Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 889

"Finally broke through...".

Looking at the sky disaster scattered in the void, Lin Feng breathed a sigh.

What surprised Lin Feng more than the breakthrough was his self-made "supreme reincarnation fist", which unexpectedly resisted the "imperial art". It\'s really unimaginable.

"What a supreme reincarnation fist", the fire crow flew over and praised.

Jin Shengyuan also flew over and said, "brother Feng, congratulations on your breakthrough.".

"This breakthrough has really gone through difficulties.".

Lin Feng sighed and then ran the immortal body to recover the injured body.

Then Lin Feng looked at the fire crow and asked, "Sir, what the young emperor just did was imperial skill?".

"It\'s imperial art, but it\'s not imperial art...".

Said the fire crow.

Lin Feng asked suspiciously, "what\'s the solution?".

The fire crow said, "the young emperor\'s experience of creating imperial art is very similar to yours. When he was young, he suddenly realized his own Tao, and then created his own magic power, that is, the great emperor seal according to his Tao. Later, with the improvement of his accomplishments, he continued to improve the great emperor seal. When he broke through the imperial realm, the great emperor seal also completed the final transformation and became a real imperial art." !

Lin Feng said, "I see. The elder means that the great emperor\'s seal displayed by the young great emperor is the initial state of the great emperor\'s seal, which is equivalent to the prototype of emperor\'s art?".

The fire crow nodded and said, "it can be said in this way. Of course, it can be understood in another way. With the improvement of cultivation, the great emperor seal is divided into many weights. One weight is more powerful than the other. What the young emperor just displayed is the first major emperor seal, which was also the great emperor seal mastered when the young emperor crossed the first thunder robbery"!

Lin Feng said, "my supreme reincarnation fist has resisted the great seal of the young emperor. Does it mean that my supreme reincarnation fist will have the same power as the great seal in the future?".

The fire crow said, "the complete great emperor seal is an imperial skill that surpasses the ancient supernatural powers. If you can break through the imperial realm, your supreme reincarnation fist can naturally compete with the great emperor seal, and even its power may exceed the great emperor seal"!

Taoist Huo Ya is well-informed. He has seen that Lin Feng\'s way is the supreme way.

If Lin Feng breaks through the imperial realm.

Then he is the supreme emperor.

Therefore, it is quite normal for Lin Feng\'s unique skill supreme samsara fist to surpass the great emperor\'s seal.

"Emperor\'s realm! I will be able to reach"!

Lin Feng clenched his fist.


Fire crow and Jin Shengyuan continue to close their doors and refine the origin of the heavenly devil.

Lin Feng is familiar with the strength improved after the breakthrough.

This breakthrough has brought Lin Feng great benefits, not only the improvement of cultivation, but also the improvement of will and self-confidence.

The war with the young emperor made Lin Feng more determined about his supreme way.

Jin Shengyuan took the lead in refining the origin of the heavenly demons, and his cultivation was also improved from the six heaven of Yin-Yang realm to the seven heaven of Yin-Yang realm.

Jin Shengyuan is 19 years old this year, but his strength has reached the amazing realm of yin and Yang. He is worthy of being the Tianjiao of the demon family flowing with the blood of the golden winged ROC.

After Jin Shengyuan\'s breakthrough, another day later, the fire crow also woke up from the closed door. The cultivation of the fire crow is unfathomable. Therefore, Lin Feng and Jin Shengyuan don\'t know whether the cultivation of the fire crow has been promoted after refining the origin of the devil.

"Boom...". At this time, there was a loud noise in the distance.

A huge spaceship rolled over the sky.

Lin Feng said in surprise, "there is a spaceship entering the death swamp. What force\'s spaceship? So bold?".

"Years cave, this is the spaceship of Tianzhou years cave," Jin Shengyuan said.

He recognized the sect logo on the ship.

Tianzhou is definitely a thunderous state.

There are three thousand states in tianwu mainland.

Tianzhou is the top ten state.

Tianzhou has the largest number of Taigu forces. It is said that there are five Taigu forces in total.

You know, there are only two archaic forces in the 72 northern states, namely, the longevity Hall of leaders and the pretty Temple of evil leaders.

As a land of one state, Tianzhou has five ancient forces, which shows how powerful Tianzhou is.

The years cave is one of the five forces in Tianzhou.

"Tianzhou is hundreds of states away from the death swamp. Even if you take the wormhole, it will take several years to cross the state. Why did the friars of the years cave come to the death swamp?".

Lin Feng wondered.

"For the devil\'s fruit," said the fire crow.

"Demon fruit? What\'s this?" Lin Feng asked.

"It is the holy thing of the remnant of the devil"!

The fire crow\'s eyes are faint.

"The remnant of the heavenly demons, there are indeed the remnant of the heavenly demons. Are they the descendants of the hidden heavenly demons who escaped seriously after the medieval turmoil?". Lin Feng asked in surprise.

"Medieval turmoil?". The fire crow skimmed his mouth and said, "The demons of heaven have many branches. All the demons in the medieval turmoil have been killed. The descendants of the demons of heaven are the descendants of the demons left in the tianwu continent during the ancient war of demons. This family is extremely powerful. However, their ancestors made a blood oath that the demons of heaven will never leave the death swamp. Otherwise, the fate of heaven will fall and the demons of heaven will be damned." 。

"Hissing......". Lin Feng and Jin Shengyuan took a breath.

This oath is too poisonous.

Jin Shengyuan asked, "why did the ancestors of the demon family make such a poisonous oath?".

Fire crow Road: "The turmoil of gods and demons in ancient times affected countless star regions. The God of war died and Demons died. I don\'t know how many creatures died. Tianmo family is the royal family of the demon family. It is extremely powerful, but it also suffered heavy losses in this war. Later, Tianmo family Royal family has a branch and came to tianwu continent. They want to unify tianwu continent as their own planet for recuperation, but tianwu continent should be At that time, the strong came out in large numbers. The human race hundred saints were born successively, and the demons retreated day by day. Finally, they signed such a treaty with the human race hundred saints, that is, the remnant of the demons can never leave the death swamp ".

I see.

Lin Feng and Jin Shengyuan nodded.

In ancient times, it was one of the most brilliant times in tianwu continent. Indeed, there were many terrible strong men, and the human race hundred saints were the best representatives.

No matter how powerful the devil is.

It can never be the opponent of the Terran 100 saints.

Because, the human race hundred saints can not only be called "great" in ancient times.

Even in the long river of history, it can be called great.

In the distance, the spaceship in the years hole quickly ran over the sky.

The fire crow sneered and said, "the years cave underestimates the death swamp. It brazenly urges the spacecraft to fly above the death swamp. Just wait and see. These people in the years cave will encounter big trouble. Let\'s hide in the dark to watch the play.".

Fire crow, Lin Feng and Jin Shengyuan flew away and hid in a dense forest.

Hissing law

The sound of the war horse\'s neighing came out.

In the distance, three stone horses rushed with chariots, on which stood the stone man.

Seeing the stone man fire crow driving the stone horse, Lin Feng and Jin Shengyuan didn\'t dare to make a sound for fear of being found.

The terrible creature that exists, but is as powerful as a flamingo.

"You can hunt today", a cold voice came, and the golden villain rushed.

The bones and creatures holding the sword also flew in, with a murderous spirit, "I like delicious flesh and blood".

"This is really a feast." the swamp cracked and a terrible creature with six heads and 18 arms came out.

"My God, what kind of race is this?" Lin Feng took a breath when he saw the creature.

There seemed to be more terrible creatures in the death swamp than he thought.

These terrible creatures have appeared, and the people of the age cave have not found them yet.

I\'m afraid all the people in the years hole will be destroyed, right?