.

The sisters were obviously kind.

Seeing Lin Feng entering here by mistake, he quickly reminded Lin Feng to escape.

Click, click.

The prohibition of protecting sister flowers is constantly broken.

The sister flower was pale and her delicate body trembled.

The blood ape King roared and hit with a mace.


The defense prohibition is broken.

The stone stick came down with a violent roaring wind.

The sisters were full of fear and despair.

They wanted to escape, but found that their legs were as heavy as lead and could not take a step.

"Woo woo, we\'re dying...".

My sister was even more frightened and cried.

My sister also has a sad expression.

They thought they would die the next moment.

But at this time, the two sisters only felt a pair of powerful big hands around their small waist.

A strong masculine breath came to my face.


They were hugged and quickly withdrew for more than ten meters to avoid the mace smashed by the blood ape king.

"Why didn\'t you run?".

"You can\'t save us. You come here rashly and die here.".

The two sisters sighed when they saw that the young childe who had just entered here saved them.

Because they feel that the consequences of Lin Feng\'s action will only die here.

One who can escape is one.

Lin Feng said, "isn\'t it a pity that such a beautiful woman as you die here?".

The sisters came back to their senses and found that they were held in Lin Feng\'s arms. Their bodies were closely attached to Lin Feng\'s body, and they could even feel the temperature of Lin Feng\'s body.

Where did the two sisters have such close contact with men? I can\'t help blushing.

But they immediately spat at Lin Feng. It\'s time to joke.


The roar shook the sky, and the blood ape King rushed over with dozens of blood apes.

"Hurry up and leave us alone. You can escape at your speed.".

See the culled blood apes.

The sisters said anxiously.

Lin Feng smiled and waved his right hand.

The sword Qi is vertical and horizontal. Shoot out.

Poof! Poof! Poof!

The sound of tearing came out, and a blood ape was torn by the sword gas.

Even the blood ape king could not resist Lin Feng\'s sword.

The body was cut in half.

Dead on the spot.


"How is that possible?".

Both sisters have pink lips, and their beautiful eyes are full of unbelievable expressions.

Lin Feng is only about their age.


Lin Feng used only one move.

He killed dozens of blood apes easily.

This strength is too terrible?

Both sisters were deeply shocked.

They turned and looked at Lin Feng. There were colorful ripples in their beautiful eyes.