Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 890

"This is the master of the remnant of the heavenly devil, called red wood evil". Said the Raven in a low voice.

Lin Feng and Jin Shengyuan nodded. No wonder the other party looked so strange. It turned out that they were experts of the remnant of Tianmo.

It seems that the Tianmo family is much more powerful than expected. Why did the people\'s hundred saints sign an agreement with the ancestors of the Tianmo family in ancient times to confine their family in the death swamp rather than completely destroy it?

In fact, the reason is that even though the demons were defeated day by day, they were still very powerful. If you really want to destroy them, it will inevitably lead to a counterattack before death. At that time, life will be ruined and countless deaths and injuries will be caused.

"It seems that I came just in time.".

The fifth strong man appeared. This is a demon ape with two heads and wings. I don\'t know what race it is. The smell of the demon ape is no lower than that of the rest.

Another dead swamp overlord.


A 3000 meter long snake swam from a distance and finally turned into an extremely handsome man.

Big snake king, this is also a overlord.

The six strong men appeared. Without too much words, they killed the spaceship directly to the years hole.

The fire crow said, "these are the top existence of the death swamp. Even I am not their opponent.".

The fire crow is very powerful and can make the fire crow feel inferior. We can see how strong the six statues are.

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes and said, "it\'s strange that the people in the cave in these years haven\'t noticed? There\'s no reaction.".

Jin Shengyuan also felt very strange at this time and said, "is it possible that the people in the years cave are waiting for the six overlords to appear?".

"Hum, get back quickly. You can spare the second class. Otherwise, your blood will be splashed on the spot.".

At this time, the cold sound came from the spaceship in the years hole.

The strong man of the years cave found six overlords.

The golden villain said with a grim smile, "the humble creature is dying. He dares to talk in front of us. He really doesn\'t know whether to live or die.".

"You\'re just my prey.". The big snake king spits out the snake core.


The existence of the six overlords all shot. They gathered the supreme magic power and killed the spacecraft to the years hole.

Nine strikes of startling dragon.

The stone sea is surging.

thousands upon thousands of horses and soldiers -- a powerful army.

Killing thoughts is like a sea.

Buddha\'s anger destroys the world.

Tiangang split God chop.

These six overlords are really powerful. Which of their magic powers does not have the power to destroy heaven and earth?

The six supernatural powers bombed the ship directly.

Even such a powerful ship cannot resist the attack of the six overlords.

"I don\'t know how to live or die"!

But in the face of such a terrible attack, the cold sound came from the spaceship in the years hole.

That voice was full of cold killing intention.

Then a middle-aged monk in white as snow came out of the ship.

He held a long golden sword.

"A sword kills the world, a sword withers and prospers, a sword buries a hundred generations, and a sword breaks the years".


The friar in white killed the strong at the six overlord levels with a sword.

The sword Qi sweeps at the six strong men.

The sword Qi was so powerful that it broke the attack of the six overlords in an instant.

"It\'s the Emperor...".

Lin Feng exclaimed, it was a breath beyond the magic army.

It\'s a breath that makes the avenue dormant.

Only imperial soldiers can emit such a terrible smell.

Jin Shengyuan said, "it\'s the years sword! The years cave is a great emperor in the ancient times. The years sword was created by the years emperor before he ascended to the immortal world. It seems that the years emperor left his soldiers to future generations before he ascended.".

"Emperor soldier, get back...".

The existence of the six overlords screamed with horror.

No matter how powerful they are, they can\'t resist the imperial soldiers.

"If it\'s so easy for you to walk away, where should I put my face?".

The white Friar\'s voice was indifferent.

The overlord of the death swamp is still so domineering.

Indeed, it is worthy of being a Taigu force.

And it is the archaic force that controls the imperial army.

Such forces are the strongest in the three thousand prefectures of tianwu mainland.

"Years cut".


Friar in white killed him with a sword.

That sword shrouded the existence of the six overlord levels.

Time flies. How many spring and autumn years are but a drop in the ocean... One move, time cuts, and makes the existence of the six overlords age rapidly.

"Ah, my life lost three thousand years in an instant," cried the golden villain in in horror.

"Spell, spell...".

The rest of the overlords were obviously similar. They worked hard one by one, spewing out the essence blood in their bodies, and then the original essence blood added combat power to jointly resist the blow of years.

However, the sword spirit still overflowed and penetrated the bodies of the six overlords.


Then, the six overlords were injured and fled.

Blink and disappear.

The friar in white did not chase. He returned to the ship.

The ship continued to fly away.

"Is this imperial soldier too powerful?" Lin Feng was stunned.

He could feel that although the white friar was strong, his strength was still far from that of the six overlords.

However, when he was in charge of the Imperial Army, he seriously injured the six overlords of the dead swamp. This is the power of the imperial army.

It\'s really intimidating.

If the emperor soldier\'s God residence revives.

Maybe you can really "kill God".

Lin Feng asked curiously, "the emperor soldiers suppress the luck of the sect. They will never take it out unless they have to. Now the strong people in the years cave use the emperor soldiers in order to get the magic fruit. Elder, I don\'t know what the magic fruit is that day?".

Jin Shengyuan\'s eyes also looked at the fire crow.

It was also the first time he had heard of magic fruit.

So I\'m very curious.

"Do you know why the demons are so powerful?". The fire crow did not answer, but asked.

It is said that the foreign demons have the strength of reincarnation when they grow up. If their talents are a little better, they can break through the divine realm.

This race is indeed against the sky.

But Lin Feng doesn\'t know why this race is so powerful.

Lin Feng and Jin Shengyuan shook their heads.

The fire crow said, "it is because of the heavenly devil fruit. The heavenly devil fruit can shape the emperor\'s fetus. In the Dantian, the emperor\'s fetus can be cultivated like the original God villain. Once the emperor\'s fetus is formed, the strength of the heavenly devil will increase sharply. The stronger the Emperor\'s fetus is, the stronger the strength of the heavenly devil will be".

"Emperor, what is this?" Lin Feng asked.

"When you break through the realm of creation, the golden elixir of Dantian will degenerate again. At this time, it will degenerate into a holy embryo, and the emperor embryo is the most extreme existence among the holy embryos".

The fire crow said.

Hearing the fire crow\'s remarks, Lin Feng\'s eyes were hot. No wonder the devil was so powerful because he had the "emperor fetus".

If you also get the heavenly demon fruit, break through the realm of nature, and shape the holy embryo into an emperor embryo when the golden pill degenerates into a holy embryo, won\'t your strength increase wildly?